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Crazy airport delays recently! My daughter is flying to Denver for the Fourth. I hope that she won’t experience the flight cancellations and delays that are happening right now.


Yes, Panama City Beach. We went there every summer growing up. My dad grew up in that area.

Riptides are dangerous. When the double red flags are blowing, people need to stay out of the Gulf of Mexico.

Need - very sad. I was once in a strong current and it was very scary fighting to get to shore. It's not the same as a rip tide but still dangerous. I never swam there again.

That had to be frightening, Golden. I haven’t experienced any kind of dangerous current. I went tubing down the river in Tickfaw, Louisiana with my friends when I was younger.

I had a friend who was a world traveler. He came to Louisiana from France with barely any money.

He ended up being a chef in local restaurants. He had big dreams.

Oh, how I miss him. That French accent! His beautiful adventurous spirit always made me smile.

Anyway, eventually he invested in two businesses. Both were successful and he loved traveling all over the world.

He died white water rafting in Ecuador. When the boat turned over he immediately rushed to save his son. He was able to save his son but lost his life in the process.

Need: I may have misled you on the vase. It was more of the way the florist packaged the vase in a type of square-ish cardboard container that allowed for a snug fit on the vase. You're welcome.

That is good that you can report bad roads/pot holes. I presently have a bunch of things reported using see click fix 311.


Oh, I misunderstood what you meant.

Well, I learned about vases that are difficult to tip over. It was interesting. The article that I read showed how museums display their valuables so they are stable.

Need: That was on me. The florist configured the flower in a bud vase with a cardboard container.

Code red for tomorrow near Baltimore - air quality poor for everyone and not just sensitive groups.

Llama - take care and stay indoors. The smoke is nasty!


What a thoughtful and smart florist! I love when businesses serve their customers well.

Need: Watching a tv show about LA roads on Science channel called Engineering Catastrophes - Holes From He double toothpicks. Maybe you can watch it.


I’ll look for it.

I started watching 'Take care of Maya'
Its a documentary on Netflix. Quite interesting

Ever taken a nap and woken up completely confused? It’s only happened twice in my life. Some years ago I had a nap, woke up and had really no idea where I was. And today I had a nap, woke up and really thought it was tomorrow morning already! Actually, it was a 30-minute nap that felt like 19 hours.

I found Take Care of Maya interesting as well.

Of special interest is that the ketamine treatment is so very dangerous, done only in Mexico, can in fact be deadly, and that the girl has recovered to the place she is today WITHOUT IT.

I honestly don't know what to say about all this. I worked with people from Poland and from Russia. They are very adamant and forthcoming in their manner of speech and westerners unfamiliar with them can easily become offended with their "style" at times. I also think the Mom despite her training wasn't cognizant of just what can happen here. Thought she was in a more "free" country than she was.

A tragedy. And as the newspaper woman said, these cases are often not black and white.
Certain the doctor that said the child should be taken from the mom, and the nurse who watched over her came across as EXCEPTIONALLY unpleasant women.

It is disturbing that this seems now still to be so obsessively eating up the lives of these sweet kids.

VERY INTERESTING Catskie, I agree.


I find that I need to be fully awake after sleeping, before I speak to anyone.

If someone talks to me and I am not completely awake, I won’t remember a thing. Especially, if I fall back asleep before getting up.

My husband tells me about conversations that he had with me when I wasn’t fully awake that I have absolutely no recollection of.

He now writes notes and places them on the kitchen counter if it is something important.

I think the scariest thing that I can remember about sleep is that many years ago I experienced sleep paralysis. That’s extremely weird!

Occasionally, I walk in my sleep. Only once that I can recall. I woke myself up and that is very confusing. I didn’t understand what was happening. The tip of my finger touched the blade of a fan and the thump woke me up. I was a young girl. My mom put extra locks on the doors so I wouldn’t walk outside. LOL 😆

Years ago, we lived in a townhouse, the bedroom was upstairs and I was continually sleep walking. My husband was terrified that I would tumble down the stairs. Of course, I never remember any of it happening because I am sleeping.

Need: You're very welcome. I had seen that television show before, but it described perfectly what you were telling me about your bad roads. It also encompassed some humor.

venting: No, because I can never take naps - I would never fall asleep.

As an offside - I slept walk as a child, down a flight of stairs and shut off a tv.

Need: You sleep walk? I did as a child.

Venting~waking from a nap confused Is a strange feeling.
Need~ Omg sleep paralysis is a creepy feeling! Mine is under control w/medication thank God. Hope everyone is doing ok


Yes, occasionally I have been told that I sleepwalk. I don’t think it is as much now as when I was younger.

I think the talking in my sleep is due to my dreams.


The sleep paralysis is truly strange!

I have my grand dog with me. My daughter went to see her friend in Denver.

It’s funny, her friend has a golden lab who was friends with my daughter’s dog. When the dog sees her he expects to see his buddy too.

It’s amazing how strong bonds become with animals. I still miss my greyhound. He was a fantastic dog. I’m grateful that he lived to be 13 years old. My little schnauzer lived to be 13 too. She was cute but she was a handful!

Need: Be careful sleepwalking.

My town is celebrating an anniversary today as well as Canada day and I can honestly say the people who run things have no idea how to put on a celebration, it's been well beyond lame and into embarrassing territory.
Worst. Party. Ever.

My nephews wife is in the birthing center being induced. Big baby and momma is very uncomfortable. She has crohns disease.


My oldest daughter has Crohn’s disease. It’s awful!

I hope that everything will go as smoothly as possible for your nephew’s wife.

It’s so hot 🥵! We are dog sitting for our daughter’s beautiful Siberian husky. She’s visiting her friend in Colorado.

He has that double fur coat. I feel so bad for him. We bring water along on his walks and have a big bowl of water inside for him. He’s sprawled out on the tile kitchen floor trying to cool off.

I know he’s going to be so excited to get back to Colorado. My daughter is planning to move back to Denver in less than a year. He loves the snow and the cold weather.

At the dog park. This is the only time that we can take the dog out, early in the morning and late in the evening.


Is your niece and baby okay? Boy or girl?

Amelia Earhart’s plane went down on this day in 1937. So long ago. There are theories but no one really knows what happened.

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