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Okay, I want to hear everyone say, “Geaux Tigers! We are in the Peach Bowl with Oklahoma. We want to win the national championship!!!

LSU is doing well! Will be interesting if we end up playing Ohio. Ohio’s loss of the quarterback they didn’t want is our gain! He deserves the Heisman!

63 LSU 28 Oklahoma

Geaux Tigers!!!

Finally, Roku has PBS available in my area. Two sisters have a Tiffany lamp that mom has purchased years ago, now worth $200,000.00! Love the Antiques Roadshow!


We did it too. We actually entered a contest to win free Antiques Roadshow tickets and won the tickets.

We brought my husband’s guitar that he received as a gift from his grandfather. My husband was selected to be featured on the show. The guitar is worth approximately $8,000.00.

The show was a lot of fun!

You did great with your lamps.

My husband’s friend was featured a few years back. When his grandparents died each of the grandchildren were allowed to pick an item from their estate.

He selected a gothic chess table. He had the most valuable item of the show. That table was worth more than his house was! He told my husband that he hoped his sister did not see the show! He wasn’t going to see it. He loved that chess set and table since he was a child and it held enormous sentimental value to him.

Our neighbors across the street went out of town for Christmas & my daughter has been feeding their cats all week. They came home today & brought us a marionberry pie from a famous bakery in Oregon and OMG! It is delicious! I’ve never even heard of a marion berry LOL! But good heavens this pie is amazing! Just used my google degree and it looks like Marion berries are a blackberry that grow in Oregon. No wonder I’ve never heard of them. I’ve never been to Oregon!

NHWM, not my lamps, unfortunately.

Maybe this chess table? In NO, so right area.


Yes, that’s it. The original appraisal was $175 thousand. Geeeeez. according to the latest estimate it dropped down to $90 thousand. Still, a nice inheritance from his great grandfather.

It’s amazing how the prices fluctuate.

Don’t you wish we could find a hidden gem like some people do at garage sales? I’ve seen shows where they bought a painting and it’s worth a fortune and they only paid a dollar for it! People often don’t know the value of something.

I do love that show and have watched it for years.

Walmart and Amazon sell a Dickerson's Marion Blackberry jelly that's out of this world too. We like it spread across butter on homemade biscuits. I first purchased it at a Cracker Barrel. I even give jars of this stuff as Christmas presents... Not quiet as good as the home made blackberry jelly Mom and I made from blackberries picked on my grandfather's farm, but very close.

Thanks TN,

Blackberry is my favorite!

Thanks Madge, Took me a long time but I finally learned doing much of anything else is a waste of of time.

TnTechie, my local non hill sells dickinsons jams.....I’ll have to look for the blackberry jelly/jam!

Blackberry jam on warm croissants

anyone want to give me a wake up call at 5 am so I can make it to the DMV ? Some nights it feels like I'm just falling to sleep about that time

DMV hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed on Weds Jan. 1st.
Are these legit?

A few DMVs open at 7 am - got there a few minutes before and line was already wrapped around the building but it moved steadily and I was all done by 8:40 am - would have been sooner had I filled out the renewal app online

picked up donuts and coffee and headed to hoca for breakfast with the Viking

what a fun way to spend a day off work 😆

Send- Just wondering if you remembered DH birthday on the day?

Who is dH?🤦‍♀️

Oh, that was two days ago, and he is still claiming his "Birthday month".

How was your birthday? Did you sleep in?

Ha ha Smeshque, people wrote to me and reminded me! Thanks for asking!

MsMadge, did you see the kiosk? If your business there can be handled at the kiosk, it is fast!

I did get to sleep in a bit on my birthday.
It was a good day.
I learned how if I truly think about it, everyday is my birthday. I am so blessed, and God has been so good to me.
First birthday I did not cry.
Didn't really want a birthday meal, I really just wanted some taco bell. A black bean Quesarito, no nacho cheeese, no rice, extra black beans, and a side of avacado ranch.( they did away with my favorite power menu veggie burrito :(
So that was my birthday meal. And a chocolate frozen yogurt Sunday from Braums.
I jumped on the trampoline and just tried to be thankful for everything.
Probably the best birthday, well maybe ever.

Happy Birthday, Smeshque! 🎈🎂🍦

Happy birthday Smeshque 🎂🎈

Can’t use the DMV kiosks for Real ID and Vision test and photo

two different people looked at all my Real ID paperwork which includes

proof of residence (two forms)
social security number (W2 or actual card)
Passport, original birth certificate or certified copy

Do we have to get a "Real ID?"

Thank you Ms. Madge, and NHWM

Real ID will be needed to board a plane ✈️ even domestically or you’ll have to carry a passport

otherwise your DL will be stamped federal limits apply 😳

MsMadge, it’s the same here, I had to show the same documents and they were reviewed by 2 people. And yet I still got one of those dang DMV letters alleging I hadn’t provided 2 forms of address verification! SMDH.

California has DMV kiosks-we have 2 in my city, one is at the DMV the other is at a grocery store on the bad side of town. You can’t use them for anything related to a drivers license, ID card or real ID. They can only handle vehicle registration, address changes and submitting proof of insurance.

On my mind...I am a horrible daughter. I yelled at my mother for getting oil all over my new stove. I just lots it. How does someone scream at their mother who is old and has dementia? I mean really...I try so hard to be a good person and yet I lost it...I am awful!!! I know I made her feel bad and she went to sleep early and I don't know if it was because of me or she was just tired! I have been pretty short with her lately. What is wrong with me?😢

There was oil all over your lovely new stove. Aaaaarrrrgggghhhhh! It wasn't surprising that you felt like that about it, it's just that you spilled some of the aaarggghhh onto your poor mother. If she remembers it or seems upset or subdued in the morning, apologise (just about having been cross with her, don't mention the oil) and give her extra reassurance.

I don't think being infuriated about an infuriating mess means there is anything wrong with you, does it? Wouldn't it be superhuman not to have a paddy about it? You'd have been just as cross (and just as unreasonably so) if it had been the cat who did it.

Shell, you aren’t a terrible daughter at all. You are allowed to get angry with your mother. If it helps, think of it as getting angry at the dementia. You didn’t get angry at your mother, you got angry at the dementia. There’s nothing wrong with you. It is HARD taking care of an aging parent let alone one with dementia. Please don’t beat yourself up!

I got annoyed with my mom on Christmas night and I still feel horrible. The kids & I went and picked her up at her hotel after she went to take a nap. I pulled in to our driveway and told her to be careful when she opened the door, because the basketball hoop is right there. And of course, she opened her door and the door of my brand new $63k car hit the basketball hoop. She felt just awful. Thank god there was no dent because hubby would have killed me. And I got short with mom after she opened the door and said “well I did it”. and she could tell I was upset! It was totally my fault too. And my husbands. I don’t know why he doesn’t move that damn thing. High winds knocked it down on to the Honda in October and shattered the mirror and left a black mark on the door (a week before I totaled it!). And now here we are parking an expensive SUV next to it! Anyway she has mobility issues and is on oxygen and she has to grab her purse and her oxygen concentrator & it’s tubing when she gets out and the tubing and purse strap get tangled so what I should have done is had her wait for me to come around & help her out. She doesn’t like me to help her, she doesn’t like depending on others and she never wants to burden anyone & I respect her independence but this one is really my fault and I should have helped her! I should have at the very least gone over and held the door. And I too can’t believe I chose to get mad rather than just say “no worries mom, it happens”. Why didn’t I just say that?

Shell, just tell yourself you’ll do better next time. And hold yourself to it. That’s what I am going to do. Not gonna let anything annoy me and make me mad anymore when it comes to mom.

Shell- If it was you, young and careless, who spilled oil all over your mother's kitchen, she probably would have lost it and screamed at you just as much if not more, and them made you clean it up. Nothing is wrong with you. With dementia, she probably won't remember it tomorrow. Just breathe and forgive yourself.


You are one of the sweetest people on this forum! You are not a terrible daughter. You’re a wonderful daughter.

Don’t you think it was more of a knee jerk reaction? I do. We all have those moments. Your mom knows that you love her. Give her a hug and kiss tomorrow and you will feel better.

It’s hard to be a caregiver. Really hard. Forgive yourself. I am not going to let you be overly hard on yourself. You always picked me up when I was down and I hope that I can help somewhat.

You have a big heart and that’s why this hurts you so much. It probably bothers you more than your mom.


Thank you NHWM, Polarbear, Worried, Countrymouse you guys are the best and I just love all of you and thank you for your support.

NHWM, you are probably right that it was a knee jerk reaction and the fact that I haven't been sleeping very good for weeks. Although, I am not sure if my mother knows that I love her because she has hurt me so much in the past 3 yrs that now I just have a wall around me and I don't tell her much of anything. But I will tell her later today that I do love her and that I am sorry. Most the time I do feel like I am a bad I can't do anything right!

Polarbear you are so right! I once spilled dish soap all over the floor when I was about 8yrs old and she not only yelled at me but she beat my a$$ & I had to help her clean up the mess. I am trying to tell myself that I am just human and I had a human reaction. She may not remember it at all. Thank you for your point-of-view. God it helps!

Worried, I wasn't home when she did it and she said that she tried cooking some eggs. I am going to buy her those egg cups that you add an egg into this breakfast cup and put it into the microwave. My sig other really likes them. But you are right too. She has done this before on the old stove so I should have planned ahead. And that is my fault. I also wonder why didn't I just cleaned up the mess and let it go. I will do better next time!

Countrymouse, I would have been just as upset if my cat did it. But for some reason I think I might have gotten over it sooner because it was a cat. I think sometimes I forget that my mother is a whole different person now. That her brain really is broken! The stove is only a few weeks old (very expensive) and my mother has never respected me or my things. I guess, I was thinking she just did this to be mean, but now I see she probably really didn't mean to do it. The one thing I am not is superhuman!

Thank you all for helping me see that am just human and I can make a mistake and it doesn't make me an awful person...just a human being. I will have a talk with her today and no I won't bring up the oil mess. I am not sure if she will even remember. Her and I can come up with a plan so she can have her eggs and keep the new stove intact.

Much Hugs to all of you! God all of you are just so awesome!

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