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Way, I think us caregivers are a lot more education about aging, and not wanting to stress are loved ones. Sometimes I feel greatfull for that knowledge, others times I think 🤔, ignorance would be bliss.

It may not help your MIL, but you don't have anything to loose. Good luck, let us know how it goes


This is true . We have learned from watching our parents that a longer life does not equate to staying spry until we die . This is what my in laws assumed . But modern medicine does not stop aging , it just pushes back the date of death .

I will first ask MIL what her plans are , see if she’s even able to come up with a plan for when she can’t get up the stairs or drive . I know she can’t use a computer or smart phone . I did research and there is a service she could call on the phone to get an Uber to come .

If she is still in denial of how she is deteriorating physically ( she has CLL has lost a lot of weight ) , then I will point blank tell her that her mobility is getting worse and see what she says .

Her standard answer is usually that she wouldn’t want to live in a facility . This time I will push to see if she can even plan how to stay at home then .

Without POA we can’t do anything anyway except call DMV about a drivers test . We have no idea who her doctors are . If she has dementia , I’m sure she showtimes well . We could ask her for the name of her primary saying for emergencies just to have the number I guess , perhaps we could mail a letter to him/her.

I here ya way, it so hard just waiting and wondering when the dreaded phone call is going to happen.

I'm in a similar situation, my brother is poa, but works 2 high demanding jobs, and has major 911 related health issue
So his mind is not in being POA and my hands are pretty much tied. I tried to talk to him but that didn't go well.

So here I am trying to do the best I can in a crappy situation, of worry.
And my mothers stubborn and her congitive decline is to far to reason with her

I think the joy comes a few days after it is done.
Prayers for a good outcome!
You are braver than me.


I am glad you’re going. I always did the home tests. Mine showed blood so I had to go in and they removed a bleeding polyp.

My husband also did the home testing. I asked him to schedule a hospital visit and he had three polyps.

It’s better to stay on top of things.

Wishing you well.


Your MIL is challenging. I hope she will be cooperative with you and your husband.

Need ,
I don’t need anymore challenges , and I’m not betting money on cooperation . She will not want to give up the car . She’s very controlling , she will look at it as losing control .

I’m going to ask her what are her plans since she can barely walk . She will deny any problems. I will point blank tell her that she is declining .


She’s going to be a handful. You’re handling it the best way.

You can’t reason or negotiate with her. It’s a safety concern. Of course, she won’t see it that way. You’ll be the bad guy.

I was fortunate that when the doctor told my parents that they couldn’t drive anymore they didn’t argue about it.

I have friends who had to take the keys away from their parents and it became an extremely stressful situation.

Your MIL can’t get around anymore without help. It’s sad and very dangerous for her to remain where she is.

I realize that none of us want to face what she is but it happens and we have to deal with it appropriately.

I’m so done with stubborn old people . For Christ’s sake , just give up the car !! And use Uber . My pleasant grandmother gave up driving long before Uber , she took taxis . We used to buy her gift tickets for taxi rides for her birthday and Christmas . She was fine with it . She used to request the same driver for years . She used to call ahead and scheduled her taxi for doctor appts , shopping , the bank , hair appointment .


My grandma was so sweet too. We were lucky to have them in our lives. They were sweet when they were young and remained sweet.

I find that if a person was always mean then they remain mean as old people.It’s sad.

Your right way, I think that is the most baffling the stubbornness. Lack of common sense, and not even to be able to compromise, or explain to them , things like why your upset because you worry about them doing laundry in the basement, and doing the laundry on the one day no one is there to do it for her.

Or needing new hearing aids, and having new car in the garage , that has only 5,000 miles on it never gets used. But won't sell, and won't let you take her to the doctors to save wear on your car with her car because it because she is saving it , for???? And spends 100s a week at dollar general. But hearing is not important

Lol reading all this I'm like no wonder I get so frustrated, and have seriously backed off the last few weeks. I just can't watch it anymore. But have no power to change anything.

Anxiety .
Lol. True story ….I bought my current car during Covid , a 3 year old used car that had 4,000 miles on it . Best buy ever .

Exactly , the stubbornness to not change a few ways they do things , like you said the laundry etc . No grab rails because “ they are ugly “ . Not using a walker even after multiple falls and multiple trips via EMS to the ER and Scans because she’s on blood thinners .

Well way, we are not alone! ☺️

She won’t use a walker but she’s ok with all the radiation she’s getting from brain scans after her falls. 🙄

Well that makes sense (Not) 😂 same with the hand rails not looking good.

I will say way, it felt really therapeutic to vent all that out today.

CW I hope your scopy went well.

I've never had one. I do that poo sample thing and so far it's been clear. I've always wondered how that replaces a colonoscopy though cause even if your fecal sample shows no blood that doesn't necessarily mean you have no polyps right?


You are correct. My husband had three polyps removed and none of his were bleeding.

I thought so Need. Where I live they won't send you for a colonoscopy unless you have a history of colon cancer in your immediate family. We don't have that but both my parents had cancer. My mom was a breast cancer survivor and my dad died of pancreatic cancer. I would think with that history if I wanted a colonoscopy, (not that one wants that) they would send me for one. But I was having gastro problems last year and my doc wouldn't even send me to a gastroenterologist.

cw: Good luck.

cw, hoping for the all clear before and after . 😬. You do get a nice deep nap out of it and lose 5 lbs temporarily .


That’s odd that your doctor wouldn’t send you to a gastroenterologist. My doctor is very thorough but if she questions anything she doesn’t hesitate to send me to see a specialist.

Also, once a person hits a certain age they don’t recommend doing a colonoscopy on them, so one should be done sooner. My younger brother had colon cancer. He kept pushing me to get a colonoscopy.

The procedure itself is nothing. The prep is the most uncomfortable part.

The easiest surgery that I have ever had was my cataract surgery. It was virtually painless and over in 15 minutes!

Need, my doctor is odd. LOL

I'm on the waiting list for a new doc. Family doctors are difficult to come by here in Vancouver where I live. A lot of people rely on the hospital emergency or walk-in clinics. So while I don't care for my doc I figure at least I have one. I used to have a great doctor but she retired early.

Gurshen, I've heard there is a shortage of GPs in Canada. I feel like US has switched to nurse practitioners more and more.

Yeah, so many in Vancouver complain about drs shortage.
What’s going on?
I have dr who is also my husband’s dr and it takes two weeks to make appointment.
Very good doctor, his partner or cousin working with him is nurse practitioner, actually he is a doctor from Israel. And excellent one, compassionate, understanding, knowledgeable.
Why is he waiting years for his medical license is beyond my understanding, there is evident shortage of doctors.
All I hear is how they should speed things up.

No doctors in town here either. Though one clinic said they were hoping to bring in a new dr and to call once a month for a chance to get one. I have to go to the next town for one but haven't yet . There are pharmacies with a virtual dr. to renew prescriptions. That's my plan for now.

Where is our cwillie?
We need reassurance that all went well "in the end".

Way: Good grief - your MIL is more than a handful! I wish you luck.

On my mind...

I'm not a big small talker, I get it older people that's what they do. I will have coffee with my husband 72 somedays it goes into rambling about nothing, he could do that for hours, in the winter, who is related to who? ECT ........

Then I go to moms, and I let her ramble for ever

Then I come home and my autistic like step son is leaving for work and he will stop and start his small talk.

Then he goes to work and I'm back to my husbands small talk.

I've learned how to walk away. Today my husband was rambling and I was putting my shoes on. I told him I'm taking a walk but if he wants to keep chatting up a storm you can come with me. Lol

But it's really exhausting somedays

Anxietynacy, I also have a husband who can just ramble away. Just keeps going and going. Now that we spend all our time together it can be a lot.

His gift of gab comes in handy right now. He comes with me to the NH everyday when I visit my parents. After my cursory hellos and listening abiut their latest issues I turn him loose to talk to them and he talks and doesn’t stop, just keeps going, it’s just a steady stream of small things. . He can make small talk so incredibly small. He keeps the conversation going with them. It’s truly a talent. 😂

My parents seem to enjoy his visits, probably more than mine.

Oh that's a good one house flower,. 🤪 😁

He is exhausting me today! I think we all are in need or some better weather here, we will get it but it's taking to long!

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