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When is she due?

You’re going to be a wonderful grandmother!

Rest in peace Donald Sutherland. Great actor!

Awww, Pam that's so exciting! And a little stressful, but a good stress

They had scheduled her to be induced next Thursday as she is high risk and on blood thinners. Thank you for your kind words!

Oh Pam, WOW!!!! Grandma in waiting! Prayers for all to go well for mother, baby and father, and grandma, Keep us updated.

Forgive me, Pam. I see now that you said when she was going to be induced.

It’s getting close! I am sure she is ready for this baby to be born.

Needs, thinking of you, don't forget to take care of yourself.

We are due for some really nasty weather, today. Hopefully it all misses us!

We are in a tornado watch till 8 pm. Putting my plants in batting down the hatches. 😆

Thankfully all the nasty weather went around us here, I wouldn't mind a little bit of rain though.

Cwillie, that's good, we had one round, no damage near me, one more round coming in like an hour

Well I am a MIMI!! DDs water broke the night I posted, and BB was born yesterday morning at 651.. a few hiccups along the way but all good now! 30 plus hours of labor and 4 hours of pushing. He is adorable, and hopefully they get to come home tonight once he gets his circumcision and waits his 2 hours. ( and poops! ) They are looking forward to their own bed! i was a zombie when I got home,, took a way to short 2 hour nap and a bath then back in. They all looked better today! And a real nights sleep helped me too! His name is Brady, and he has a full head of black hair. Like his Mama and Dad

Pam , awww Congratulations!!! So awesome, and the weighting is over!

Congratulations, grandma Pam. Welcome to the world Brady!!! So glad for the good news that all are well. What do you want him to call you?

We'll be Mimi and Pappy! mimi is a family thing, so I'm going with it!

Congratulations MIMI Pam!!!! To Pappy too!!

A Happy day, Pam. So glad for all!

pamz: Congratulations, Mimi!

Such exciting news.
Just the memory of the scent of a newborn little head eases all tension. What a treasure. 🥰

Curious, has anyone used meta AI its on my Instagram now. It's really strange, asked it a few questions, just for giggles, then i realized I'm talking to a thing not a person. It felt like I was chatting with an old friend. Was kinda creepy

Pamz ,
Congrats . Glad all are healthy .

I'm supposed to be flying with WestJet on Saturday, a strike sounds imminent 😟😯😧

Thinking of you, needshelp! Hope things are going ok

Having a terrible day. (Not looking for solutions from the forum. Just need to vent).


I here ya venting, things haven't been great for me either. I'm trying to make the best of it. I'm trying to let myself be upset when I feel it then put all the BS out of my mind, sometimes it's easier than others.

I'm actually wondering if this is what bi polar feels like. Up- down, Up-down

Thanks for your words Anxietynacy!
Thanks for your enormous hug Way!
And thanks to everyone else also for your support!

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