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Thanks for your words Anxietynacy!
Thanks for your enormous hug Way!
And thanks to everyone else also for your support!

Moms back is a little better today, started pregnazone yesterday am.

When i called she so much better, still hurts but she got some sleep and was able to get her breakfast.


Ice cream 🍨 🍦 , that's what's on my mind

Fresh fruit does not seem to be sweet this year ,
I should stick to Oreos , no surprises . They always taste the same.

Lol Im sitting on my deck eating chester Cheetos puffs. 🤗

I love my she-deck. Got some more landscaping to do around it where my pool was but it makes me 🤗

I should be cleaning, but cleaned at moms this morning, and it's too nice for being inside

Well I am home again, no trip for me ✈️😞

I'm sorry Willie 😔

cwillie - Crud!

Seems so many friends struggled through the latter half of June. Overwhelmed, frustrated and sad.

Today is a holiday in my country and we enjoyed the afternoon outdoors with my best friend and her daughter. Lunch and a swim. I also made pie. We chatted, laughed and decompressed. Much needed.

I hope things improve for all of you.


Stupid West Jet!

My hubs works for an airline. Not West Jet. But he shared office space with a lot of West Jet employees. Not much nice to say about their work culture there.

Sorry you had to cancel your trip.

This trip seemed doomed from the start, we had originally booked with the airline that went bankrupt this spring (Lynx?) after that it was either West Jet or even pricier Air Canada...flying in this country is insane. At least we were able to cancel almost everything so shouldn't be out too much money.

My work never ends, yesterday I had be a navigator so my husband and his friend could pick up an old truck on a flat bed in Massachusetts. My whole body hurts sitting in the backseat of a diesel truck, my ears are still humming.

This morning back to moms, home to clean a little, water plants, flowers, feed birds , tonight is boccie. At least it's not my turn to cook.

Hoping to be able to sit and read outside a little before boccie

A hug from me, venting.

Happy Forth y'all!! 🎉💥🌞😍

Ughhh, mom has an appointment at one, POA brother is in Maine with exhusband. I'm hopping they say she can't be alone and they are going to have to bring there butts home!

Man I want to tell them off. Instead I'm venting it here , because I don't want to deal with them.

The doctor gave mom a shot of Motrin ( I guess) supposed to help for 24 hours. And she is suppose to go to pain management.

But they said they have done all they can do, and she is going to have to go to ER if the pain gets unmanageable again

Anxiety ,

An ER trip that results to a hospital admission is your chance to pass the baton to POA as it should be .
Do not bring Mom home . Let POA figure out where Mom goes . Tell POA Mom needs to be placed , you are done .

Way, great minds think alike 😜

Nacy -could be a good opportunity.

Well, I finally made it to a doctor here. His receptionists/nurses were kind, and caring and professional. The doctor was OK - careful, and straightforward. I am good with him. But there are two problems. The clinic is in E'ton and there is much road construction in the area. I went in a circle till I found them. And the other thing is that they are a walk-in clinic so everyone and their dog was there, crying baby, snuffling, coughing people. Not so good. The construction will pass eventually, but the walk-in nature will not. And they are rushed off their feet with too much work as there aren't enough drs here.

But these days there isn't much to choose from. There is a dr closer to me and I will try him in a while. His office is on the edge of E'ton only 20 mins away and seemingly not so busy. It might work!

Golden, I'm glad your getting some where's. I'm sorry I can't remember are you in Canada?

Proud Canadian, yes!!!! 🍁

Oh good, I thought so but wanted to be sure. I've heard that your health care system was broken. Wow I never expected it to be that bad. I'm so sorry

There are delays in the states too . Some areas worse than others .

Im on a 6-9 month waiting list for skin scratch allergy tests so I can get allergy shots , I already know I’m pretty much allergic to air at this point .

Way, yeah your right there are!

I wouldn't say our health care is broken. Mother had great care at no cost to any of us. but we do have a grave shortage of doctors in Northern Alberta at this time.

It concerns me that they are so rushed at that clinic. Seems to me more mistakes could be made. But they do seem very competent. They took my blood pressure height, weight and blood sugar right off the bat, Never had my blood sugar taken in a doctor's office before. I think it is a good idea.

Way I quit bothering with tests. I did the skin allergy test years ago but they didn't reveal my allergy to dairy or gluten - just some pollen and molds. It was not that useful.

Golden ,

I’m hoping to get allergy shots to help control the asthma that is being triggered .

Ahhh, Way, I hope it helps. Asthma is no fun!

Where's Alva? I hope she's OK. Also haven't seen Need post in a while either. I hope she's OK too.

Alva is on her month off from the Forum .
Visiting with her daughter .

Idk about Need .

THank's @way.

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