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taking a break from the forum. i’ll return.

bundle of joy

I'll also take a break 🫖.
Time to finish some library books & have some digital detox 📚🌳❤️

@ 115 degrees outdoors,
what better time is there than to be inside
with your computer
in the air-conditioned space you call home?

There will be caregivers needing support
Have a nice break
and then come back
You all are needed here!

Remembering Countrymouse who started this thread! Where ya been?

My computer broke, so I will check in when I am able, but not leaving.

Love from Sendhelp

Stay cool Send. But I think they need to make water parks specifically for older people... picture wading pools, splash pads and gentle wave pools populated with grey haired folks in wheelchairs and using walkers!

Oh my sends heat index here is 92. That's enough for me!

Take care, keep cool and hydrate!

CW, I love that Idea. 😂

Bundle and beaty I will miss you 😔
I'll try and put a joke in there now and then.

About a month ago a friend of my husbands stopped by, lost his keys while he was here. We never found them. It's like the complete disapeard. He blamed my cats. If I suspected my cats I would say so but that is not there MO. We all know are animals.

Today he came over again, now he came back says he lost his cellphone and he left it here. We can't find it anyplace. Of course he is blaming my cats again.

I'm not sure what to think

I suspect your cats are higher functioning than your DH's friend?


I did what I think might of been a bit evil today.

Mom neighbor wanted to mow the lawn today, I told him no worries my brother will do it when he gets back.
( He has been in Maine all weekend with my ex)
Now he is going to stop at moms and find a nice high lawn to cut.


I met my hwp in 2019, He said he was diagnosed with PD in 2010
I was in love! I married my hwp on April fool's Day 2021! He was 72 and I was 64!
I did a lot of research on PD and new or thought I knew what I was signing up for!
His PD was there but it was very hard to tell. We did a 6-week cross country road trip honeymoon! It was amazing!
I retired in August 2021 so we could spend more time together!
We have done a lot of traveling by air (Hawaii twice )and by car.
We survived COVID together! We rode bike and trike for awhile and we were very active!
Our life has been really really good! We are now Snowbirds from Oregon to Arizona in the winter. I worry that traveling will get more difficult. We used to drive but now he flies with a relative and I drive the car.
Now 5 years later, things are very different to say the least. I just never know who I'm going to encounter from day to day!

Was there a discussion started about how caregiving has changed you. I can't seem to find it , if anyone knows , or can find it that would be awesome

Never mind I found what I was looking for

I never understood the term emotional rollercoaster, but man do I get it now.

Yesterday I was down. Then today after some light bulb moments, I'm up.

Taking a break to day from any mom worry, but if she calls I'll be back down.

Up , down, up down.

My goal is to keep my ups for as long as I can, and go through my downs as quickly as I can

Husband wants to go to the coast for a few nights, leaving mom right now is making me sick to my stomach.

I know I gotta get my crap together. My brother the POA goes where ever he wants , when ever he wants.

I need to follow my own advice.

Anxiety ,

Let POA brother know you will be away and NOT AVAILABLE for those days .

Don’t feel bad about it .

One time I went away to visit my kid up at college for the weekend . My sister ( who rarely did anything ) called me to come back home because Mom was in the hospital with an ischemic bowel event again for the second time . I said “ No , the hospital will take care of her “. My sister was not happy that I would not come home because my mother would not let staff help her toileting and had my sister doing it , which is what I had done in the previous time . The first time was worse and Mom was scared. I told sister to tell Mom to use her call bell and go home .

After that , when her third ischemic bowel incident happened ( bloody stools ) , I decided I no longer would spend all day at the hospital , or do any hands on care ever . Mom had to get used to being cared for by the staff . I told my mother she had staff to help her . I rang her call bell and left when the staff came in to clean her up .

Let your brother figure out how to get Mom’s needs met.

Waytomisery, your absolutely right, I just gotta get my heart and head to work together better. 😂

Pain management appointment today for her, and physical therapy starts next week.

So for now maybe things will settle down.

Anxiety is up because I stayed away, for a few days, so my sister would help, she only helps when I back off.
And I just hate that I have to do that.

Then husband springing a trip on me , was like surprise!

@Anxietynacy we are never promised tomorrow. You never know when you or your husbands health will take a turn for the worse.

I tell my parents to take as many trips and weekend getaways now as possible while they are still healthy and can enjoy them because their health could change seemingly overnight.

This time last year my sister had no idea that she would be dead from leukemia. She thought she had all the time in the world, she didn't. That's how fast things can change for all of us because we never know what illness or disease is lurking in our own bodies.

My mother's friends husband went to work on the computer after dinner and when she went to see why he hadn't come to bed yet she should him dead from a heart attack. This after he seemed perfectly fine.

Take that trip with your DH and enjoy it fully. You and your DH deserve some R&R and deserve to be happy.

SP, thanks I needed that.

You're welcome @Anxietynacy.

Hello all, whoever may still be here. I have been in withdrawal from this site for more than a year now. I was so discouraged and depressed, withdrawing from everything, my house was not selling, it finally did in November after one year and nine months! I moved much closer to my kiddos and it has taken awhile to get acclimated to a larger population and much busier city. Still have unpacking and organizing to do it is just alot!

Was thinking of you all, and just thought I would pop in and say hello to all that know me and even those that don't.


Hello !
Glad to hear from you , I do remember you posting here , I was new here then .
Sorry to hear about your troubles .

I understand getting discouraged over the move . My DH and I have been looking for a home with a first floor master bed and bath for quite some time now that would not break the bank . They are in demand causing the prices to be crazy . Many folks near me are selling their larger houses and looking to move to a more suitable house for aging .

We are actually in an area where young people are moving to. I could sell my house tomorrow but would have nowhere to go unless I wanted to buy something really run down and have to gut it . Anytime a house in good condition with first floor master goes on the market it’s multiple bids , ridiculously high prices and sells in a day . I’m only willing to go so high in purchase price . I refuse to pay much more than a house is worth .

DH and I have pretty much given up . Decided we may have to wait until we retire in a few years and expand our search to other areas closer to our kids perhaps , although it’s expensive . For now DH has a commute to work . If needed we could stay , make changes to our bathroom and put a stair lift in at some point I guess .

I hope you are happy to be near your kids !! Moving is a lot . I hope things continue to get better for you .

Good to see you glad.

Happy for you that you are closer to your kids, the house sold and you are doing better.

Glad: So good to see you posting! Congratulations on the sale of your house. 💜

Glad - did you hear me thinking about you the other day?🤔
I'm happy for you that you are closer to family and things seem to be going your way now.

glad - good to hear from. you. Moving is a major effort. I still haven't sold - 10 months now and only one low ball offer. My real estate agent is scratching her head wondering why. I say God has a plan, Adjusting to a new place takes a while. I'm still working on it.

Hello gladimhere! You made it through a very sticky time... congrats on your big move -- I hope you post more often now!

Gladbabyeeee! Fabulous that you’re back & just in time to help deal with the increasing crypto/recovery scammers crawling on the forum. Another weekend & looks like 2 so far and it’s not even noon yet. LOL.

Golden, our real estate market here in MN is also stagnant. I think a lot is due to college debt and the high COL making it so hard for the younger ones to live independently and save. I just read an article that mentioned what percentage of a young person's income goes to paying rent in particular... so much higher than when I was that age (and everything else is so much higher as well).

My son's partner has $70K of college debt for a Liberal Arts degree from Penn State (and he was a PA resident!) How can anyone make a dent in that on an "average" salary??

Now that the Boomers are retiring, there's not enough able buyers for our homes, the significantly increased cost of hiring people to help maintain our homes and provide care (plus labor shortage) was not something we could have planned or saved for adequately.

Thank you all! I don't think the real estate market is good anywhere.

Golden, sorry you have not sold yet and hoping you are enjoying your new place! I sure understand your frustration. I thought you had listed the old place before I left. AND I had five offers fall until one finally went through! Scary!

I was very fortunate and lucky to sell when I did! I was hit by one of those huge hail storms just over a year ago. New roof, stucco and fascia repairs. My homeowner's policy was up for renewal in November, three weeks before closing. My rate doubled! Then property taxes also doubled. Between the two I was getting priced out of my home!

My new place is a downsizing for me, price and size. In a townhome community and pay dues each month, the board worries about the landscaping, outside repairs and trash service. My yard at the old house was nearly an acre and the upkeep was much more than I want anymore. About half of it was natural but still needed mowing once a month or so.

Here I only need a renter's policy, HOA dues pay exterior insurance. Because of my hail claim my insurance company would not sell me a policy here. Very odd and it was just for contents.

The heat is on! Record broken yesterday and expected to again today and even worse tomorrow. I am so done with summer! Will make gazpacho this afternoon. Wonderful flavors for these beastly hot days!

Since the subject of real estate has come up I wonder if anyone has a pulse on the Los Angeles area. My son and daughter in law are renting there. I hear of so many leaving CA but it doesn't seem to be reflective with home prices.

Welcome back Glad. Happy you were able to finally sell.

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