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I haven’t seen the new sendhelp poster. There’s another MidKid too. I keep thinking about changing mine too since mom is no longer at my house.

Change it if you want to.

I don't think you should change your name Send and that goes for you to Needhelpwithmom.

I didn't realize that there was another Sendhelp or Midkid!

You'll keep stating your ages making me feel like I am just a child...LOL!!

NHWM- If you're interested in taking suggestions for your new ID name, I have a few. Others might as well, then, you can pick the best one, or come up with your own. Winner gets a prize like one square of tp, or a squirt of sanitizer, or a recipe on how to prepare canned green beans 20 different ways, etc. ;-D

Here are a couple suggested new names for you:


Shell - it'll be fun...

Edit: Send- you want suggestions? A naming competition?

Polar sure, I think I had asked awhile back but I just couldn’t make up my mind. Haha. Love your prizes! Cute.


Wouldn’t it be fun to be a kid again? Yes and no, I suppose. Know what’s funny? When we are kids, we want to grow up. When we are older, we want to be young again.

I definitely feel like time passes slowly when young. Waiting seems like it takes forever.

Time seems to go by faster as we age. Where did the days, weeks, months and years ago? Right?

I even catch myself wondering if we are going to do it all over again! Over and over and over. Reincarnation! I know Christianity says no, that we don’t believe in it. Other religions do. I am not sure. Would you want to come back? Sometimes I say yes, other times I say no.

I have a good friend that developed a fear of bridges, a really bad fear, more like a severe phobia. She does believe in reincarnation. She is Christian and her husband is Jewish.

Anyway, she did that past life regression therapy through hypnosis. Oh my gosh, she claims she was a passenger on the titanic and she died so that is where her fear came from.

I know that I should not have said this to her because I do not belittle anyone’s faith.

It kind of slipped out of my mouth but I asked her how much did she pay her therapist and told her that I could fabricate stories for her! The titanic? Just seems like a stretch to me.

She was told that she was super wealthy. Oh my gosh. Another friend said, yeah they never pick ordinary people for past live regression experience. It’s always an interesting person that you were supposed to be. It is fascinating to me how many beliefs there are, a bazillion religions in the world today. Can be confusing.

Shell: Happy Birthday - sorry to be late to the party!♤♡◇♧💞💞💞💞


I like the name "FreeofMom" for NHWM. At least it is shorter! LOL


I know as a Christian we should believe in Reincarnation, but I do! And NO I don't want to come back!


Better late than never! Thank you💙

Not only has this website slowed, but the internet has slowed, and dialing out on my landline gets a recording: "All circuits are busy".

This has happened in disasters in the past, like an earthquake.

Anybody else notice?

The only web issues I've had were some lag and freezing when streaming church service on Sunday, I think it must be your local provider 🤔

On Sunday, my hubs got locked out of the church service because it was his job to enter the bible verses for the message, and the internet responded "as if" he was spamming the website.
Hope people had their bibles open.

He says the websites cannot handle all the new traffic.

Maybe we should all change our names. Imagine how confusing that would get. I can see it all now. "No, it's me, I used to be Gershun and who are you again?, Oh right you used to be Sendme. Lets see what the lady who used to be NHWM is up to, what's her new name again?" LOL

No on second thought, let's all keep our names the same. Yes?

I will be me. Lol.

We already went through a bunch of name changes a few years ago when people suddenly became conscious of the fact they were not hidden from the people in their real life, it took me forever to get everyone figured out.

Shell: You're very welcome!♤♡◇♧

What’s in a name? Shakespeare. 😊

One day I may change my name, just for my own personal reasons. I say, do what you are comfortable with. There is no right or wrong in this situation.

"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved."
Helen Keller

I love you all...…..


I first read Helen Keller in sixth grade. It was required reading. I fell in love with her book. What an inspiration she was.

Strange quiz on FB. What was the original number to call for time and temp in my home metro area. It popped right into my head and that was at least 50 years ago. Brain function fine.

Glad: I could not recall that! Kudos to you!

At some point almost every day now I find myself offering a silent apology to my mom for allowing her to live in isolation for so many years.


You have no need to apologize to your mom. You did what you thought was right at the time. You were a good and loving daughter. We never know what is the right thing to do at that moment in time...all we can do is what we hope is right for our LOs and you did that.

Your mom knows you love her.💕

Let’s hear it for growing old together and still in love. Today is my 42nd wedding anniversary!

He is in the other room at the moment working hard as he always has. He was the ‘geek’ in a cool way as a kid who grew up to become an incredible engineer.

These days he supervises a team of engineers at the company where he is employed. I couldn’t be more proud of him.

I love him dearly and while none of us like being quarantined and in this current situation, I am glad that I am with him. He is my rock. My heart still skips a beat every time that he enters the room.

Like any couple we have had our struggles in life but we always had each other and that is what matters the most to us.

We didn’t get to go on a romantic getaway for our anniversary. We won’t even be able to get all dressed up and go to one of our fantastic fine dining restaurants. They are all closed! We won’t be able to hear our fantastic musicians playing their tunes. None of that.

We are following our governor’s ‘stay at home’ regulations. I did make a special breakfast for us to enjoy before his daily conference meeting online. I will make a light lunch for us and we usually cook dinner together. Not sure what we will make yet.

All I know is this year more than ever I don’t take our love for granted.

As everyone knows we are a hot spot and I am very sad about the people suffering here and especially for those who have died and their loved ones.

It’s such a mixed bag of emotions. I am so very proud of our frontline workers in our city that are doing their absolute best everyday in these tough times.

One day, yes one fine day, my husband and I will paint the town red and celebrate our anniversary. Maybe even plan a getaway for just the two of us. It’s been forever since we have had a trip away together.

No one knows exactly when that will be and that’s okay. It doesn’t matter when. What matters is that here and now in our own home we have each other, just as we always have.

As we get older, we do find ourselves reminiscing. When we were younger we always took two trips a year, once in the spring for our anniversary and once in the fall for my birthday in October.

Then the kids came along, then mom moved in. Life changes. We choose priorities and so on.

This year was supposed to be about us again, the kids have been out of the house for awhile and mom moved out in October and here we are quarantined!

Who would have ever dreamed of this happening, right? It will eventually somewhat settle. It won’t be the same as it was before all of this. We will grow and learn if we work together for the common good.

We won’t ever forget this crisis but let’s hope with all of our hearts that positive change will come out of this. That’s the only thing I really want other than my sweet husband for our anniversary.

Take care, everyone. Love each other. Cherish the good in life. Remove the negative.

Life is short. Don’t waste it. We have over 25,000 confirmed cases and nearly 1500 deaths.

Thanks for listening to me share about very special day in my life with my hubby!

Congratulations on your anniversary NHWM!

NHWM- Congrats on your 42nd anniversary. It's quite an accomplishment.

Thanks Polar and Send.

Gotta say, this is a different anniversary! I certainly didn’t see this coming.

You know, for a split second I was upset this morning because I thought I wished I could have had a special ‘date’ night with my husband. Then, my thoughts immediately went to all of the people who are sick or have died and I felt ashamed of myself for wanting a night out.

I have always appreciated my husband and now I know more than ever how much he means to me. Him, not where we go or what we do, right? That can wait. I just want our city, our state to be free of this. It’s so depressing. It makes me so sad 😞.

One day, right? We will be able to put this behind us. Until the next wave but gosh, we need a breather.

Need: Congratulations on your 42nd Wedding Anniversary! That is VERY special!💞💞💞💞

Thanks, Llama. 😊


I know I am late, but Happy 42nd Anniversary! 🎁🎉🎂💗🎶

Thanks, Shell.


Need: You're VERY welcome.💞

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