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I zone out when I read too but I think that's the whole point of reading. A form of escapism. I think people who try to talk to you when you are reading probably are not readers themselves.

Yes, hopefully nothing else bad will happen on the near horizon. We can only hope and pray.

I hear you gals, but surely you get a hug once in a while.

I had an ace evening. Three people said "Hi" to me when I walked the trail!!! 😊

Gershun: I hear you on reading. Currently I am into a difficult read about the ill-fated Russian sub, "The Kursk." I read at night's end, so ....

Yeah I get a hug. Occasionally a perfunctory peck on the mouth too. LOL

It's always nice when strangers say hi isn't it Golden?😊

Yes, Gershun. Once they have said "Hi!" they are less of a stranger. 😊

Raining softly here today. The sky is grey and overcast so I am burning stuff in the fireplace. The air is still and it's so quiet. Love it. Kitties not sure what to do with themselves. I have a blanket and a book.

Iv'e never washed my hands so much in my life as I do now,thanks to the virus,except for
When I was a little girl,I remember washing them alot one time because my Dad had picked up a special bar of soap in the shape of a Dinosaur from a gas station and it had a little toy in the middle I wanted to get to- which I finally did.
I wish we still had that kind of soap now,only it'd be even better if it had money or chocolate in it.

LOL Luckylu.
I can remember soap that grew fur after you used it - does anybody else remember that?

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear.

It grew hair and had a toy inside.

Funny, I don't remember there being a toy inside. Meh, it mustn't have been very good. Back then they had really good toys in cereal boxes, I can remember collecting jungle book figures that hooked together like barrel of monkeys.

Remembering soap shaped like a bear. We had one brother, so he would have seen the toy first, and not let us in on any growing fur.

He did not share. Same with cereal box toys.
When my son was growing up, there was no waiting for the toy to pop out with the cereal. We opened the box and searched for it.
That was a rare occurrence, because I did not buy that kind of cereal too much.

When my grandson was growing up, he had a saying about some people: "Not the happiest crackerjack in the box." Lol. My grandchildren would not even eat the crackerjacks, but wanted the toys inside.

I always cooked eggs for everyone. Still do. Even when eggs got a bad rap.

So my oximeter bites the dust after a dozen years and when looking around Amazon I see the "fitness" watch/monitor that measures steps and does an ecg in addition to measuring oxygen saturation for only $12 more. So I decide to try it. I like being able to touch the button and see the time again after several years of not wearing a watch because I always had a clock on the computer or phone. What's really a surprise? I'm averaging 14,382 steps a day in my "sedentary" life! Maybe I don't set on my rear as much as I think I do?

I'm impressed Techie, if I don't take my daily 2.5 mile walk to the other end of town and back I can't always hit my 10,000 steps.

Well Willie and Techie I'm impressed with both of you. I go for a walk and think I'm doing good if I can get to 4000 steps. I'm still waiting for my pedometer I ordered on Amazon to get here and then I'll try to do better.

I was shocked! My brother thought it must not be counting right so he watched me walk 200 steps while we both counted... and the watch said I had taken 199 steps. My house is 76 feet long, my bedroom is in one end and my office and other bedrooms are on the other end of the house (common room with kitchen, living and dining areas in the middle, laundry just off the kitchen). I also have a 76 ft porch/deck across the front and a smaller 20 ft porch on the back. Because of my back and knee pain, I usually work/walk in spurts then take a break and put my feet up; I have to ice the knee every night now. I have a sitting work station in the kitchen I use as much as possible too. I guess walking out on the porch to keep an eye on the kids or check on the garden and then back into the house to cook or care for Mom just has a lot more steps than I ever thought about. Mom had her first day back at adult day care today, the kids played inside this afternoon and I only have 9,806 steps so far.

Gershun if you are counting 4000 steps when you walk you are likely easily hitting 10000 (unless you are a total couch potato the rest of the day).

Something some of you may be interested in. I have made a hand washing station for my porch from a small (and cheap) pedestal sink with a (not cheap) foot valve. One garden hose supplies water and a second hose carries the drainage over to the downspout drain. The sink was $49 and a used foot valve was $25 but a new one costs $149-199, unless you order one on ebay for $39 from China and wait a month for it to arrive. Plastic pipe and plumbing adapters to the hose fittings were less than $20. So now visitors can wash their hands before entering the porch for a drink from my cooler or eating a snack at a picnic table. If you don't want the foot valve, a cheap standard faucet set is less than $20.

Terrible what happened in Minneapolis. But, the protest all around the country and televising it live, too much! Take them all to the jails where there are outbreaks. Media needs to stop giving it live tv coverage. If people want to watch it is streaming everywhere, stop taking regular tv shows away!

And was really hoping for coffee shop visit tomorrow. They opened based on governor's order. But, not open on Saturday.

One of the CNN crew got arrested on live tv.

I agree, Glad. There's a difference between peaceful protesting and vandalizing and stealing. Two wrongs don't make a right. The news stations do need to stop giving the protests all the attention, but then again, they are in it for the ratings.

The protestors in Oakland CA killed a federal police officer overnight but it’s not making the news.

Elaine those reporters were not arrested. They were briefly detained while it was confirmed they were the media. The media intentionally chose to use the incorrect word.

When will people wake up and realize that corporate liberal media is a danger to this country too?

I'm hoping you think the NY Times is a legitimate news source.

The NY Times is trash and that story isn’t a headline which is what my point was—

Missing here

and of course here

you also won’t see the good things the protestors are doing making headlines. Abolish the media

I always thought the New York Times was a legitimate news source.

NY Post and Washington post are biased and opinionated. Not real news and can not be trusted.

Rioting, looting, burning communities down (your own communities!) do not equal protesting.  And why Natonwide riots?  It didn't happen everywhere!  I'm sick of seeing wall to wall, 24/7 coverage of this on the news.  Pull the plug on this sordid publicity stain to stop the madness of criminals making the news in pretense of protesting, and start arresting in masse!  That man's death is far overshadowed by the repulsive actions of all that followed.

All were fired; the man was arrested, charged so why continue protesting anyway?  Will their happiness only be achieved to immediately erect gallows, skip the jury, and hang him in a public street?  Or tied to the back of a car and dragged to death?

Lilhelp, the crazy thing is that the looters and arsonists will have brand new neighborhoods as a result of their out of control behavior. A lot of it paid by the rest of us through taxes because many insurance policies have disclaimers that void coverage for vandalism.

I lived through the Rodney king riots in west Hollywood, it was the most insane thing that you can imagine. It was like living in a war zone. I couldn't leave my office without an armed escort. National guard posted on every corner, windows boarded up, buildings burnt to the ground, and that's just what I saw on the trip home.

I am sorry but ALL LIVES matter and when anyone starts justifying complete destruction of another to prove a point they are complete and total animals. Since when do we, as HUMAN BEINGS, run like wild dogs with no reasoning believe that this is the most effective way to be heard? It causes more problems than it has ever solved. Unfortunate this is what a nation without God looks like.

May HE protect us all.

Isthisrealyreal, I hear you.  I believe animals more often behave better, so wouldn't say these criminals deserve that distinction. 
Rebuilding, however, should never happen! on anyone's dime, but those that destroyed them!  Every business, police station, police cars, etc. in any of those areas destroyed should remain as they are now ~ Gone!  in ashes, burnt to the ground, broken windows, graffiti, trash everywhere, emptied out, boarded up and all those communities live in the disasters they created with their own hideous actions!  All have gone through more than enough with corona ~ and now this?!  No.

We're always hearing the whining that no one should be painted with a broad brush, yet that's what we're seeing much of the time!  I.e., All police are bad, racist; all whites are racists; all laws are against one group of color, 'they did that cause of my color/gender,' etc. and on and on ~ No!  We have to say No.  No one's boo boo ever gets well if one keeps tearing the long old scap off and picking at it.  And no one learns to behave as an adult in civilized society if they're constantly indulged and given excuses for bad behavior.  It's way past time for all these people to Grow Up, put their big girl/boy pants on, stop making excuses for their own bad, uncivilized, criminal behavior, and either be a part of and contributing positive things to our society or face the same consequences we all do.  Otherwise, it will never end.  We have to say ~ Enough!

Lilhelp, I was thinking of hogs that devour anything that is in front of them when I made the animal reference. My bad, I was trying to be less offensive in my description.

We get to enjoy a curfew in our city because of the crazy nonsense.

I agree with you. I think that any excuse works when you are looking for one, whether it has any merit or not.

Isthisrealyreal, It's not your bad.  I didn't mean to fault anything you said.  Agree with you!  They are acting like animals ~ worse!  Hogs! great one!  Yeah!  :)

I just thought 'most' animals are above these criminals because most animals don't know any better.   

What a shame to have to impose a curfew because of that insanity.  I hope it's not too bad in your city.

Things have obviously reached a new level of absurdity to hear defund or abolish the police as their new rant, demand.  A few bad actors in any area does not mean all are bad.  If companies, government, others keep caving into these idiotic mob demands, we're all in for the worst things we may ever see.  God help us ...

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