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Did you first put a bowl on hub 's head and cut around it?
That is a good way to protect some of the hair, and is a well known hair cutting technique from centuries back. (Lol, a joke).

Send, I just got to snipping and just snipped away. Poor thing. He looks like I cut his hair. Needless to say, he's been wearing his hat a lot.☺

No wonder the COVID is affecting the 30's and 40's more. They are feeling cooped up, have families and have to have those vacations and activities. DD1 and the two grands flying to Minneapolis (of all places) with TS2 on Sunday, then on return, her now ex taking kids to Florida for Universal Studios. Craziness! I don't get it. Why is this generation so stir crazy? Cannot be content at home. Feel like they always have to be doing something! What the heck did we teach them?!

gladimhere, have to blame the computer. As a kid of the 1950's, I could play for hours using my imagination. All the roads I built in my parents vegetable garden. I could ride my bike or roller skate on the sidewalks all day long. As soon as I was tall enough to push the lawnmower [push mower] I had a chore to do. Weekends it was washing my parent's car [cute boy lived across the street]. Or watching TV, gosh there were 3 channels to choose from and I always find something fun to watch. Kukla, Fran & Ollie, anyone?

My Dad kept busy inventing things in the basement, or doing fix-it stuff, and I was there helping him. Mom kept busy with keeping the house in order without many of the modern gadgets we have today. Wringer washer. Drying clothes on a [gasp] outside clothes line. No dishwasher or microwave.

Now we have that computer in our pocket.

glad- it is sad Many of that generation and more reject the covid safety guidelines and, as you say, seem to need to "move" and have new experiences. I don't think we taught them that. I suspect technology. Mine are a bit older and are respecting what needs to be done for society so far It isn't easy but it is doable. We can create our own happiness.

ff - Oh gosh. Can I identify. I earned some physics watching water flow in the channels I made in melting snow. Didn't realize it at the time. There were always interesting things to do. I grew up without tv. I was a late teenager before my parents got one - black and white and you changed the few channels manually. Just the other day I was just talking with R about my push lawn mower activities - in the blazing sun, a foot tall grass one time when I had been away, I took a run at it and cut about 9 inches, backed up and did it again till the lawn was done. My grand kids can't even use a power mower. If you wanted skinless almonds, you skinned them yourself. Poured boiling water on them then after a while popped the skins off. You wanted ground almonds you ground them yourself. Loved the smell of clothes after you brought them in from outside. There was no reason to be bored and doing these things gave you a sense of accomplishment.

Not all people in the 40 year old age group are on the move during the Novel Coronavirus. Our daughter at age 47 stayed at home from March 13 till June 22. And only then did she leave her home for work ×2 days/week.

Stay at home and safe lives.

18 year old nephew was allowed to fly from coast to coast with his buddies. Not a good idea.

I second that Llama. I am in my 40's, but I stayed home through our stay at home order and worked on my house. Even now, I go out very little (when needed).

And like ff, as a kid I never wanted to be inside the house. I use to roller skate all day if I could. I build forts, went fishing, do whatever I could find something to do. I woke up everyday thinking it was a new adventure. As far as TV, I remember we had 4 channels and by time I was a teenager we had 13 channels. But it never matter to me. I watch cartoons and ate breakfast with my dad and if he had no chores for me to do then I was off and running to find my new adventure!)

I don't get this poor me I'm so isolated attitude from the younger generation either - the ability to connect with technology has been a game changer for me yet somehow that isn't sufficient for them. We were farm kids and never did summer camp so even into my teens the only opportunity to socialize was pretty much just family gatherings where I might see my cousins and church. The phone hung on the wall in the dining room and it was a party line, no long private chats with friends there!

My DD was a travel agent/manager for about 10 years, so travel is ingrained in her! We also traveled a lot until mom and aunt got older ( and frankly more work for me) Now DD is a realtor for a home company, and it is so weird to hear her talk about "video" home tours,, no real on site visits until you are about to sign the papers, etc. She goes to work every day in her model, but no one can come in without an apt, and then only 2 people. But she does get to hang out in a huge beautiful home all day..LOL But they are still selling,, she has sold 7 homes in 2 months! She has cut her travel back. Lucky for us older folks we have a place on the river in WV so we still can get away and be away from other people.

Shell: 0h, good for you! I have 3 decades on you age wise, but still abide by the protocols put in place for the Novel Coronavirus.

Happy 4th of July!
A full Moon
An eclipse.

Send: Yes, Happy 4th of July, which was my maternal grandmother's birthday.💞

cwilie: I know, right. I would never send my kid, if they were 18, across the country during a pandemic.

pamzimmrrt: Kudos to your daughter!


I know I am just a youngster on here. LOL

Happy July 4th to those who live in the USA.

Have fun and stay safe! 🎆🎈🎉⭐🎇

Happy Independence Day to all Americans.

Just an FYI: other countries have the 4th of July. Think about it.

Happy 4th July everybody. Stay safe.


Happy 4th of July!☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

Shell: Good for you! Youth is great!♡♡♡

I vote to send this virus back where it came from with a note: 'Thanks a lot, but no thanks; it's yours, you keep it.'

No words can describe the loss and pain to lose our beloved legend, Charlie Daniels. He was the best of us, a true American Patriot. Any who saw him were beyond fortunate to be in his presence. He was a great man, an exceptional, amazing artist, a true American patriot, and deeply beloved.

These 30 and 40 somethings out doing life like they usually do. Dd1 is one of those, invincible, out with friends, no social distancing. And she works in the schools. Maybe teachers and other school staff should be required to self quarantine before school starts.

This daughter took her kids on a trip a couple weeks ago. When they returned her ex took kids to universal studios, Florida. Of course both trips, flying.

Just so disappointed in the lack of responsibility.

What got me thinking about this? She has felt sick twice in the last week and thinks it is dehydration and not eating properly.

I am with you on this Glad. I live in NJ and they opened all the shore points. And FLorida, allowing Disneyworld and Universal to open. Now you have everyone going to Florida from all over the Country, bringing the virus back to other states. I have a friend who is now in Ocean city with family and plans on going again in August. I think our problem here in the South we have low numbers. So people don't see why they can't go on their vacations. Can't give up one Summer to help lower the spread of the Virus. This is not going to be over soon. Not looking forward to the aftermath. I have chosen to go with being on the safe side. We are staying close to home and shopping when needed. Masks in stores.

My daughter is a Nurse and is socializing with friends on a regular basis. She does woundcare so its one on one but still.

Our local authorities are promoting the idea of social "bubbles" of 10 people, unfortunately some people don't quite get the concept and seem to have a different bubble for every social occasion instead of sticking to an exclusive group🤔. There also seems to be an attitude that it's OK to get in my space as long as one or both of us are wearing a mask - uhm no, back off buddy!

Those places that opened too rapidly from the Novel Coronavirus shutdown suffer now.

The masks are intended for the situations that we can not socially distance.

It amazes me that everyone is worried about masks and social distancing and washing hands is never mentioned.

There are so many heart-rending and bizzarre new questions lately.
I ask myself, is it true?

I would hope that hand washing is just a given Isthisrealyreal, but then they did have to post lessons on how to do it properly so... maybe not 🤔?

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