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On watching the news (or advertisements to get the covid vaccine),
almost every injection was administered incorrectly! This bothers me.


I'm so glad to hear that his coughing is subsiding some and that you were able to talk with him for a longer period of time. I know exactly what it is like to have such a severe cough (from Bronchitis) that you literally can't talk for maybe more than a couple minutes.

That is definitely albeit one step in the right direction and you have to take what you can get!


I hadn't heard that yet so that is definitely troubling to say the least and bothers me too!


Thanks and please keep praying. I hate to see my cousin suffering. He’s been through so much in his life.

He is a survivor and I am counting on his faith and strength to pull him through this too.

On a brighter note, my sweet husband came home after his radiation treatment today and announced, “Only seven more treatments!” He is in the homestretch. Yay!

Then he will have more hormone injections and another MRI. The oncologist says, “So far, so good.”

Hopefully, he will be cured after he is finished with his treatments.


I have not heard that. How were the injections given wrong?


Excessive coughing is miserable! Sorry that you experience this with your bronchitis. Apparently, it can be awful with COVID-19 too.

He was told that his sense of taste and smell may not come back for months. I know a few people that it took quite awhile for them to taste and smell again.

They told him to drink Ensure. He’s not large, so a 30 pound weight loss is quite a bit. I bet he looks like he did when he had colon cancer. He was so very thin then.

Now you've had me wasting time googling vaccination techniques Send 🤣

Meh, the sun has come out and I'm going for a walk.


With a loss of taste and smell for that many more months to come, I shudder to think if he loses any more weight.

Being thin already makes losing 30 lbs seem like 50 lbs. It is very hard to eat when you can't taste or smell anything. We all rely on those senses to "enjoy" eating.

That's why I say elderly people don't eat very much - they have lost those keen senses and they just don't like to eat just for nourishment. We've been conditioned to "love" what we eat along with the experience of eating. All we have to do is look back at all the family gatherings (pre-COVID) at the holidays.
"Eat, drink and be MERRY!"

I hope the Ensure will be enough for him - he may need it breakfast, lunch and dinner to get any protein/calories. I gave my mom ice cream too to help.

Great news, Need help. Only seven more treatment for your husband. I will continue to pray. Hope you have a good day and you are taking good care of yourself.

Your husband's doctors will be constantly monitoring his ability to continue treatments. It is not unusual to have to change the treatment schedule, according to the patient's needs and progress.

Stand by him, and take care of yourself at the same time.

Thinking of you, praying too.

NHWM, the New York Times Sunday edition, the front pages had a long long article about taste and Covid.Many having problems who had it in March. They cannot get taste back, or worse, they are getting it back and things taste like "poop" or "gasoline" or other noxious things. They are having great weight loss with no appetite drive at all. Those who ignore Covid do so at their peril, because some of the lasting effects are bad, including they now think a greater tendency to strokes and other clotting problems.

For example,
One injection. the nurse was shaking a whole lot, as was the needle.

Another started depressing the plunger as the needle was still entering the patient's arm.

Maybe all this was injecting normal saline for the camera, who knows.
But they can stop filming now.


He is drinking the Ensure made for diabetes. He can’t have ice cream. My MIL did add ice cream when she was loosing weight too fast with cancer.

You’re right about the smell and taste being the reason why we enjoy food.

He said that he doesn’t enjoy food at all anymore. It’s sad.


That is such sad news. My cousin has overcome so much. I was hoping that the worst was behind him. I was devastated to hear that he had COVID.

I think this recent protesting has triggered memories of 9/11 for him. Most of the attention went to NY. People don’t think about D.C. as often because of the horror that occurred in NY.

He considers the protesters to be terrorists. He’s uneasy thinking about a reoccurring situation on Inauguration Day.

He says he hopes that it will be a peaceful transition.

Prior to living in D.C. he lived in Manhattan. He still has ties to NY and very good friends there. He was scheduled on that flight to NY. Thankfully he had a business conflict and canceled his flight.

So much for a ‘happy’ new year, right? Well, let’s truly hope that this was our rock bottom and that we can only go up from here.


Thanks so much for your prayers and warm wishes. Please don’t stop praying. Prayers are helping to hold me together right now.

He meets with his oncologist every Monday.

My husband doesn’t whine or complain. So when he says something it truly hurts.

He has never been ‘a little boy who cried wolf’ type, so I know it is serious if he has a gripe.

Our little conversation about virtual pap smears had me googling and lo and behold there already is such a thing, it's supposed to be just the ticket for women who are reluctant to put themselves through the doctors visit. The problem I see with that is as far as I can tell it's just a test for HPV. Yes, most cervical cancers are caused by HPV but not all HPV leads to cancer. And all this hype around HPV had me convinced that there is no need to have a pap smear if there is no possibility of HPV... I never knew that a pap test could find abnormal cells related to uterine cancers too.

Back in August, I received a message from my Aunts MC that they wanted an new Kaiser card for her.

I went online to order one and changed the mailing address to my address, because my Aunt has Alzheimer's and will throw it away.

I recieved a letter from Kaiser stating that because her address is no longer in the coverage area (she is still in Ca and I am in Montana) they were going to cancel her insurance.

I called Kaiser and explained the situation. "Ryan " told me he fixed the issue and everything was fine.

When I realized that her premium payment has not been deducted from her bank account, I called again. Only to find out that "Ryan" had not done what he was supposed to do and I had to re-enroll her for her insurance.

This could take up to 30 days and in the meantime I am scared to death that she has no insurance!!

I'm so overwhelmed!!

Their mistake.

Respond to this letter in writing to Kaiser:

"I recieved a letter from Kaiser stating that because her address is no longer in the coverage area (she is still in Ca and I am in Montana) they were going to cancel her insurance."

Include copies of her old card and Member number in your correspondence.
The MC will have a copy of her card on file.

Send a copy to Medicare.

Not sure, but new cards are issued yearly from October through December, as everyone gets re-enrolled.

Sorry to hear this news. It is scary. Your post reminds me of an incident that happened to us many years ago.

The owner of the engineering firm that my husband worked at was embezzling from the company. He stole company profits and insurance money.

He was pocketing the money that employees were paying for their health insurance.

When my husband found out he walked into his office and told him, “You’re stealing from the company and you put my wife and children and I at risk. What if one of us were to get cancer and we couldn’t afford to treat it? What you have done is inexcusable!”

My husband and I were horrified at the thought of us not being insured. All because of his ‘greedy’ boss!

Keep following up on this situation. Hopefully, you will be able to correct it soon.

It may be possible still to change your Aunt's insurance, and it may be easier because Kaiser is hard to work with if you have a complaint.

You can ask if you could be insured today:
Humana Gold Plus® Integrated (MMAI)
Call 1-800-787-3311 (TTY: 711), Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., Central time.

Help and Customer Support from Humana ›

I am not an insurance expert, however, I did have Kaiser and cancelled after a year with them.

I am very pleased the CEO of our regional hospital was fired today for having made 5 trips to visit family in the US during the pandemic, I'm getting sick and tired of hearing all these stories about the double standard that the upper echelons seem to feel is their due. When the story first broke the hospital board seemed as blasé as he was, it wasn't until hospital staff (who he had publicly admonished as needing to hold themselves to a higher standard) started a petition that any action was taken. To add insult to injury there are reports this fat cat could still be owed his six figure salary while he sits on his entitled azz.

Good for the hospital staff!!! Travelling CEO doesn't deserve a cent!

Just heard that typically today is the day that New Year’s resolutions fly out of the window! 😂

Do you make resolutions? What do you think of these ‘vision boards’ that people are doing?

I journal but I haven’t done a vision board.

Has your resolution ended up going by the wayside?


I quit making resolutions years ago! I think disappointing yourself is the worst! Lol

Lets face it, life throws us curve balls constantly.

Update: I spent 2 hours on the phone with Kaiser today about my Aunts insurance.

Finally spoke with someone who could see that it was in fact their error.

I should hear back later this week about whether or not they will reinstate her coverage.


It is quite annoying to spend the day on the phone correcting their mistakes!

Hopefully, it will be settled soon. Your aunt is truly blessed to have you.

I admire your kindness and commitment to her. I know that it is a sacrifice for you.

Xray.. I get the phone issue. Been on the phone all day monday dealing with Moms affairs, cancelling retirements, insurance, dealing with CCs,, you name it. every call is like starting the grief over, and some are so dang stupid. I was on hold with her one drs office for 20 minutes! Trying to let them all know she passed. And more today

Pam, when did your mum pass? My sympathies to you and yours for your loss. She is at peace now. Prayers for all and strength for the coming days. ((((hugs))))

Pam, I understand the difficulties you face when having to contact various organisations to notify them of a LO’s death. When my stepfather died, I did a lot of this for my mother. On the whole I found the people I dealt with to be respectful and sympathetic, especially those that had a dedicated bereavement department, who were sensitive and had a simple process to go through, to avoid unnecessary additional upset for the family. However, I got so cross and annoyed with those people and organisations who seemed to have no understanding that the people contacting them were very fragile and under immense strain. To these people you are just a reference number. I wrote a letter of complaint to one such company, and to be fair they were appalled that their own people had behaved in this way. They promised a review and changes to the way they dealt with bereaved families, and sent my mother a huge bouquet of flowers by way of an apology. Pam, all you can do is keep working through that list of people you need to contact. Try and focus on what you’ve managed to achieve each day rather than what you still have to do. And be kind to yourself.

Golden Mom passed on the 8th, and I am doing better each day,, but sometimes I feel like I need an ativan! Only a few more calls, they can be done in the next few weeks according to our investment guy ( we met with him today and things are moving along nicely as my name was on all the accounts but one, and I should be listed as the beneficiary on that one,, he will help if I run into any issues) Just telling you all to get your affairs in order to save your kids any problems,, thank God Mom and Dad had it all done as best they could. And Mom only had one CC for her meds.. so I will cancel that in Feb as everything should have cleared by then. Oh and my poor hubs.. my temper is about 1 inch long at this point... everything is setting me off. Thank God he is pretty chill, and he just lost his Dad a few months ago and he and his brother are dealing with a hot mess...



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