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Great news, NeedHelp. Praying for a healing. Hugs to you.

Bridge, I am so glad you are enjoying yourself. Good for you being so pampered. You deserve it. Have a great time. Hope hubby is enjoying himself. Thank you for taking the time to update your friends here on the Forum.

NHWM: That's great that your husband's last treatment is tomorrow. Have been praying for him.♥️

Thanks everyone. It is a relief to be in the home stretch of his treatment.

Insomnia. At least the coyotes are making plenty of noise tonight.

Windy here. Insomnia.
Doesn't help when paramedics run through the speed bump, waking me at 1:30 a.m.
Very windy.

I was wide awake at 4am but I wouldn't allow myself to move in the hope that I could will myself back to sleep😖. After a half hour of that I gave in and finished my book then got up for the day, so I've finished all my usual morning routines and it's only 7:45. It's gonna be a loooong day.


Whenever I can't sleep, I will turn on "Forensic Files" crime mystery, half hour shows, the ones narrated by Peter Thomas. The shows run all night here. Peter has such a nice voice that after the 1st or the 2nd show, I am asleep :)

Oh gosh, the sadness never ends regarding Covid.

I just got a call from a friend of mine that just lost her husband to Covid.

He died after a week in the hospital. He worked in the medical field for 35 years. He was 70 years old.

His funeral arrangements have been made and will follow Covid protocols. They will also have a Zoom service.

It feels like a bad dream and I am waiting to wake up.

How do we even begin to comfort the loved ones that are losing their beloved partners?

He was a father to two children who live out of state. They have three grandchildren.

What a horrible time this is for their family. I pray that this nightmare will end as soon as it possibly can.

Please get vaccinated when you are eligible. Stay safe, everyone.

NHWM - It is sad for your friend's family. And I agree we should try to stay safe.

I debated in my head whether I should comment further due to not wanting to turn this into a debate about COVID with anyone.

But I want to put things in perspective, so here goes.

Every DAY in the US, there are approximately 7,500 deaths. Each of these death is terrible for his/her family. I read that there are more deaths in 2020 compared to 2019. No doubt, COVID contributes to the increase, but also no doubt there were more deaths resulted due to delay in treatments as people were fearful of COVID and not seeking treatments on time.

Although it is sad when someone dies of COVID, it's sad when someone dies of other causes, too. I for one don't want to highlight deaths. The more we highlight COVID deaths, the more it just puts undue stress and cripples us with fear. We should be careful, not fearful. The media has done too much of that already.

I am glad vaccines are here. And eventually most of us will be vaccinated. Let's be glad for that.

My knuckles are turning white.
I am not afraid.
I am not afraid.

The wind is bad.
3 fires have started within an hour.
Electricity is out at the market that was getting ready to deliver my groceries.

The sun is shining.
Our electricity is still on.
Freezer is full of ice.
We have lots of food and water.
The paperwhite Narcissus are blooming since Saturday.
The fires are far away (over 10 miles.)
The car was paid for in December, is full of gas, and runs.

Nothing bad is happening to us right now.
Praying for others.

We just need to be vigilant. Keeping an eye out.

Being grateful.

You are in my thoughts and prayers, Send.

Sleeplessness is difficult! If I have it, I try to at least stay in the bed to rest my body. Doesn't always work. To those who suffer from it, hope you can get some rest.


It’s just seems so unpredictable. His wife caught Covid from him. She is on the mend. She is 69.

I am glad that she is going to be okay but so sad that her husband didn’t make it.

Of course, we all know people who have it or had it and we can’t go see them.

It’s awful. It hits home when it is people we know and love.

Yes, any death is sad, no matter what the cause is. It’s just so many people day after day.

I am finding it hard to deal with.

My friend that works at a car dealership said more than half of the salesman have it.

Sometimes I get afraid to answer my phone. It’s really hard hearing news of Covid cases so often.

I am very grateful for the vaccine and truly hope the majority of people will get it.

LLama I could write a book about sleeplessness. In fact maybe while I'm laying awake at night I'll start. 😑

The electricity is out, maybe until Thursday.
Internet has limited battery power.

But we have running water this week!

Srill gratweful!

Uh, correction..Still grateful!

I cannot see my keyboard.

Goodnight sweet caregivers! The strongest people I know! 🐿

Gershun: Oh, snap! I am sorry. Once I'd said it, I had a rough night - had to get up for an early dental appointment that was unpleasant to replace a multi unit bridge after having had a root canal yesterday.

Power has been restored!

(That means my electricity is back on today). 🍵

I thought of two titles for my insomnia book. First one "Warm Milk Can Suck It" or "Melatonin? YEAH RIGHT!"

Do I sound bitter much? 🤨

This morning's news reports that the regional vaccination centre will be closing tomorrow due to the lack of supply - looks like sis won't be getting her 2nd shot next week.

At 4.55 PM yesterday I saw I had a text from my step-daughter in NOLA. She has a nurse-practicioner friend who works at the Dept of Health clinic across the street from where we live. They were about to close and had one dose of COVID vaccine left.

I woke my husband up from a nap, ran out of the apartment to the front door of the clinic; the gates were down. I waved my cell phone at the guard inside and pointed up (to where the vaccine clinic is, on the 5th floor). She gestured me to come around the back. By this time, my groggy husband had caught up to me.

The NP friend was just leaving work; we basically shoved my husband into the elevator to get started on the paperwork for the vaccine.

He GOT HIS SHOT and is scheduled for the second dose in 28 days!

They took my number; if they have an extra dose at the end of the day, they will text me.

We have appointments at a City run clinic in Queens for Tuesday, but by all reports, there will be no vaccine left by then.

On many counts, yesterday was a very good day!

Gershun I usually sleep in two shifts with maybe a nap during the day. I get about 3 hours sleep after I first go to bed, then am up for hours and go back to sleep about 5 for another 3-4 hours. Altogether it works pretty well for me.

I have no idea when or where vaccinations will begin in our area. As far as I know they have only happened in the two major cities. and pharmacies everywhere were offering to do it. I suppose someone will figure it out eventually.

Barb! Yay!!!

How is your stepdaughter enjoying living here in New Orleans?

I hope they call you to get your vaccine.

Barb that is great news!!! Let us know when you get yours. Hopefully it will be soon.


Somebody up there is looking out for our husbands!

We have a friend who is a pharmacist. She had an extra Covid vaccine and called my husband and asked if he wanted to be vaccinated. Of course, he said, “YES!”

Yay! He had his first vaccination today!!! She set up his appointment to get the second one.

I had my second shingles vaccine yesterday so I cannot get a Covid vaccine for two weeks.

She will vaccinate me at the earliest possible time after my two weeks waiting period.

This is great for us because in Louisiana the first vaccines are allocated for ages 70 and above.

We are both 65. There is no word on when 65 year olds can get it yet.

We are very grateful to have this particular friend that is a pharmacist!

Barb and NeedHelpWithMom, so glad about the hubbies getting the shot. My partner and I are on for the 28th for number one. Daughter got hers last Saturday, teacher in WA state. Kaiser did it even though she's not a Kaiser member. Seeing more and more of us vaccinated. I haven't heard of any reactions yet other than one teacher who said her arm was too sore to raise for a few days. Little achy in legs for my daughter and thinks not from vaccine in all likelihood. Am excited. Don't know how many say Fauci's long conference today; what a delight he was.


Fantastic! I am glad that you and your partner are on the schedule to receive the vaccine. Yay! 😄 Hooray for your daughter getting the vaccine.

I did watch President Biden speak on his COVID plan and I agree with your sentiments.

Golden: Yikes! I could not do that kind of sleep pattern.

Llama - I hardly have a choice so I make the best of it. When I wake very early I do my daily devotions readings, then post images in my face book page which is really the main reason I have it. Somewhere in there I take my thyroid meds and half and hour later have a decaf. After that I may play a few computer games and finish off with reading. By then I am usually ready to go back to sleep. It works pretty well.

Once in a while I sleep through. Wish I knew the secret to doing it all the time.

If I get aggravated of worried about it, sleep is even more elusive.

It's the making lemonade out of lemons thing.

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