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I get my first COVID shot tomorrow at work, and I am a bit worried. The last week I was on berevement leave (this week) , and work has called me several times to see if I would come in,, lots of call outs. I did go back today instead of waiting until tomorrow, as I felt I could. Seems the call outs are for side effects of the staff from the vaccine. I have many co workers who are having symptoms similar to COVID after both shots . They asked me to work Sat,, nope,, if I am going to have side effects I'd rather have a day or so off to deal with them than call out again! Wish me luck!! I will let you know how it goes..

Thinking of you Pam Glad you are looking after yourself. Also glad you are getting the shots.

Golden, when I feel like I'm getting drowsy no matter what time of day it is I'll try to get a nap in. I have to catch the z's when I can or else I'd never sleep.

Of course not when I'm out. That would be a bit ridiculous. Can you just picture it? In a grocery store line up or something. "Ah excuse me folks but I'm gonna grab a quick nap here, go to the next aisle"

I thought my sleep pattern was bad, but yours...ouch! I usually sleep for about 3 to 4 hrs meaning I am up around 3 am or 4 am then back to sleep around 5 to 5:30 am waking up around 9 am on a good day 7:30 am on a bad day!

Just so you all know, DH has had no side effects from his COVID shot yesterday. It must be highly individual.

gershun - I nap whenever too. It seems my routine is working better as I am napping less. For me the time sleeping before midnight is important so sometimes I go to bed very early like 8 pm and spend time reading till I fall off.

shell - that's similar to me though these days 3 hrs is about tops for the first phase. I often go back to sleep around 5 and sleep till 9. That totals 7 hrs which is OK.

For years I worked on 5 hrs sleep as I couldn't sleep in. That was no fun. Retirement has its benefits.

So happy to read about people getting the vaccine. One day it will be up here.

The longest I ever sleep in one time is about three hours too.

My husband doesn’t have any side effects from the COVID vaccine.

I only have the sore arm and a bit tired from my second shingles vaccine.

I am anxious about getting the vaccine. Here they are going to start giving out the second vaccine to people that will be getting their first. So, no reserve supply when people are due for the booster. I just might wait until the supply chain is fixed.

I am afraid if I get the first, there will be none available for the booster. Wonder how many will have that problem. Kinda crazy plan, if you ask me.

I should just grab it with both hands the first opportunity you're offered, Glad. Even the first gives some level of immunity/lessens potential impact after about five to seven days and is better than nothing.

We were told we would have our boosters three weeks after the first shot. Then on the day of the jab, when I was lined up registering for my booster slot, the clinic nurse offered me a date in March. Eh?! I said - I thought it was in three weeks? "They changed the guidance yesterday. It's three months now."

People are increasingly frightened and frazzled and I've noticed tempers and nerves disintegrating all around. I think the only answer is to take even deeper breaths than normal, keep smiling, and do what you can.

At last at last, though, our service has been given PCR testing kits for all of us, and we are to collect our three weeks' worth of supplies on Monday. So every Thursday morning from now on I'll be stuffing a swab up my nose and posting it* off to the test centre; but the actually painful bit is waiting for the result to come back! We were all tested last Tuesday and I am very sorry to say that one of our number was positive (of course we're not told names); grim for us and worrying for our clients, but virus gonna virus...

*the swab. Not my nose.

Every day I see a headline about one group or another posturing about why they should be getting their vaccinations in phase one - for g*d's sake, we haven't even finished vaccinating long term care yet and outbreaks there are rampant, shut up and wait your turn.

CM, not your nose? 😄

CW. they're usually the very same people who *in the same breath* question the efficacy and safety of the vaccines and whine about the reliability of testing regimes; and often with not a flicker of irony, too.

"Find an absolutely certain cure that I personally won't have to take! Do it immediately! And tell me the long-term effects or I will sue!" To hear is to obey, o voter...

Inheritance of Alzheimer's is on my mind. My children's father and grandmother on that side both had Alzheimer's so my kid's risk of getting Alz is greater than average. Fortunately the risk for inherited Alz is still low.

Got a phone call late today that there was one extra dose around the corner!

I am shot!

First shot done! No problems so far.. it seems my blood type has been having less reactions on shot one, slightly more with shot 2. I am A positive if you are curious

Yay! Pam, great news.

Great news, Pam. No reaction here so far. I am O positive and DH is
B negative.


Hubby and I plus our daughters are A+.


How long after the second dose is a person considered having immunity?

NHWM,, we are not being told that.. it so new they really dont know if we will HAVE immunity! We are still being told we have to wear all masks and protective gear.. ( this is at JHH not JHU where all the news comes from) I really think it is a "crapshoot" as they used to say.. we are hoping for the best!


Thanks, I realize everyone still has to wear protection, especially with new mutations around.

I was curious if you had any inside information as a person working in a major hospital.

At least, we have vaccines available now. I am grateful for that.

I have more fear of COVID than the vaccine.

COVID is so unpredictable. Everyone reacts differently to it.

So many have died. It’s so sad. We all want it to be behind us.

I feel so badly for those who have died and their loved ones.

I am so grateful to people like you who care for patients. You are angels.

I find it unsettling when people downplay how serious COVID is, especially regarding the number of deaths and not recognizing the agony that families are going through.

Before COVID, people could visit their loved ones in hospitals or facilities when they were sick and dying.

People weren’t dying alone in mass numbers.

Funerals were planned and families could grieve in a normal way. Now people can’t even hug one another at a funeral.

There is nothing normal about this. It is heartbreaking.

Thank you for all that you do for patients.

Pam: Prayers sent to you.

Ok all I read the paperwork I got with my shot ( better late than never, right? ) It says after the second shot we "should have" 95% resistance,, but no one knows for how long. i am part of an antigen study,, so far no antibodies,, should have some on the next test after the vaccine.
As to side effects.. today I am completely exhausted. As in can barely move.. we went out for breakfast with our best couple friends and it was all I could do. I spent the rest of the day barely moving in front of the TV, except for one load of laundry. If this is the worst I am happy, and if the second shot is worse, I have a week off after it. hopefully just the tiredness and maybe some aches next time if I am lucky? I have no pain, not even at the injection site.. yay! I had the Pfizer shot

Only side effects for me are a sore arm and some stomach upset. Walked 6 miles today with some friends.

Oh my gosh, I am watching Mama’s Family with Vicki Lawrence, so funny! I haven’t seen this show in ages.

Watched West Side Story this afternoon. Sad at the end. My brother who was a teacher in NYC taught classes in the poor part of Manhattan. Some students were in gangs and one student my brother tried to help was shot and killed. My brother held him in his arms that day and he passed in the hospital. My brother tried to make a difference in the lives of these unfortunate individuals by playing basketball and other activities with them and taking a strong interest in teaching them and encouraging them to study hard so someday they may attend collage and change their lives for the better. They liked my brother as a teacher and respected him. He retired from teaching at the age of 62.

So, the BEST part of DH and me getting our shots early?

I was able to transfer our original appointments to an elderly couple I know who weren't able to get timely appointmets!

I'm not ashamed to tell you all, that after 4 weeks of being on Cymbalta, I feel so much better!!

I have never been a proponent of medical intervention for anxiety and stress, but when I became overwhelmed by caring for my Aunt and my Mother and the ensuing physical ramifications of being worn down, on my Doctors advise I gave in!

I'm so happy I did!!

I am now looking forward to so many things! Planting in the spring. Fly fishing when the ice is off. Auditions for the summer musical at our community theater!

When you're overwhelmed, you truly have a hard time seeing the forest for the trees!!!

The reason I tell you this, is because there is hope. And there's no shame in seeking a little help!!!

Caregiving isn't for wimps!!

It's ok to do what ever it takes to make yourself feel whole again!!

We're all in this great void of unappreciated and overwhelmed people!

Do whatever you can to care for yourself!!

Many blessings!!

Well, a second ago I got a phone call from one of my cousins. I have a ton of cousins. She lives here in Louisiana.

She tested positive for Covid today. She feels horrible.

She thought it was her allergies but when she couldn’t taste her coffee she got tested.

So, she has quarantined herself to the guest bedroom. Her SO does not want to get tested! She says he is stubborn. So, I asked if he was going to quarantine or spread it to others if he was positive. She says he is quarantining too.

Why would someone refuse getting tested if their partner has tested positive? I don’t get that at all!

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