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Need: So sorry to hear of the deaths. Our Governor recently held a news conference. We are Mask Up Maryland as are all states.


It’s so sad that there are so many conspiracy theories on the vaccines. Some statements presented as facts are outright lies!

Even more sad that people are still not taking COVID-19 seriously.

How many more people have to die before they stop their nonsense?

I was glad to hear our mayor say that she would rather be criticized for doing too much, rather than being criticized for doing too little.

Thanks Lllama—I needed to hear that!! It is true, we often take on too much. I am very guilty of that!

Needhelp, I hope N.O can get COVID under control. I find myself increasingly frustrated at the experts and politicians. Nearly a year in to this and it seems like they all try the same thing over and over even though it doesn’t work. I don’t know the solution myself but it seems like we need a whole different approach. I don’t know about Louisiana but in CA we know that a good majority of our cases are coming from within households! But nothing is being done to address it. Instead they continue to keep everything shut down (and I am not saying they should open everything up, I am saying that everything shut down isn’t slowing the spread so maybe we need a different approach?)

I just got off the phone with the vet. We have a diagnosis! And a plan!! Last night I had a hunch. And I did some researched on it and diagnosed Frankie with diabetes. The vet this morning, she IMHO was trying to up-sell me on pain killers and joint supplements. I am not a vet but I know my pets. And I really did not believe Frankie was in pain. There was nothing to suggest he was in pain and he had every symptom of diabetes! But the vet thought he was in pain!!! Well $300 worth of blood work and $50 office visit later, I can say I was right!! Poor cat has diabetes!!! He has very high blood sugar. I am going to get him started on a high protein low carb diet immediately and when I am back in California, we will discuss insulin and how to administer the shots. But for now we will try to manage it by changing his diet. Also turns out ketosis is deadly to cats. Humans love it because they lose a lot of weight. But it’s not good for cats. All I can think now is “praise God. Hallelujah”. I can go take care of my mom and give her my all without being stressed and worried about Frankie! I am so thankful that this is manageable and he’s going to be ok!!!

worriedinca: You're very welcome. It's so true about taking on too much. I wish you all the best.


So much of COVID is a mystery at this point in time.

Somewhere down the road I believe we will know a whole lot more.

Sorry to hear that your can has diabetes. Hopefully you can manage it.

Our fur babies are so special to us.

Hoping for the best regarding your mom and dad’s health. It’s so hard watching parents decline.


I swear that I typed CAT having diabetes! Not CAN!

I proofread. My phone is hexed!

worriedinca: So sorry to read that your cat has diabetes. Our fur babies are so precious to us. Presently we don't have any, but we did. Cleocatra got lung cancer and Ozzie had a stroke. Thank goodness that your Frankie is going to be okay!

Goodnight all! Chat later.

NeedHelpWithMom: You're so right! I just heard about an older woman in my county (not me - LOL) who was almost scammed via the phone to have someone come to her home for vaccination. Scam. She did not fall for it.

NHWM - sounds like you really need a new phone. This one just auto-corrects too many times.


This is a NEW Apple iPhone! That’s why it’s so frustrating. Grrrrr.

Need, My new I Phone does the same thing.

Maybe it's because I am late to the smart phone universe but I routinely look online to figure out my phone's features. I'm not an i-phone user but it's simple enough to search the web for instructions on how to turn auto-correct off, or how to make sure the phone or tablet doesn't re-correct a word that you have already fixed.

Actually that's quite interesting. I have a Samsung phone (not brand new) and now you mention it, it started to do something strange with my AgingCare messages about 6 weeks ago, so it's not just i phones nor new phones either. I switched off some predictive text thing which got rid of the problem.


I am annoyed enough with my phone that I am considering looking at my settings and shutting off features too.

Needhelp, you can turn off auto-correct on your iPhone, just go to settings>General>keyboard


Yes, I may end up doing that.

One more thing. Hahaha 🤣, this should probably be in the whine section BUT my other gripe is that Siri can be mighty stupid at times. LOL

For instance, we are supposed to be able to dictate text messages, then just say ‘send.’

Okay, that’s great. I decide to use this feature and send a message to my daughter.

She called me up a second after the message was sent and asked me if I had been drinking! 😂 LOL

I told her that I was NOT drinking! I asked her why would she ask me that. It was morning time! She knows that I hardly ever drink anyway.

So she told me to read the text message that I sent.

Oh my gosh! Siri barely got any of it right and the message was insane!

I hope no one sends a message to their boss using Siri. LOL

Makes me happy I use my desk top computer for all things forum and emails :)

I still have a flip phone but rarely use it anymore because since cataract surgery I can no longer read things small, reading glasses make me seasick, and trying to hold a magnifier while texting means having 3 arms.

Regarding Siri, my late boss was the only person I knew who would actually get into a verbal fight with Siri.

I rarely use a talk to text feature. Although the time limit on editing posts DOES get me a lot of times; then I will write "edit ........." so that the OP doesn't think poorly of me.

This reminds me of when my DH got a new feature in his car a few years ago. He proudly demonstrated how he could state his destination and the sat nav would come up with the route. We were only driving to a town about 10 miles away which we’d driven to thousands of times and where we’d actually once lived, so didn’t need sat nav guidance. (But there’s no point saying that when your DH wants to show off his new gadget). He stated the destination and the stupid thing calibrated a 250 mile journey to some place at the other end of the country, adding insult to injury by planning to take us past the town we really wanted to go to. The name of the place it was going to take us to has now become the byword in our family for anything that goes spectacularly wrong.


I appreciate technology. I really do but it is supposed to simplify our lives and it certainly has done that in many areas. BUT when it goes haywire it really screws us up, right?

Question for you? Have you driven a self driving car? Would you?

What tech products do you love the most? Hate the most?
What took getting used to the most?

NeedHelp, absolutely! Also, sometimes I think we are slaves to technology rather than using it to serve us. In pre Covid times I would do fast lane swimming several times a week. Some of my fellow swimmers wore Fitbits to monitor performance, but I noticed they often seemed stressed with their obsession on the data while they were exercising. I felt that they were missing a really valuable aspect of keeping fit: the mental benefits rather than just the physical.

And no, I’m not keen on a self driving car. I’m happy with any tech device that can save time and effort but feel the car thing is a step too far.

When you just need to listen to the news, be aware of the tone of voice the reporter is using.

If it sounds urgent, panicked, and contains conflicting statements, turn it off!

The Media's extreme efforts to cause mass hysteria and drama will be exposed.

Tune out, save your brain!

Watch BBC news instead. They all sound upper crust and superior.
No emotion. Just the facts Ma'am.

Chris, it's the same as people trying to get the perfect shot of a view instead of just experiencing it.

Christopher Plummer
He was 91.

Blossom of snow, may you bloom and grow
Bloom and grow forever
Edelweiss, Edelweiss
Bless my homeland forever.

A few years ago I was at a stop light, we were running late for an appointment. The light was green and thought it was clear to proceed and oncoming car came from nowhere and did not stop and was heading toward us, told everyone to brace themselves and then put my head down getting ready for a crash and car stopped right in front of us so forcefully and the tires did not squeal. The guy obviously was not paying attention and looked at me in shock then gave me the finger. I was so darn mad more at the finger pointing. Fortunate none of us were injured including the driver of the other car. I think he had one of those self driving cars.

Gershun, you make good points, and observations, about the often frenetic and certainly intense postures of American newscasters.     I often wonder if they fall in love with themselves after glaring into the camera so much.    Arrogance is a quality I would say sometimes describes some of them.

That doesn't include Dana Bash or Nicole Wallace, though; they're seasoned professionals.   

On the issues of technology helping us, I think technology has taken control away from us in so many ways.     If you're not familiar with geotagging and tracking via smart phone, you might want to read this:

The first section primarily deals with data tracking after the riot, which to me was encouraging to track down the rioters and ensure that they're deal with.  

However, smart phones can produce data that can be monetized.

"We were quickly able to match more than 2,000 supposedly anonymous devices in the data set with email addresses, birthdays, ethnicities, ages and more."

"We were quickly able to match more than 2,000 supposedly anonymous devices in the data set with email addresses, birthdays, ethnicities, ages and more."  (Note "supposedly anonymous".)

You have to read the entire article to put the last two quotes in perspective, but just think about, and wonder how and where all the scammers get your name.

The old adage about "Big Brother" should also include "Big business".  

This article addresses government tracking, and although of concern, it's not as offensive to me as commercial tracking strictly for monetary purposes.   I've often wondered how much data is sold to those obnoxious scammers who repeatedly call with fictitious data attempting to scam someone.

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