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NeedHelpWithMom: Since we "vacationed" (NOT - WE WORKED TO EXHAUSTION each year at my mother's), New Hampshire and the White Mountains was very well known to us.
Good for you and your DH with the first class travel.💜


We flew into Boston. We also went to Lexington, Concord and Salem. I loved the clam chowder! We don’t have clams here. We have oysters, shrimp and crawfish 🦞 and crab.

New England is beautiful in the fall.

I am surprised that my daughter is loving the snow in Denver. She doesn’t seem to mind the cold.

I do feel the job opportunities are better for her there. She loves her job.

She says that she doesn’t miss our humidity.

She has a few friends that she went to college with that are living there too.

She isn’t socializing with any of them because of Covid but they talk on the phone.

She is working remotely. She doesn’t mind working at home and her company supplied her with the computers and monitors needed.

She says that she loves seeing views of the mountains. Even rescued a Siberian Husky dog that loves the snow! LOL

What happened to the southern gal that I raised? LOL, just kidding, I want her to be her 😊.

Tomorrow is the big day, my mom has her double mastectomy. CANCER BE GONE!! She’s feeling very anxious all of a sudden & I don’t know how to help her. She’s been fine since I got here around 3 this afternoon. It’s almost 9pm and now she’s anxious. I told her she’s the strongest woman I know and she’s going to be fine. Tomorrow, the cancer will be out of her body and it will be a rough 2 weeks but we will get through it and the cancer will be out of her body!!! She is anxious tonight. Tomorrow I know I will be very emotional but I must stay strong for her!!!!!

On a random night.....she just told he one of her best friends grandson was just arrested for double murder!! I saw the press release & booking photo and my first thought was that he looks a lot like S*** and he has her old last name (she remarried about 10 years ago). 4 years ago, there was a shooting on the east side of town. 2 men were killed, 2 were injured. I remember listening to this on the scanner, my husband was working that night. They caught the suspect vehicle shortly after and detained 3 suspects. That is the last I heard about it. My mom said her friends grandson abruptly moved away right after the shooting-January 2017. He was living a criminal lifestyle. So he moved away and cleaned up his life. Got a job, got married, had a couple kids. He just moved back here and.....I guess the DA issued a murder warrant sometime between 2017 and now because he was just arrested for double homicide on 1/26! I have never met him. But dang there are some strong genes in that family. He looks just like his aunt C and his grandma! I cannot imagine how the families involved feel. The victims family.....finally getting justice after 4 years! My moms good friend S, will probably never see her grandson again. He will probably spend the rest of his life in prison. S.....I cannot believe how one person can be dealt so many bad cards in life! Her oldest daughter was born disabled/mentally challenged. I don’t know what her diagnosis was but you could tell she was disabled. She died of ovarian cancer in her late 20s, about 20 years ago. S also lost her son (maybe the father of the grandson just arrested?) about 8 years ago. He was on meth. Ended up in the ICU on a ventilator for about a month and died. 3 years ago S lost her husband to cancer and then a year later she herself battled cancer.

EB and Llama,

The name of the bed and breakfast in New Hampshire that we stayed at was, Inn at Thorn Hill. Jackson was a tiny little town.


Will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

WorriedInCA, my best to you and your mom on her surgery. Wishing her a successful operation and a speedy recovery.

worriedinCalif, sending my thoughts and prayers to your mom and you. Hope she does well during the surgery and recovers well. Praying for peace and strength for both of you .

Worried, hope all goes well for mom and you!

Cali, (((((hugs)))) and good thoughts for your mom.

Cali, wishing you and your mum all the best today. Hopefully when she is in recovery, the two of you can spend some quality time together just doing simple things: watching TV, enjoying a meal, and generally just looking after yourselves.

Cali, thinking about you and your mom today. I hope she has a speedy recovery and is comforted knowing the cancer is gone from her body.

Thank you all so much. We are in the surgery center now and she is about to put on the gown. I popped in here because I am about to break down! I forgot to ask her last night if she wants us to have her revived if she goes in to cardiac arrest (mom has advanced COPD, her health is fragile so we are concerned about going under anesthesia). I don’t know if I can ask her without crying! She has always m made it clear she never wants advanced life saving measures but I keep thinking what if....what if she has changed her mind and she wants us to save her! God please give me the strength! I do not want to break down and upset her!

(((Hugs))) Cali, one thing at a time...deep breath, everything will work itself out.

chances are good that even though you may not have thought about it she has, I doubt that makes the conversation any easier though.

Hello worriedinCalif, I know how you feel, my mother had major surgery at Mass General when she was in her mid 80's. and she did fine. I was allowed in the recovery room for a few minutes, I promised I would check on her but also for myself to ease my mind, it was so difficult waiting. I was so anxious but I prayed to God to help her and she did very well. I do not think the surgeon would do the surgery if he/she did not think she would do well. I never had a DNR status until my mom was 95. I know it is difficult but try to honor your moms wishes and leave it at that. Think positive thoughts, know God will do what is best for your mother. She should do well. Like you said she is a strong person. I lit a candle for your mom today and said a special prayer. Take good care. Hugs to you and your dear mom.

Worried, stay strong for your mom, and my prayers are with you. If it makes you feel any better, every time Mom was in the hospital they asked her about her end of life wishes on admission.. so that is probably taken care of.

worriedinCali: Sending prayers virtually ((( ))) for your momma today.🧡💜

NeedHelpWithMom: Yes, I did see that you flew into Logan.

I hate, hate, hate device problems. So stressful, chatting online to get something fixed. But one kindle now working as it should, too stressed to work with #2 tonight. Maybe tomorrow.

Had to reset to factory settings, then remember all my passwords to setup my faves. Just whipped, should sleep good, though.

Glad: Device problems ARE frustrating. Sleep well.💜💛


Devices can be a pain in the butt!

Fantastic when working well, but a nuisance when they aren’t!

Sleep well.

Thank you all so much!!!! My mom’s surgery went off without a hitch!! They did not ask her about a DNR though! Very strange huh? I remember when my husband had back surgery, they had him fill out an advanced directive. My mom wasn’t given one to sign though. I was able to stay calm and ask her what she wanted us to do, if God forbid her heart stopped. She said no tubes and no life saving measures unless the drs though she would live and not be a vegetable. Which is what she has always told me. She also planned ahead, after I confirmed with her what she wanted as far as a DNR goes, she pulled out the durable POA and gave it to the nurse. The nurse asked if the gal at the front desk made a copy. She didn’t even ask about it or mention an advanced directive. The anxiety though...she was anxious herself and as time went on and they put in the finally felt real! Like it this is really happening. I have never felt an anxiety like that before. This is all so new to me. My main concern was being too emotional and making my mom upset. It’s hard to find the right balance between strong and emotional.

Anyway surgery went well, no complications. We initially thought she couldn’t have visitors because of COVID. I got to stay with her until they took her back to the anesthesiologist which I am thankful for. I went back to the house since they said they would call when she was out of surgery. She had surgery around 1. At 3:30 the nurse called and said she could have visitors from 3-6! So I took my dad up to the surgery center and he got to see her and then I got to go in. She was sitting up in a chair eating dinner when I walked in! She looks GREAT! She isn’t in any pain. She ate dinner. Her breathing is good. I really expected worse. I thought she would be in bed and kind of out of it! It was such a relief seeing her sitting there eating! She looked so GOOD! Her color was great, she sounded great! Now I know she will be ok when I bring her home. The hard part will be the drive home. I imagine every bump in the road will hurt!

So now we about 3 days the pathology report on the cancer should be in and the dr will decide if she needs chemo or radiation where they took out the lymph node.

EaelyBird, the anxiety we feel for our moms is really something isn’t it? And I was thinking the same thing about the surgeon—he wouldn’t have recommended surgery if he didn’t think it was safe for her! That is what I wish I had reminded myself today. If it wasn’t safe and he didn’t think she would do well, he would not have done the surgery! Thank for lighting a candle. Really means a lot!

Well tomorrow morning I should be able to bring her home. it is weird being here at the house, in her “office” which is really a den...without her being in here with me!

worriedinCalif, I am so happy for your mom and you. Your positive post about your mom made my night. I am so glad she is doing so well. Wonderful you got to see your mom. Get some rest and have a good night sleep.

worriedinCali: Thank goodness that your mother got through the surgery. I hope that you can put your mind at ease to be able to sleep.💜

glad - I hear you!!! I am a half decent tech, but problems can get to you. I fixed one laptop and the other one is waiting for a trip to someone who can do hardware. You can only deal with so much at a time.

Have a good sleep.

Nighty night Golden. Stay warm. It was cold here that last couple of days and for the next week or so. High was 16 today, 22 tomorrow, by Saturday down to 10. We always get at least one serious cold spell that will last a week to ten days like this. If I had the cold you do, I would definitely just stay in.

Smart kitties not wanting to go out. It you cold a dry or humid cold? My folks left Minnesota partly their mom's drove them nuts and the humid cold that will cut through the body, to the bone. At least mom described it that way. UFFDA!

Cali, So great that your Mom is doing well after her surgery. Hope her recovery goes well.

Cali I am so happy that things went so well with your mom!! What a relief, and you also did great keeping your cool and being so supportive! That's amazing she was up having dinner! And the BEST part is no more cancer! Such great news for your mom and family.

It sounds like she is going to have a speedy recovery :) Keep us posted and enjoy relaxing with your mom ❤


It’s wonderful to hear that your mom is doing well after her surgery. What a relief!

My daughter just texted me saying that she wasn’t looking forward to her morning walk with her pooch because it was very chilly in Denver this morning!

She says that the temperature is dropping!

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