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Worried, I apologize for not keeping up on your mother's progress.   I've had some major problems myself.    But I am happy, glad, and ….well, ecstatic that things seem to be working out well, and hope that they continue to do so, and that your family is able to get the rest and peace to which you're entitled!

As to blood thinners, you mentioned Coumadin is not what she's taking.  Was it Heparin?  It's a faster acting blood thinner.   And for surgeries and prep, my father took Lovenox, which can be administered by someone who's not a medical pro.  

The other alternatives are the group of meds that aren't specifically blood thinners; Alva can probably explain the specific differences better than I.  (I can't remember the names of them anyway!)

Just wanted to offer some good wishes, and what little I know about the various anticoagulation meds.


Thinking of you in Colorado!

worried - I am happy for you that your mum is doing pretty well for all she has been through. Trust there are no more complications.

Thinking of you, glad. Hope all goes well. I think there has been less flu this year as people are staying apart and in more. There are some advantages.

The temps are rising a bit here. Today minus 20C (minus 4F) but the winds still make it bad. Hey, but much better than minus 30 or 40. :)

Hahaha, my daughter put on three sweaters, two jackets, two pairs of pants and socks and hat, gloves and faux fur lined boots to walk her dog!!!

She’s finding out what the Colorado winters are like!

elaine: Oh, thank you for your post. I am a very patient person. The mail has been trying, at best.

Garden, whatever is going on, I hope it is nothing too serious. Thank you for the support. I don’t know what blood thinner my mom was on-shes off it now. The dr did not tell her what it was, I should have looked at the discharge paperwork earlier, it may be on there. My dad is the one currently on blood thinners, he is on warfarin. That is why he cannot get the COVID vaccine. His blood pressure is not currently under control, it’s still high plus he just finished chemo 2 weeks ago so his dr says no to the vaccine at this time.

I think my mother is having complications :(
the paramedics left about 30 minutes ago. She has drains on each breast, suction bulb drains. One drain would not stay deflated after I emptied it. I noticed the blood coming out was thick. I cleared out a big stringy clot and it still wouldn’t stay deflated. Also noticed her belly is distended (but then again she hasn’t had a bowel movement since Tuesday morning). Her right side is extremely bruised (and it was when she was discharged!). It’s the left side that has the drain that won’t stay deflated. Anyway. She is also complaining she feels kind of numb in her body and tonight she has had intermittent burning pains. Bad burning pains which I think is nerve pain. We called the paramedics to see if they could help us figure out what is going on with the drain and they couldn’t, they know nothing about it. The on-call dr talked to the paramedics and said everything seems ok. She told me the breast may be done draining & the drain is coming out. Moms dr did not tell us that could happen. And of course she can’t get in to the dr until Tuesday because Monday is a holiday!! The paramedics did not recommend going to the ER because the ER will just tell her to follow up with the surgeon. And she really doesn’t want to go to the hospital because that’s where COVID is. We both felt better after the paramedics checked her out. She is asleep right now but before I put her to bed, she was acting kind of down. She doesn’t feel a hospital trip is necessary but I think she wasn’t expecting to feel this bad and be so bruised and swollen after surgery.

And my poor dad:(
After the medics left he had to use his rescue inhaler! We told him to hook himself up to one of moms portable tanks but he refused. We stressed him out good calling the paramedics in I guess. I told him they were just coming to help us with the drain but he was still very worried/stressed.

Anyway hopefully nothing else happens between now and Tuesday. Tuesday morning I will the surgery center and insist she be seen. Need to make sure there really isn’t anything wrong.

On another note.....we have a “caregivers cats behaving badly” thread but what about the cats belonging to the person the caregiver takes care of? My mother’s cat is really something! She’s the cutest little thing, she’s very small, looks about 7 months old but she’s 3 years old. But what a giant PITA she can be! She constantly asks for food and cat treats and then refuses to eat it! The treats she ate yesterday, temptations brand, she is refusing today. Won’t eat that flavor or any other flavor. She did eat these other stick treats this afternoon but when she came in just now looking for treats she refused them! And it’s the same with food although she has refused canned food for 2 days now! My dad and I each offered her 2 different flavors and she turned her nose to it! The day I got her, she was eating the beef temptations treats. The following day she refused them but ate the chicken flavor. As of today...she is refusing it all. So I don’t know what she really wants at this point! She’s starting to drive my dad crazy too LOL! Because it’s obvious she wants food but she refuses everything he gives her so it’s not just me.

Oh no worriedincali, I’m so sorry your mom is having complications. Prayers to you and your mom. Yes, insist she be seen on Tuesday.

Messed up weather app on my phone says it is 48 degrees. Tablet says -4.

Worriedincali, really sorry to hear about your mum's complications. Hoping she will be ok and gets the care she needs. I think your mum's cat has picked up on the stress and general change in her household at the moment, and that is affecting her eating habits. This is quite common as cats are very attuned to any change in routine. Not sure what to offer in terms of advice, but perhaps if you are aware that this might be the problem, at least you will understand her behaviour.

If you are due for a mammogram, see this article before you make a decision about getting the COVID vaccine.

I had my second Covid shot yesterday.. was expecting the worst.. but maybe I got lucky With the first shot I was totally drained for a day and a half. This time I got really bad muscle and arm pain Tylenol has helped. But I am not as tired,, was able to run some errands before I wore out. Hopefully thats the worst of it!

Anyone have any experience with continuing care facilities. My husband and I have looked at three places. Very nice facilities. Costs are high...especially the upfront costs.

worriedinCali: I am so sorry to read that your mother is experiencing problems. I will pray that it gets better. So exhausting for you. Big virtual hugs.💜

Bridger: The only experience I had was with an AL. Never did put my mother in it because she had suffered the stroke. Luckily was able to get the refund of $12K.

I put my mother to bed this evening and gave her a kiss good night. I said a prayer with her and sang her a song. She thanked me for everything I have done for her. I teared up and told her I loved her and thanked her for letting me take care of her. I am so grateful I still have my sweet mom at age 98.

What the heck? Is something up with AC site? Or my kindle again? I can on l y see half of the page.😕

glad: Sometimes the news feed is super slow to load. Other than that, I've not had a problem like you mentioned.

EB: God bless you and your sweet mom. That's precious. You are blessed.💚

Thanks llama

glad: You're welcome.

Just received a call from a friend in a senior group to which I belong. I don’t know how accurate the info, but they are encouraging everyone to contact representatives to vote against the stimulus bill because it is going to result in large cuts to Medicare and farm programs. I live in a farm area and cuts would be bad for farmers. Medicare is definitely important to senior health.

Bridger: I believe that POTUS has plans for that, sadly.☹

Llama, I personally believe that his plans have never been to help senior healthcare or seniors in general.

Hi gladimhere,
I thought it was my new computer but it seems it is just this site. I typed a message and it disappeared and retyped it and the original message appeared. Very strange. I reported it to AC.

I haven't had any of those problems. Mind you I haven't been posting much recently. My browser is much faster since I downloaded Norton and cleared out some junk files. We worth it.

On my mind - Happy Valentine's Day everyone. Treat yourself if there is no one around to treat you. 🎈🌹🎈 💕💞💖

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day! ❤🍾🥂🍫⚘🎈

Shell, same! DH and I had a lovely day watching films, with pots of tea and plenty of chocolate. A perfect day for us!

Bridger: I agree with your statement.

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