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Tomorrow I’m starting in the attic and going to work my way thru the house and a couple of outbuildings cleaning out junk. I’ve two ladies to help me. I have junk on top of junk. My husband is going to a continuing Ed class, so I’m going to take advantage to get rid of some stuff he has accumulated.

Bridger: We did our attic clean out at least two times. Best to do it in winter. Good luck to you.😂

I don’t even want to think about our attic!

My girls did not want to get rid of any of their stuffed animals.

So my husband put them in the attic. Oh, remember the beanie baby phase? We have those too!

I do have a really special doll house that my mother in law assembled for my oldest daughter. It is gorgeous! It’s furnished beautifully too.

Their American girl dolls are up there. I have no idea what else of theirs is up there.

All of our Christmas decorations are in the attic.

You’re right, Bridger! We collect so much stuff, don’t we?

I did our closets awhile back. The attic is another story.

My girls are in small apartments so I don’t think they have the space for their stuff.

Need, Every time I go to the attic I trip over a GI Joe Command Center and a Cobra headquarters. With boys you get a different kind of junk. I gave them two weeks warning to come get their stuff. They showed one time. My husband went up there with them, sat down and the three of them played for a couple of hours.


I bet your husband and sons had fun with their old toys.

I have to tell you that I did not like Ken when I was a young girl but I thought G.I. Joe was totally cool! 😊

When my mom asked me if I wanted Ken for my Barbie, I told her no because I used to take my brother’s G.I. Joe to be her date! 😄

I loved my brother’s Lionel train set, also hot wheels and match box cars. Oh, the Tonka trucks too!

My girls had a few matchbox and hot wheels cars too.

I went to the nursing home this afternoon to see my uncle. He self pays for a private room. When I arrived they were moving this gasping, gagging old man into my uncle’s room. I know the man couldn’t help it, but it was totally gross and disgusting. I went to the nurses’s station and asked what was going on. They said they needed the bed. This man was so dirty. I ended up calling my son who is a lawyer. He came and finally got it straighten out. I spent a bunch of time disinfecting and trying to get the stench out of the room. It’s always something.

I left a message for housekeeping to do a deep clean tomorrow.

Bridger: When we cleaned out our attic, we located some of DD's things that we had been storing. We recently gave her her prom dress, which we had dry cleaned and preserved years ago. Also was a Civil War era dress for someone of 5' 10" and that was her. Her husband liked to see both dresses.

Need: It may be cool what you'll find in your own attic, right? I was really good at claw machines as a young girl and won tons of stuffed animals. Gave them to a women's and children's shelter.

Bridger: Wow. Glad you got the issue of the man being brought into your uncle's room! Especially since your uncle is a private pay patient. Yes, deep cleaning is needed.


What a great donation! Kids love sleeping with stuffed animals. I bet the kids at the shelter slept with them every night.

I don’t think that I ever got an animal out of one of those claw machines. You were good! I had to buy my girls stuffed animals.

No telling what else is in my attic.

My kids were so attached to certain stuffed animals.

So badly that if they had a sleepover at a friend’s house and they forgot to pack it they would call and ask my husband or me to bring it to them!

One or two of them were taken to college with them! LOL

They were practically rags by then. I sewed them up a few times. Once they were repaired they were happy again.

Those animals went from their beds to church pews, restaurants, sleepovers, movie theaters to universities!


I would do a deep cleaning too! I bet your uncle was grossed out.

My daughter fell down her steps when she was going to unlatch the gate for a delivery driver. She is three flights up.

I will be glad when her lease is up. She has a new apartment building picked out with an elevator and indoor parking.

She said that she didn’t think she needed to put on her snow boots.

Wrong move on her part and she slipped. She’s sore, a bit bruised and said she will never try to go down the stairs in slippers ever again!

The slippers had slip proof soles but obviously they aren’t made for ice and snow.

My southern daughter is experiencing cold winter weather for the first time!

Suppose she would have had her dog with her!

He’s a strong dog. He pulls on the leash.

She is going to have to be more disciplined with her dog.

She does wear her snow boots to walk him.

Glad your daughter is ok from slipping on the steps.

Thanks, EB.

Live and learn, right? She isn’t in her apartment in Baton Rouge, Louisiana anymore!

She had a walk up apartment in college but didn’t deal with ice and snow on the steps!

She was saying that she finds it a pain to have to put on snow boots all of the time.

I bit my tongue. I wanted to say, “You moved to Colorado, honey!” LOL

I was kind, polite and kept my mouth shut because it sounds like her fall made her realize that slippers aren’t outdoor shoes in Colorado during snow season!

NeedHelp you are better at zipping your tongue more than me. I would have given a lecture.

Went to the nursing home today. They had deep cleaned my uncle’s room. I took him some new photos for his room, restocked his fridge and cabinet. He was happy with his photos. My son had his baby in the car and took him up to the window. My uncle was happy to see him. My uncle acts like my dad - always happy and cooperative. Good visit.


Oh, I was tempted! 😊 I managed to keep my mouth shut.

This is my daughter that is the ‘diva!’

She is into fashion! Not so much, practical. She loves cute socks, cute slippers, etc.

She said to me, Well, it was so cold. I thought that I could go unlock the gate quickly and come back to my hot cup of coffee. Geeeez!

I think all of us who live in snowy areas have tried a move like that NHWM, some days changing clothes and footwear to go out feels like a real PITA and it's tempting to push the limits.
(yes, my feet did get snowy and wet when I wore my crocs to take out the compost last week 🙄🤣)


Do crocs prevent slipping? I know that you got wet but you didn’t slip.

LOL, forgive me ignorance! I really don’t know. I have never lived in a snowy area.

Your description is exactly how my daughter felt. She looked at putting on snow boots as a PITA!

Crocs makes boots, all weather!
Comfortable and stylish boots for women.
From cute rain boots to winter boots and booties, this is where fashion and function collide.
I didn't know that.


Remember the very first crocs? They were clogs. Now they have all sorts of styles in crocs.

Oh my gosh, I just looked up the history of Crocs. The first pair was in Boulder, CO.

My daughter is in Denver.

Hubs is redoing floors in our house, and I am cleaning out. He made a wonderful doll house for DD when she was young.. as it looks like we wont be having grands I asked if her bestie would like it for her daughter.. she is thrilled, and we feel like it will still be in the family. Yes I could see if my grand niece would like it,, but my actual niece has only gifted us with her daughters presence 2x since her birth.. LOL. And she is 5.. they live a whole 20 minutes away.. The besties daughter has been a delight since her birth 3 years ago.. bestie is one of our 2 "bonus daughters" and we are friends with the parents.. I am also giving her all my DDs dolls, A huge box of beanie babies will be going to my bestie for her grand daughter. Judge me if you will,, but hubs and I are happy with our plan!

Pam I have to say your plan is wonderful! Can’t see anyone judging you except maybe your niece if she finds out but honestly, she (and her DD) aren’t any more entitled to the dollhouse & dolls than anyone else is! Your husband made it for his daughter, if it’s going to be passed down to her daughters best friend, I think that’s wonderful! You have more of a relationship with that child anyway.

I’ve been cleaning out day all day. Bag after bag of pure junk. I found the weekly newspaper from the week the Civil War started. And speculation that my maternal great-great-great grandparents would move back south. They never did. Donated a ton of clothes to the historical society. I kept a couple of very pretty ball gowns. Maybe I’ll have a dance upstairs in the ballroom. Only thing it’s been used for in my life is roller skating. We’re not “ball” type people. I”be let people use it for events. I have 23 big black bags curbside.


I have no idea if we will have any grandchildren.

I haven’t even thought about what to do with our things in the attic.

I adore the doll house that my in laws made for my daughter.

Doll houses are so beautiful, aren’t they?

The miniature furniture is really pretty too.

My kids kept silly little things. Most of it is in the attic but the other day I was looking in the pantry for something and I came across all of their pez candy dispensers!

One of my sons actually showed up to get some of his stuff. Glad he did.

I'm amazed that so many of you have attics that can be used as storage space, that's a feature than has pretty much disappeared around here - my parent's house had one because it had never been updated.


Attic, yes but we don’t have basements here.

I rented a converted attic when I was single.

It was actually pretty roomy and nice.

I didn’t need a lot of space. Just my kitty shared the space with me.

I didn’t even own a car then. I walked, rode my bike or took public transportation. Ahhhh...simpler times.

Do you have a basement?

Ah yes, almost everyone here has a basement, and pretty much anything built in the 50's and beyond has the basement finished into living space.

Attics here were common in old houses but have either been converted into living space if they are large enough or sealed off and filled with insulation.

I have no basement. House is way too old, plus we’re close to the river and it’s too damp. My attic is big and easy to access - which also makes it easy to put stuff up there and forget.

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