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Chriscat, I am so glad your DH is able to go see his mother and he got his Covid vaccine a day earlier. Sending my thoughts and prayers to all of you.

Chriscat, oh good!! I’m so glad DH got his jab 24 hours earlier and is on his way to see his mom. I’ll let you know how my jab goes today.

My mom is doing great. This is day 3 of her second vaccine. No side effects from the second one. Day 2 for me, just tired, and arm pain subsided.

Chris: I am praying for your DH's mom.💚

Llama, you are so kind. My DH feels much better now he has seen his mother. She is very accepting of her situation and has opted to go sooner with minimal pain rather than endure months of more severe pain before the end. She is marvellous. It is so much better for her family as they know this is what she wants, and she is in control of her final days. I have always been very fond of my MIL. I guess her decisions now just mirror the kind and generous person she has been all her life. DH will stay in her (empty) house for the next few days while she moves into a hospice. She will have just a few days then, but at least everyone is prepared and comforted by spending this time with her. I hope to learn from this if I ever find myself in this situation in the future.

I am so glad your DH had the chance to see his mother. Your post touched my heart. Praying your MIL has a peaceful passing.

Chris: You're very welcome. You're the one who's kind and thank you for your sweet compliment. I am glad that your DH got to see his mother. I will continue to pray for you all.💚

Thank you earlybird and llama. I managed to phone and speak to my MIL this afternoon. It was very hard, knowing this was a goodbye call. She is fully cognitive but sounds more tired than a few days ago. I told her I would see her again, on the other side, whenever that may be. We laughed together about her DH who would be waiting for her, along with her assorted cats and dogs she'd had during her lifetime and who would be expecting heavenly food and walkies. Today is Mother's Day here in the UK. It's certainly the strangest one I've had. I feel a bit lost and empty.

NHWM, so what does daughter think? It is still snowing in the metro area. Many offices closed tomorrow. Bet her dog loves it!

Chris: You're welcome.

It’s been a few days since I posted. Trying to catch up.

Llama, hope you are feeling better.

Chris, I am so very sorry to hear about your mother in law.


Oh my gosh! My daughter slipped on her stairs a few days back. (Third floor walk up)

She thought that she was okay. She ended up taking an UBER to the ER because she was in so much pain. They did X-rays and no fractures. They said her muscles were extremely tight. They said that she would remain in pain for awhile from the fall.

Years ago she had a horrible automobile accident and injured her neck and back. (Whiplash and concussion)

She wiped out her knee in dance. She has had extensive knee surgery.

She’s always been super active, dance team, gymnastics, volleyball, kayaking, etc.

She’s super fit but accidents occur. She really wants to go snowboarding with her friend that lives in Vail.

Anyway, thank God she had ordered groceries to be delivered before the storm.

ER doc gave her a pain patch and muscle relaxers. He told her to take a few days off of work to rest.

I told her to board her dog. Well, she couldn’t drive because of the pain. They had begun to tell people to stay off of the roads. So she had to just let him use the bathroom very close to her apartment instead of long walks or going to the park.

The dog is ecstatic about the snow! He gets really excited and wants to play. I don’t know how she is managing. She’s tiny with a bad back. He’s very strong and pulls on the leash. I pray a lot for her!

Tons of snow in her area! I will be happy when her lease is up. She found an building with an elevator in it. It also has a rooftop area for dogs! Higher rent but oh well...

She’s 25. What can I do? I don’t interfere in her choices in life. She’s an adult.

She loves Colorado. She went to see an ice castle last month.

She’s supposed to visit Estes Park soon. She’s an explorer!

NeedHelpWithMom: Thank you, but not totally. Woke up with migraine 2 days in a row. PC doctor appointment tomorrow.

My mother received her Covid vaccine 4 days ago and so far no side effects from the second one. Glad it is over. She did very well and I am grateful.

My daughter wasn’t getting relief from the pain patch and was still in pain after her fall. She went to the doctor to see about it.

I was so upset with her decision to drive herself instead of taking an Uber.

It ended up being a pinched nerve in her neck that is causing shooting pains.

So they gave her steroids. She was told to seek out a massage therapist that treats sports injuries. The doctor said that an ordinary massage would not help and could even make it worse.

Our bodies are so weird with everything that can go wrong.


So sorry about your migraine headache. I’ve never experienced a migraine.

I get the sinus headaches which I am sure are nothing compared to a migraine.


Your mom is a trooper! Isn’t it awful that the elderly are so vulnerable to COVID-19?

I am glad that your mom didn’t have issues with the vaccine.

Plus being so isolated during this time. It’s so sad. Hopefully, it will end fairly soon.


Don’t you get a massage occasionally. Gosh, it’s been years since I last got a massage.

I was on vacation and it was pre kids! Yes, that many year ago!!!

I have been wanting to get a massage.

I don’t even know what to look for because there are all of these different types of massages now.

I’ve had both shots. Tomorrow is two weeks so is it safe to do things like get a massage now?

Had my first COVID vaccine on Sunday morning. No side effects. I have got a headache though, but not from the jab. High winds yesterday blew a door into my face when coming in from the garden and whacked me on the forehead! I was bending down to take my shoes off and just didn’t see it coming. I am Ok but have a door shaped bruise above one eye! 🤕


OUCH! So sorry that you have a headache due to a door slamming on you.

Hope you feel better soon.

there must be a conspiracy going on causing doors to connect with faces 🤕🤪

Need yes I do get massages.. and I love them. But like you I am not really sure what all the differences are, except "hot stone" ! when I go in the gal askes what is bothering me and what do I need worked on, and off she goes! I get a full body, but she varies the depth and pressure based on what I tell her. If the pressure is too much she adjusts it for my comfort. The first time I went she told me I was tighter than some of the local pro athletes she does,, I told her my mother lived with me and she was rolling on the floor!


My daughter has a pinched nerve in her neck and her doctor told her to get a massage therapist that specializes in treatment for athletes.

I will tell you where I was on vacation. It was Hot Springs, Arkansas, when the bath houses were in vogue to visit. I think they all closed years later.

The way it was done though was, you soaked in the hot spring baths, the attendant gave you a shot of it to drink. Supposedly, the hot spring water had healing benefits to bathe in and drinking it too. Didn’t taste great but I did it.

Then you go into a steam box that was locked from the outside. I almost fainted and couldn’t get out until she unlocked it. I panicked a bit when she walked off. If she had returned a moment later I would have fainted.

Then a needle shower, which I loved and my husband hated. I should say there was a man’s side and a woman’s side. Men and women weren’t together! Hahaha 🤣

After the needle shower, a soothing massage where I fell asleep afterwards. They allowed a person to sleep until they woke up. My husband didn’t know what took me so long to meet him. He did not fall asleep.

This was way back in the 80’s.

Chris: Hope that you feel better.

Need: Thanks. I hope you never get a migraine. Praying for your daughter to feel better.

Thanks, Llama.

Need.. we have a town near us called Berkeley Springs WV that sounds alot like that. I go there once or twice a year with my DD or a friend, and we spend the night on a girls trip. They have several spas, and the water is supposed to be healing. That is where I once had a hot stone massage.. it was very relaxing. They have a "roman bath" where you are in a private room with a huge bath, 2 or 3 can be in it at once, and I love it. you can swim in it... BUT the last few times I got so red in the face.. I guess too hot for too long? So now I stick to the "bath" at the spas that is sort of like a whirlpool,, it holds one or two and I dont get all red in the face! I can not do a sauna !


I don’t like a sauna. I like a steam room.


That sounds like a nice place for a girl’s getaway!

Another school week complete. This was the toughest so far, with three major papers/assignments due, 1 in each class. I saw it coming and took off as much time from work as I could. The past 4-5 days were nothing but school work grind for at least 8 hours a day. I could shave off some of the time it takes to do these projects by learning more tricks and tips for formatting in Word and PowerPoint, and not having to struggle to get everything to fit where it's supposed to and have the right bullet points, etc. I can't apply bullets to a list without the app messing it up and putting one or more off the margin and out of whack. I managed to insert chart graphics today for an assignment. Woo hoo! I cannot do a hanging indentation in Word to save my life and it's a required formatting for APA references, which I'm doing a lot of these days. I've watched several videos on it and read tips. It's just not working. I'm going to call my school tech support this week and see if they have any ideas. Maybe something in the tab settings is screwy. I feel like half the time I spend on my assignments is research and composing, then the other half the time is wrangling the format endlessly until it's acceptable. lol Makes me long for the old word processor machines that would let you stick stuff where you wanted it.

Four more weeks then done with this term. It's cooking along. Looks like I'll retain a spot on the Chancellor's List. Didn't know that was a thing, a step above Dean's List, I guess. Makes me feel smart. lol

The zolpidem sleep aids are helping me stay more level through the stress, since I get better sleep. It's always easier to tackle big work tasks with a fresh and rested brain.

There's a local Korean spa/sauna place about 20 minutes north of Chicago called King Spa. They have a couple national locations, I think, in New Jersey and Dallas, too. It's a huge place with all these different dry saunas (ochre, gold, amethyst, infrared, oxygen)and on the women's spa side, they have 15 or so plastic rubber tables lined up where the women get scrubs and massages. They use a lot of accupressure techniques. I really think the staff there believe that if they don't hurt you, it's not sufficient massage therapy. lol It might hurt at the time but after a day, I feel much better from all the muscles getting loosened up.

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