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You know how it is. We get too much email. So I chose not to receive additional email. I have my email listed but if there is a choice not to receive additional mail then I don’t want it.

It’s separate from the forum. I had no idea what you were talking about because I don’t get any mail from aging care.

If I sign up for something and I get bombarded with emails I cancel it.

Margaret: I am so, so sorry to hear about your Hector's passing. I send deepest condolences to you.

💙Dearest Hector
As Heaven welcomed you
Known as The Protector
Over the Rainbow Bridge you flew 🌈🌈🌈= nds, 3/30/2021

Margaret, again I am so sorry to learn of your Hector's passing. As you requested, I wrote some thoughts of Hector; an ode as seen above.

I decided to watch Pooch Perfect last night since I love dogs. What a waste of time! It’s a ridiculous show. Has anyone watched it?

It’s one of those silly contest shows. The owners dye their dogs hair crazy colors. I wonder what other dogs think of these multi colored dogs! 😂 LOL

I had a mini schnauzer that I took to the groomer but I can’t imagine ever having her hair colored!

Plus, the crazy cuts! What does all that craziness cost? I know that I spent a fortune just getting a regular schnauzer cut. So, who knows what it entails for these fancy cuts. One of the contestants owned a grooming salon.

They groom these dogs for hours, takes time to color the hair. I can’t imagine a dog wanting to be still that long.

Needhelpwithmom, I haven’t seen the show but it sounds silly. My hair dresser owns her salon and she has a Pomeranian that she dyed his tail pink and blue. It lasted quite awhile. I don’t know how he sat still for it because he loves to jump around.

Not to change the subject but has anyone heard from worriedincali?


I have not. I hope things didn’t take a turn for the worse with her parents.

It’s sad. They both have health issues.

Poms are cute! They are full of energy. I don’t know if I would want to color a dogs hair! LOL

I stopped coloring my own hair! I let it go silver.

I just finished my big essay paper tonight (it's 10 pages), and finished the big 10-slide Power Point for my psych class yesterday. I'm beyond burned out. I was burned out days ago and the past 4 days of 8-10 hours of school work each day just added to it.

It's hard work. I get that. It's a fast pace with one week each for various assignments and sometimes I feel on top of it, but this was not one of those weeks.

My manager at work thinks I'm being snippy lately. There have been a couple of things that happened and I agree I'm acting more impulsively lately and venting in unprofessional ways at times. I think I'm just highly stressed lately, so if I see something at work I don't like, I complain about it. It's not an effective way to deal with my coworkers and I won't be doing it again.

I cried some tears of frustration today, trying to wrangle my Word doc to format text the way I want it to. I've been using Word for decades at this point but either my current app version is messed up or... I'm not sure what's wrong but I spend needless hours correcting and re-correcting various formatting issues on every single paper. I want to uninstall/reinstall but have to make sure I won't lose any work first.

Wish I sounded more cheery. :-) But I'm burnt toast at this point, after the past 4 days. HOWEVER, my assignments were all completed and turned in on time and that means I win. I may have a few breakdowns along the way, but getting good work in on time is definitely a win.


Sounds like stress overload! You’re feeling overwhelmed. It’s easy to snap at others in your circumstances.

Are you in the final homestretch or do you have quite a bit more to go?

I hope that you will be able to catch your breath soon.

I'm almost done with this term. Upcoming assignments and quizzes for the final week don't look too terribly difficult, nothing like this week's workload. I just need a break for a day or two and I'll be fine.

My problematic roommie is doing 30 days at a rehab. I'm happy for her that she's taking this opportunity for herself and my apartment is peaceful without her. It will all work out.


That does help to have the place to yourself.

Hoping your roommate finds the help that she needs.

ali - (((((((hugs))))))))

I am sitting outside on my patio with my coffee. It’s a bit chilly this morning.

My neighbor has several bird houses in his yard. He is a really good carpenter. He has built them for years. It seems to be his favorite hobby since he retired.

Anyway, this one bird is singing the same tune over and over! Hahaha 🤣. I giggle every time that happens because I think of the movie with Chevy Chase, ‘Funny Farm.’

Have any of you seen it? It’s hysterical! He’s a writer who moved from the city to the country. There is a seen where he is typing near a window and a bird is chirping outside an open window. He finds the singing charming but soon tires of it and throws a cup of coffee on him!

He goes through all kinds of scenarios trying to adjust to rural life that are hilarious. He does end up loving the country.

His wife is the one who ends up publishing a book. It’s a cute movie!

Stupid autocorrect! Should read, there is a scene, not seen. My smart phone is dumb! I get so sick of having to proof read every single thing! Grrrrrrr!

Geeeez, if I were back in Catholic school the nuns would have tons of red circles all over my writing! Hahaha 🤣

Elaine and NeedHelp,
I am worried about Cali as well, and haven't heard from her here for at least a month. I sent a private message weeks ago, and asked a few by private message if they have heard from her. I know both parents were having health issues and she was at some points driving to them. I am worried things are not going well. . I don't come to discussions much at all (get disturbed with any small bickers) but I do rarely look in on the "on your mind" just in hope of seeing if anyone knows anything. If someone hears from Cali could they send me a private message to tell me she is OK. I think of the "regulars" when they don't show up. I miss Cali taking me to task! Hee hee. I still think of Ahmijoy and the Captain, and a few others, and miss them.


Will do. She may have needed a break from the forum. I did that before and stayed away for months. I hope Cali’s parents haven’t taken a bad turn for the worst.

Yes, Cali has spunk! She reminds me of my youngest daughter who is always telling me that I am out of the loop when it comes to technology! LOL

My kids are hi-tech like their dad who is an engineer.

I know the basics but I admit that sometimes I have had to have my kids or husband fix the remote if I have totally screwed it up! LOL 😝

Going to the kitchen to cook one my husband’s favorite meals, spaghetti and meatballs. Yes, he’s a good looking Italian 😊.

I will pack a small container to bring to my mom.

She may not be hungry for it but I guarantee that she will find room for the ice cream that I brought.

The hospice nurse and I were saying the other day, if she finds joy from eating ice cream let her have it. It’s one of the simple pleasures that she has left.

NHWM - it's great that you have reconnected with your mom but she sounds stable so please don't hesitate to take a little time off from visits to do something for yourself.

AliBoBali, I saw your comment on Word.    It is absolutely the worse word processor I've had to use, even worse than the earlier versions.    I think Microsoft's brain trust declined after Gates left.    The software after his departure lacks common sense, it's not intuitive (a unique way of describing things), and to me it's basically worthless.  

I used WordPerfect for years; not only is it far superior, it's very usable.    Word never was compared to WP, but now it's even worse.   For the first time since using computers in the 1990s I'm considering switching to Apple, but I also don't have the confidence that the current generation of managers can be equal to Job's brilliance.

You're not alone in having problems with Word.   And there are some features that don't work at all... period!

You’re right, cwille. My brothers and I are rotating.

I have FaceTimed with my daughter for her and my cousin. She appreciate modern technology!

Okay, so hubby was being a little annoying saying that we need more Parmesan cheese for the pasta! We have plenty enough cheese.

I had to set a timer with Google for the remainder of cooking time.

I decided to tell Google that my husband was an idiot! LOL

So, I said, “Hey Google, my husband is an idiot!” Her response was, “This is a personal matter. You can look up, My husband is an idiot with a Google search!” 😆 LOL

Too funny! I said it for a laugh so my husband could hear. He has Google and Alexa in our home. That’s life, living with an engineer!

My cousin's son went to lie down after feeling unwell. His husband went to check on him and he was not breathing. He was pronounced dead when paramedics arrived. He was 46 years of age.

Oh Llama I am so sorry. That is so young

So very sorry, Llama. How awful.

Llama, he was too young to die. So sorry. I bet his spouse is shocked and heart broken.

Of all the ways we could go, his was the best way. Only too early.

I’m so sorry Llama, that is so young!!

Ali, formatting is Word is a PITA! There must be a trick to it that most of us don't understand. Drives me crazy! Got your work done and through living with an addict? I cannot imagine how tough that must have been. It is hard enough to focus when alone.

There are numerous youtube videos on formatting, I might have to check into some as I need to make revisions to a 300 page document. Struggled with it last time, would like to get it right this time.😦

Pam: Thank you very much. No more news as of yet for cause of death.

Elaine: Thank you so much. His momma, who is my first cousin, is in a state of shock.

Polar: Thank you. This was a shock and yes, far too young.

Need: Thank you so much.

LLama, so sorry for your loss. 💝

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