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I just took my final in my psychology class. I missed 2 questions out of 50, no big deal. But I'm slightly annoyed because the multiple-choice answer I chose for one miss was taken directly from my notes which came directly from the text. And, the multiple choice answers were too similar. Basically, it was a simple question, "what is a hypothesis," something I know inside and out because I've also taken a Research Methods class. So a "tentative, testable explanation of phenomenon" is valid as an answer, as well as what the correct answer was, "a possible explanation." Blah. I like my answer better, haha. And behavioral geneticists do not look at "potential genetic and environmental contributions to behavior," they apparently study "the relative contributions of genes and environment in a population."

Potato, potato. The same word, said the same way. lol

The school work and term is all done.

I talked to a lawyer today about getting a restraining order. I'm going to go in-person tomorrow to try to get a copy of the police incident report and see what info it contains. Lawyer said not to get my hopes up that it will help because CPD is known for putting one-sentence descriptions for any situation that didn't lead to an arrest. Just have to see. Lawyer put in a FOIA request online for the 911 calls. I feel like I'm waiting for the 30-day notice to expire to see what I'm dealing with, and also waiting for another all-day/night bender.

I cut my hubs hair last year because of covid and absolutely butchered it. LOL

Well, I tried.🙃



Yep! I messed up my husband’s hair too. I warned him that I would not do a good job.

He didn’t believe me. His mistake, right?

My hair stylist used to tell me NEVER to trim my daughters bangs again! LOL Oh my gosh! I never could get them straight. They would run from me if they saw scissors in my hands.

I gave up and stopped trying. They thanked me and my hairstylist thanked me.

I’d been wearing a winter hat since my husband cut my hair in January, and also a scarf round my neck to cover up the fact that he’d not cut it level at the back! Thankfully the hairdresser made some progress with it yesterday, so normality is returning!

My husband cuts my bangs. Does a decent job too. I on the other hand. Not so much.

Every time I looked at him for days afterwards I'd break into gales of laughter.😂🤣

It is difficult to be cutting my dH's hair again. He ignores, puts it off, and looks really bad without a haircut. I tell him he feels better after his hair is cut.
(Don't say it, but he acts better too).

The time is never right, even though we have a w h o l e lot of time. If he is in the dog house, then I avoid cutting his hair. Standing there with scissors in my hand.....with the power to make him look really good, or really bad....I just cannot do it!

He is looking good today, but I cannot get him to shower. It's going to be okay. As he walks away, I am the only one who sees his hair separate into oily strands, exposing his scalp. I won't force him.

Ali: Bravo! You did EXTREMELY well until adverse conditions caused by your roommate, "N."

Send: LOL and hope that you're able to get your DH to shower soon.

I haven't had my long hair cut in well over a year, but the nice roomie, E, used to do hair so she gave me a trim that's lasted a few months... and I hack at it myself here and there. It's definitely "covid hair.

N got herself locked out again earlier tonight around 11pm. My phone is off, notifications are off but I had a feeling and checked my phone just now and she had sent multiple texts and rang the bell. It's all off because I'm trying to sleep. She got back in somehow and I'm relieved but it's always a bit of a circus with her. She says she's leaving. She does not say when.

After talking to a lawyer, I think my best route is to wait a week until 30 day notice is up, and file a restraining order myself. I'll have the info from police report and hopefully the 911 call by then. And, there is video of erratic behavior that lasts hours. It may or may not be enough to be granted the order but that seems to me the best way to proceed because there is no guarantee of success, so why pay lawyer fees in the thousands...? I will be able to show I gave fair notice and if it's ignored, I hope the judge would be sympathetic to that. I have no recourse with housing courts right now or in foreseeable future.

I do need a trim of my long, COVID hair. But I had long hair till 26 and had never went to a hairdresser. Dad would trim me up. After married, I got it cut to shoulder length, along with my first perm. Next work day, my coworker did not recognize me and returned to her office saying “oh, Kat is out today. I’ll wait till she returns.”! Soooo funny.

Ive developed a new skill - cut DH hair during COVID. He likes it and hasn’t returned to the barber since!

The weather is still funky and nasty here!

Rain, rain go away...


As we say in New Orleans, your roommate has ‘bad juju.’

I know that you will be glad when she’s gone!

Maybe call in a priest to bless your apartment after she’s gone! LOL


Haha, I said that to my bestie when I was venting to her recently, that there will be some sage burned once N is out.

I have some sympathy for N because I see she is on a destructive path, but she needs to take that destruction elsewhere. And, hopefully she will get some help that really "clicks" with her and she will want to change bad enough to see it through, to do whatever it takes to change. I can tell from her deflections, denials, and all the other ways she finds to blame others for her behavior, that she's not ready for this step.


I understand. I wish everyone well too.

I certainly hope that she will get the help that she needs but at this point in time, she isn’t welcoming any help into her life.

There is absolutely no point in her sticking around your place because she will drive you crazy!

You don’t need that kind of distraction in your life, especially along side working towards finishing up your course load at school.

Yes! Burn sage! LOL

{{{It is a federal crime to “knowingly open, lease, rent, use, or maintain any place, whether permanently or temporarily, for the purpose of manufacturing, distributing, or using any controlled substance.”
In simple terms, a person who rents or buys a house, apartment, warehouse, or other place and uses that place as a laboratory for making drugs, a place from which to sell drugs, or a place to use drugs is guilty of maintaining drug premises (also known as “maintaining a drug dwelling.”) The crime can also be committed by individuals who “manage or control” the premises even if they do not own or lease it.}}}

In California, persons share renting, or even just attending a party where illegal drugs are used, [in the presence of drugs] are arrested, charged, and prosecuted. Something to ask a criminal attorney.

1) Federal crime
2) Viral hepatitis
3) Contact high
4) In the presence of a dangerous and unstable person
with weapons in the home.

Do you even know if your share rental is practicing any Covid protocols or restrictions?

Your answer will be unnecessary.

Local covid news has me seriously stressed out and on top of that my GF just sent me a text that she was able to get a vaccination today while I have been waiting to just get an appointment. I think I have to stop thinking about this sh......stuff.

Cwillie, I totally sympathise with how you're feeling. January was the real low point for me, with Covid stress and worry. Doom scrolling through the news just made things worse. The only thing that had some impact on calming me was to use meditation exercises I'd downloaded onto my ipad. I listened to these before going to bed and also when I woke feeling anxious in the night. Could these work for you? I also worked hard to restrict the amount of news I followed each day - it's such a waste of time when we could be spending the time doing something more enjoyable. I enjoy reading but found I couldn't concentrate because of the worry. Stay safe and try to look after yourself, and give yourself some treats to get you through this difficult time.

Cwillie can you call your doctor and see if they have it yet? My hubs got his the first day they offered it. They are now getting them here

Willie, I don't blame you one bit for feeling as you do. I think you were right the first time. Covid SH*T it is. We're experiencing a huge upswing in cases here as well. Averaging over 1000 cases a day now.

I developed a hacking cough earlier in the week so phoned my doc naively thinking that I could get by without having to get tested for covid. But no luck there. So I went and got tested for covid yesterday. I haven't received the results back yet. I personally feel I either have a cold or bronchitis, not covid but ya never know. I'll find out I guess.

Ah pamz, I'm not in the US so the ability to get vaccinated is limited. My options are clinics put on by local health units (in my immediate area still limited to those 65+) and selected pharmacies, and it is a pharmacy dose of AstraZeneca that I am supposedly on a list to get an appointment for. It was announced today that more vaccines are going to be diverted to hot spots so I have a feeling I won't be getting an appointment any time soon.

I hope you don't have covid, Gershun. If you do, hope it's a mild case and over quick but there are always the "regular" bugs, too. It's good to know for sure.

I have an appointment for my vaccine next Tuesday. I had tried a few times on the local websites -- finally got the appointment at one of the mass vac sites set up in the city. It will be good to get it done.

My roommate situation is ongoing and I'm hoping I'm doing the right thing by waiting for the full 30 day notice to be up, then I'll file a protective order ASAP. I'm concerned that a judge will say my situation is not really a problem since I didn't file an emergency order but... I just don't know. I've read about the different levels of protective orders and think this tactic will be ok, and I will get credit for giving proper notice and it being ignored by N. I just don't know about any of this and I worry... but I try not to and just focus on taking things a day at a time.

There have been some minor incidents at the apartment with N the past few days but thankfully she's been on much better behavior since the cameras went up. She took my personal towels hanging up in the bathroom yesterday. She's taken 15 or so towels in the past month and I asked her in the past to stop and use her own towels. But she took my used hanging ones...???? Why?? She has several of her own. She gave them back to me and claimed she took them to wash them for me. She doesn't do my laundry and I don't do hers. Her straight-faced denials/excuses make me think she uses meth because that's the only time I've seen that kind of thing. She took my used toothbrush, too. I never did get it back -- not that I'd use it again! lol -- and N never responded to my questions about it. It's just weird and unsettling all around. I suppose it's better that N takes weird, inexpensive things than something else...? She took my headphones I use when I do school work. I miss them and have asked for them back -- no response. I'll get more things. I just need N to move out and move on.

Gershun: Please take care and don't let the cough worsen. I certainly was shocked to have contracted pneumonia.


Wishing you the best.

Thx everyone for the well wishes but thankfully I don't have covid. I got my test result back via text on my phone. So I probably have a cold or bronchitis. But no covid. Yay!!!

Gershun: That's good news. Rest up, though so that the cold or bronchitis doesn't worsen.🌈

I am deeply touched by some of the posters on this site.

So many people have suffered tremendously, caring for others. Many have sacrificed their lives for them.

Others struggle trying to balance work and family along side their caregiving. Some caregivers have health problems of their own.

I am going to say a special prayer for all of us that are caregivers, either at home or monitoring their loved ones care in a facility or receiving hospice care.

If anyone else would like to offer up a prayer with me for all caregivers and their loved ones, I would be happy to have the company.

Wishing peace for all of you.

Thx Llama, I will.

NHWM I pray every night for everyone on here but it never hurts to be reminded.🙏

Feeling accomplished.

Spoke to Medicare and now have online access. Called reverse mortgage to get online monthly statements. Emailed hospital tech support to have online access to Mom’s wellness visits and tests (since she doesn’t communicate with me).

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