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That's great, Glad. How ya feeling? Wishing you smooth sailing going forward and an easy recovery.

Home in my own bed tonight.😌

llama - I need to say I don't think you should ignore your episodes. Mother had her own way of dealing with things which worked for her. I am sure it wouldn't work for everyone. When I was young in Montreal, I knew a 70 year old who said when she got flu she walked miles in the city then came home and washed her ceilings and then the flu was gone. In my 20s, as I was then, I could not have done that even without the flu.. We all are different.

eb - mother was a physiotherapist and believed strongly in exercise. If you keep doing those exercises they should help the underlying condition, not just get rid of the pain. I haven't had it since I exercised. I notice the tendons in my ankles get sore if I don't walk enough. Glad various things are helping.

need - so good to hear your daughter is getting better and they are taking precautions at her workplace.

Golden, I did the exercises extending and flexing you suggested this morning and I will do a few more as the day goes on. Feels less tight.
Barb, I rolled the ice bottle over my foot as you suggested. It really worked well. Right now foot feels better. I don't know why podiatrist did not offer me cortisone injections. He has the same thing and knows how painful it is. He probably wanted to see how the inserts works first before anything invasive. I just might get the custom ones.

Thank you all for your kindness!


Thanks, she said that her taste is coming back. Her cough is still lingering a bit. She’s been drinking hot tea.

Hello Need, glad your daughter will be wearing a mask when she goes back to work. I am happy she is doing better. How is her taste now?

Llama - I'm sorry Imodium doesn't work for you. Fainting was never a big deal with mother. She just got up and went on with her day. I guess we were brought up in Viking mode - stoics. I remember mother once had a little bronchitis. She exercised to deal with it. Hope you are feeling better and there is an end to these episodes.

Thanks, Llama

I am too. She says that she is going to wear a mask when returning to work. They eased up on wearing masks because all of the employees were vaccinated. This new variant is highly contagious. She thinks it’s better to go back to wearing a mask.

She is staying home longer than the required quarantine time, they have deep cleaned and sanitized her office. Doctors have said that the Delta variant packs a much stronger punch, more contagious and symptoms vary, even among those vaccinated like my daughter. She felt pretty funky.

Need: I am glad that your daughter is improving from COVID.

EB: Yay! So happy for you.

Barb: Thank you so much. I actually had not heard of vasovagal. That was helpful to me and I thank you.

Golden: Thank you. Sorry that your mother fainted. Imodium failed for me.

Glad: That's good news.

Need: Thank you so much.

Polar: Thank you so much. I really don't want a third one. I am getting better slowly.

So sorry that posted twice by me. My software messed things up early this morning.

Hello glad,
You made a well informed decision. I know someone from the radiology department where I had the biopsy and her mother of 60 years old had a double mastectomy and was happy with her decision. You are a very courageous woman, glad.

Golden, I am going to try the exercise you are suggesting. Every bit of information helps and I will do my best to try everything everyone is suggesting. I want to thank you for thinking of me.

My daughter in Colorado is improving and moving along since her infection with COVID. Her doctor told her not to return to work just yet, to wait until all symptoms are gone. So, she is going to work remotely for a bit longer.

It’s sad that fully vaccinated people like my daughter are getting COVID. Be careful everyone, this Delta variant is so much more contagious and is more aggressive.

We are seeing more people test positive with the Delta variant in Louisiana too.


Looks like you made the best possible decision. Very happy about the outcome.


I missed the news that Midkid was having surgery. Will pray for her.

Glad and EB,
So happy for you both, that was good news, and something to celebrate!



Yay! That’s fantastic news!

Hooray, EB!

eb - so happy for you! I think a celebration is a great idea! Enjoy!!!

Sending my thoughts and prayers your way. Hope you are up and about soon. Hugs to you.

Thank you, Barb,
I will give it a try. Custom is expensive but if this treatment does not work I will take your advice have them made custom. Thanks again Barb.

Hello Everyone,
I just got my results from the radiologist and it is a benign fibroadenoma a non cancerous tumor. I am so relieved I can't tell you. I actually cried when I told my family. Brother wants to celebrate and takes us all out to dinner which I will take him up on. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.

EB, rolling your affected foot over a frozen ice bottle helps plantar fascists. I've recently had 2 cortisone shots for mine. And custom orthotics are SO worth the price.

Glad, I'm so happy with your outcome--and your intuition.

Llama, take care and hope they get to the bottom of your syncope or vaso-vagal.

Has anyone heard from Midkid58 since her surgery?

Llama -so sorry Hope they get to the bottom of this. Mother fainted when she had gut issues. I keep Imodium with me.

Glad - YAY!!! very good news. Absolutely you made the right decision. Hope you can go home soon.

EB (((((hugs))))) and prayers for the biopsy and also your foot problem. Plantar fasciitis is very painful. I found that extending and flexing my ankles before I got up in the morning really helped.

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