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Hi NeedHelp,
Happy clothes shopping. I am waiting until I take off 10 pounds and then I will shop and hopefully by the end of the summer. I love the discounts at the end of the season.
Oh yes mom is full of sunshine and people just love her. We had a little singing session in the car today and she knew most of the Irish songs. She starts moving her legs up and down and smiling. I just love it. Her big blue eyes are stunning and shine through with joy and love. I enjoy her so much.

For the Irish music lovers here, I assume you're equally fond of step dancing, and especially Riverdance and its very, very talented dancers?    I've seen Riverdance probably a dozen times, and never tire of it.  I think it would change a lot of blue moods if it were aired at ILs, ALs, and memory care facilities.

When Riverdance first debuted, I did some research and learned that in fact there is a local dance company whose instructor teaches step dancing.   If only I were younger and could dance that rapidly ...sigh....

And for dance lovers, have you ever watched Mickela Mallozzi's Bare Feet?  She's a dancer herself, and travels the world to learn and demonstrate dances typical to various countries.    The episodes always include instructional sequences, which I couldn't pick up quickly enough, but I'm sure those with good dance background could.

But just watching inspires me to get up and start prancing around and get some good exercise.

Need, I buy my glasses at Costco and much cheaper than other stores.I found some pretty designer ones that I like very much.

Thanks for shaing your experience. I am glad the biopsy was benign. You just made me feel better. I am trying to take one day at a time and after all it could be benign.


Sending prayers. I had a biopsy years ago. Mine was a solid mass though. It’s unnerving to go through. Thankfully, it was benign.

So, how many of you hate picking out your eyeglass frames? I went this afternoon to look. It drives me crazy!

I am not cheap. I don’t mind paying a fair price, but come on, $500 just for frames! Then another $500 for the antiglare progressive lenses! It’s crazy! I am going to look at other places for less expensive frames. I don’t need expensive designer frames!

Scheduled for my breast needle biopsy next Thursday. Will have results within a week. For all of you that said prayers thank you very much, I really do appreciate all of you!

Praying for rain. ☔️

🌦🌧🌨💧 Just enough.

Polar: My DD bought her MIL a Romba. Her MIL loves to watch it go!😁


Celtic music is beautiful! Your mom sounds so precious! I bet she was so full of life when younger and brought joy to everyone that she met.

Talk later, I have to go exchange some pants that I bought. When I tried them on at home. I was disappointed that they are too big. I hope they will have a smaller size. I find pants are a hard fit! Dresses are actually cooler in our climate, but I needed some new casual pants and I hadn’t bought any in awhile. I thought these would fit. Nope! They are baggy. Grrrrrr.

Nothing is cut true to size these days. I hate that we can’t just grab a size and go. Some run small, some run larger. The size on the label means nothing anymore.

I want a ‘Rosie’ like on The Jetson’s cartoon that I watched as a kid! 😆 LOL

She (Rosie) can do the cooking and cleaning! 😊

That could very well happen in the near future. I was reading about a housekeeper robot.

Just wishing for an invention of a robot that can do all the hands-on care tasks, so I don't have to do them. It will free me physically and mentally to enjoy my mom's company. My brother is always cheerful to see her, that's because he doesn't have to do any hands-on care.

Well as some of you know, my 2 besties and I are trying to do something fun each month. Did a tea last month,, and another tea at another place this month.. but I just had to "up the game".. LOL So I booked us bus trip in Dec!! Its a day trip,, to a German Chirstmas market in Pa, with a trip to a winery and lunch, and a visit to a fancy christmas shop on the way. And we don;t have to drive !! Win win for us!! We are so excited.. hoping this works out! The only other time I did a day bus trip was to NYC with my DD and a friend and we had fun.. but NYC is not my favorite place... This seems pretty low keyed, and we can do some Christmas shopping Gonna need some help to top this!! Oh we did do a trip to the river house and a spa and salt cave,, that was pretty sweet but trying to keep it to one day trips as 2 of us still work!

EB: Tell your mum that thanks to her someone is singing Dirty old Town in Italy 😉

EB: What a heartwarming post!❤

My mom is sitting on the front porch listening to her Irish music. I bought a boom box from VT Country Store for her and she loves it. Brother is with her and I am having a little time to myself. It was a fine day for sure.

((((glad)))) I am sure you will manage very well - it's how you are. 💕

🧸️🧸️🧸️{{{{{HUGS GLAD!}}}}} 🧸️🧸️🧸️

Thank you, all was not able to move the date up. So, the 22nd it is.

(((((glad))))) praying all works out with minimum stress and maximum success

Glad, I certainly wish you all the best. 💗

Glad: Sending well wishes to you. Hope that all will go well and no drains required.❤

July 22. Trying to get it moved up a week. Both daughters are educAtors. August, start of school very busy for them.

Good news was, because I am so flat to begin with, I may not need drains. Fingers crossed.

The bombs bursting in air
Gave proof through the night
That our flag was still there!

Padding Tweety's cage now.

Happy 4th of July to all!

And our British friends too!

Happy 4th of July to everyone! 🇺🇸

My cake avatar is not for eating!
Who would want to eat the American flag and desecrate it?

And your point is well taken, all those food colorings. I think the FD&C red coloring is the most neuro-toxic damaging to the brain.

Happy 4th of July America!

The freedom to worship God, and the freedom to not!

Gershun and Golden, that is so sad and scaring! I am glad that you are fine and that is is cooling down!
Happy 4th July to all the Americans!

Happy 4th of July to all my American friends here. 🎈🎈🎈

Cooled off to normal here too. Here in Alberta we were never as bad as BC but bad enough. Now we need rain as the farmers are suffering. Thanks for asking, Anche. 😊

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