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glad - happy you got your first one. Yay!!!!

Finally got first Moderna jab today. Had to wait because of possible lymph gland involvement. Just a bit of a sore arm so far. because of the timing will probably not have second jab in four weeks, may be six, we will see.

Chris: Thank you. I am getting there. My colon was upset, too - just bought some kiwi earlier today.

glad - I have seen photos of lovely tattoos on ladies who have had mastectomies. Personally I wouldn't want the pain of the process. Not sure what I would want if I were in your situation. Thinking of you and appreciating your positive attitude, Vikings strong 👊

Seriously thinking of going flat. Maybe a nice tattoo for camouflage.

Llama, hope you’re feeling a bit better now. When you are busy taking care of others your own needs can end up being overlooked. Dehydration as well as skipping food can make you feel unwell quite quickly.

True on the Pacific NW - record heat wave. Pray for those in the area - cw and golden.

Gershun: Lesson learned. Thank you so much! That was a real scare.

EB: Thank you. Soup is comforting, but not nutritious enough for ME. I tried it - not enough. Lesson learned.

Jenna: You're absolutely spot on correct. Thank you.

Golden: That is correct. Thank you.

DH and I had 2nd shots over 3 weeks ago now. Data suggests this gives good protection against serious illness, including the Delta variant. Feel sorry for our DS though. He should be partying and enjoying a formal dinner to mark the end of Uni term before coming home on wednesday. Instead they were advised an hour or so ago to just leave for home asap as virus cases have doublled there in the past few days. He is now coming home tomorrow morning, and tonight most of his friends who are still there are isolating. What a disappointing end to a horrible academic year.

As the temperatures rise, more people are getting out and enjoying the summer days, but that also means the risk of heat-related illnesses.

Heat-related illnesses can cause serious harm, so prevention is the best action you can take. According to AccuWeather, hydration is the number one key to staying safe. This also means avoiding alcoholic or caffeinated liquids.

The heat wave in BC is said to be so unusual that 60% of people in Vancouver do not have a/c!

That is so very hot!

Llama - note to self - must eat regularly. It's part of self care!!!! Stay well.

Chris - I read about the increase of in cases in the U.K and the Delta variant. Hopefully more and more will be vaccinated and the case numbers will drop. Tt looks like those who have had two shots are pretty well protected,

cw - thank you. I am so glad I have air conditioning, Good to see vaccinations on the rise in Ontario. My family here have all had two shots or are booked for their second shot. It's a relief.

What a rollercoaster ride this pandemic is.

I want to send a shout out to everyone in BC and northern AB (and the American PNW too) - I hope you all have access to air conditioning, those temperatures are nuts!!!

We are vaccinating 12+ with Pfizer but because that was last group to be approved few have more than one dose, still nothing approved for the little ones though. All those millions of vaccines we ordered are finally flooding in so it's just a matter of getting them into arms.

We had been focusing on 2nd doses for the over 40s until recently but our target has always been to offer all over 18s a jab by the end of July, so we've reached that a month early. The Delta variant is a problem though. 90% of our cases are that one now. Cases have been increasing quite rapidly over the past few weeks but thankfully the vaccines are keeping hospitalisations and deaths low. Transmission is being driven by the young who are mostly unvaccinated at the moment. I think the UK will need to allow children to be vaccinated, if they want schools to resume properly instead of the constant year group closures that have dogged our system since last September. I feel we are on a knife edge right now...

I was surprised when I discovered the UK is still working on first doses given that you have a national health system and started months before us in Canada, we are now accelerating 2nd doses for fear Delta and others spark another wave. (My August appointment has been re-booked for early July)

Really pleased that my 19 yr old son was able to get his first covid jab this morning at a pop up walk in centre. This weekend loads of places across England have opened up for over 18s to just turn up and get jabbed. Theatres, sports stadia, fire stations, churches, even buses! It's part of a big push to get everyone to have had at least one jab before we hopefully remove final restrictions later on in July. It was wonderful to see people from all backgrounds queuing patiently (we Brits are good at that!) and chatting, whilst socially distanced, to complete strangers while they waited - all with a common aim to get jabbed. It was very uplifting.

Llama, please take care of you just like I need to take care of me. We aren't any good to others if we don't take care of ourselves (I say this with care).

You give so much to this forum and are always there for others. Let us be there for you now okay?

That said, when I get stressed either I stop eating or I eat too much. I have no idea why that is, just doesn't make sense.

Anyway, I hope you feel better!
Hugs to you, Jenna

Llama, hope you feel better real soon. Soup is usually comforting and make sure you drink plenty of fluids,. Take care of yourself.

LLama, you need to always eat especially when going through anything stressful. Please take care of yourself.

Polar: I was actually sitting down in my auto - and then sitting in the hospital. I asked the nurse who checked people in for food and said "I am ready to faint." She brushed me off. I knew that I was in serious trouble - got a sandwich eventually. I knew I was need of my DD and SIL - no matter what they were doing at the time.

Llama, that was a close call. What if you did pass out, fall and hit your head? Please take care of your body and it'll take care of you.

Need: Thank you.💜 I definitely need hugs.


Geeeeez! Hopefully, things will go on more smoothly from here on out. Hugs!

Need: On Tuesday, we (my DH and I) were all the way in the state capital, Annapolis. I had driven us to get his 2 procedures of colonoscopy and upper endoscopy when I became increasingly dizzy and almost passed out. I recognized that I needed to do something because I was quite bad! No choice but to call our daughter and had a whole battery of tests at ER - almost passed put there, too! Hubby has 2 hernias, which require surgery. So even if daughter was busy, her schedule had to be changed because I was IN BAD SHAPE. Her DH actually was at PT due to his broken finger. Thank you again. I scheduled appointments with my PC doctor and my cardiologist.💙

Good to see you posting, Glad. Have been thinking about you.


I am sorry that you weren’t doing well. It’s hard watching our husbands dealing with health issues. How is your husband? How are you holding up? It’s nice that you have a daughter nearby that could help.

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