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Am trying to buy a new car; for the first time in my life, buying a car BEFORE the old one blows up, gets totally or in some way is in DESPERATE need of replacement.

Trying to negotiate among dealerships, because right now, the whole Costco "get a set price" thing isn't working because of the chip shortage. My 2012 car is suddenly worth a fortune, so I thought that this might be a good time to do a deal.

Alas, at the last moment, the "stealership" (as we call them on told me that they had the wrong zip code for taxes. In point of fact, I included the zip for taxes in EVERY SINGLE EMAIL I sent them.

Have a complaint in to BBB and sent an email to my legal service account through my union.

Disappointed, but I'm not getting mad. Will try hard to get them called to the carpet for fraudulant practices.

Hugs, Glad. I'm happy that you sound so confident about planning the way forward, and of course we'll all be rooting for you.

Um. You are allowed a little private whine if you ever do feel like it, you know!

Glad, I went on some of those forums that you mentioned when I was waiting for my biopsy results and I admit I found some of these people to be overly dramatic as well. Yes, it is scary and since my mom had breast cancer (which she survived) and my dad died of cancer I was a little extra worried but no point in being overly theatrical about it. All's well that ended well.

But you sound like you have the right attitude to get through this.

Glad, thank you for sharing what is obviously not good news. I've not walked in those shoes but pray that "...the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your heart..." (Philippians 4:7)

Thank you all. Carol I will check with my doc on the treatment you mentioned. Doc had said something about more intense radiation and was going to check to see if I would be a candidate for that. Not that I am concerned about being whacked, they would probably look better than they ever have.😦

And I do have cancer insurance which looks as if it will make up for all of my out of pocket expenses, travel and lodging if I go that route.

GA I will check on Gilda's club. I have found breast that has discussion similar to AC. I have checked it a few times and there are some there that are scared to death and emotional which I don't find at all helpful. Sometimes I get impatient with the whiners here too. Just getting old I guess and not as patient as I once was.

Glad, big (((((hugs))))) for a complete cure and a thoughtful surgeon with good ideas.

Chris: Thank you so much.

Golden: I appreciate your prayers for my cousin. Thank you.

Barb: Thank you very much.

Glad: So sorry to hear of your diagnosis. Sending big hugs and prayers to you.

Glad, sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Thinking of you and sending a prayer and a big hug.

Glad, I'm soooo very sorry to learn about the diagnoses.     Give yourself plenty of time to make your decision on which choice to take; the daily radiation sounds like a real challenge.  

Do you have anyone in your circle of friendship or family to help you?   Do you have a Gilda's Club locally for strength and friendship among people in similar situations?

Glad I will be praying for you, and it sounds like you are planning ahead as to what will work best for you.
And I'm happy for you Gershun,, take care of yourself!

Glad, so sorry for your news. I know with my relief over my good news comes sadness for others with not so good news. The day I was waiting at the hospital for my ultrasound, etc I was watching several other women there going to the front desk and booking their biopsies. Yesterday I found myself thinking about them and wondering how their story went.

You will be fine Glad and I will pray for your good health.

We will support you, and pray for you!


I am so sorry that you are in this situation. I understand that you value your privacy. My husband felt the same way when he was diagnosed with his prostate cancer. It took him awhile before he could speak about it to others. His mom wasn’t a hypochondriac. His grandmother was though and caused a lot of stress for herself and the family.

You bring up an important issue regarding location. People in rural areas have a much larger challenge than those who live in a more populated community. I can tell that you love your area and I adore reading your posts about your garden. It sounds absolutely lovely! I admire your dedication.

You remind me of my grandfather who had a green thumb and gardening was his passion! My fondest memories of him was helping him in his garden. He grew the most beautiful roses! Grandma always had beautiful flowers on her kitchen table.

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Glad, sending support your way. Good that you're making an informed decision after considering the various options. My mother opted for a mastectomy, over 10 years ago. It was a success and she has been in remission since then.
Llama, sorry to hear about your cousin - offering prayers and best wishes.

((((((((((glad)))))))) so sorry to hear your news but happy that is in the early stages and non invasive. Your plan sounds good to me. Please keep us updated. We know YOU are not a hypochondriac. more (((((((hugs))))))) and prayers

Llama sorry about your cousin, Prayers for her too.

🤗🤗🤗 gladimhere. The waiting is terrible but thankfully it seems you caught it early and have a good plan.

And Gershun...... thank goodness!

I am so happy for you. You must feel so relieved. Wonderful news!

Gershun, great news.

It is very hard for me to share any information about my health because my mom as a hypochondriac. Everyone always knew when my mom had medical issues. I HATED that.

I have been going through the same thing. Biopsy in April, found LCIS, Lumpectomy in May, found DCIS. Have two options, another lumpectomy to hope for a clean margin, followed by six weeks of daily radiation. Or mastectomy. I am leaning towards the later, followed by reconstruction. Rural areas are not great for finding this sort of care. Closest I could get radiation is 60-65 miles away, and daily, I don't think so.

Next appointment July 6 for surgical planning.

Gershun, what fantastic news!!!!

Llama, prayers sent!

Beatty: I appreciate it - thank you. Her breasts were cancerous.

Need: Thank you very much.

Gershun: Thank you so much.

Gershun, so pleased for you. 🦋🦋🦋 The happy lightness is a wonderful reward after the awful heavyness of waiting for results.

Llama, best wishes & luck for your cousin 🐘🐘🐘 🍀🍀🍀. May she also receive good news.

I will certainly pray for her, Llama.

Of course Llama. 🙏

Hello all. Could I please request prayer for my dear cousin, who underwent a bilateral mastectomy on Monday? She is hoping that her lymph nodes are cancer free. Thank you so much.


I am so very happy for you!!!

I remember having a biopsy done many years ago that turned out to be benign also. It’s so nerve racking waiting for the results to come in. I was extremely happy to hear my news. I was 40, with two young daughters at home. That’s all I could think about, leaving my sweet husband and daughters.

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