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Need: Oh, good - about your grandpup. I never owned a dog, but I have been a cat owner. Our cats lived the lap of luxury with fresh salmon, chicken and bottled water so I do know how important fur kids are!
This was not the first, second or third time that we purged out our attic. A lot of the items are DD's that we are storing for her. I had thought about donating to Purple Heart as a neighbor does, but it's a LOT! Good luck packing.

Polar and Llama,

Thanks. He seems to be doing better now. My daughter is so good with him. She was the same way with her poodle. That’s her fur baby!

I wish I could meet this dog. I used to dog sit for her poodle when she lived in Louisiana.


How do we end up keeping so much stuff? My husband went into the attic with my oldest daughter awhile back. Oh my gosh, I had forgotten about some of the things that we put up there.

I donate to a veterans organization and they pick it up off the porch. Easy!

I have donated to a couple of thrift shops too.

Yes, organizing, packing and moving is the worst part of moving/downsizing!

Need: How horrific for your granddog. Hope he is better.

Good luck on your new residence shopping. I don't want to move. We purged out a lot more things out of our attic - DH was looking for ceiling tiles, which turned into a TON of sorting. Both vehicles are filled up with donations. Some was trashed.

NHWM - how terrible for your grandpup. I hope he's doing ok.

So, we went to look at Condos. My husband and I are not always on the same page! I don’t think that his idea of downsizing is the same as mine. I want a smaller place with good use of space. He looks at a smaller condo as our first small apartment. Grrrrr.

It may be a challenge to find something that we both like. HOA fees are more expensive in certain buildings. We will have to figure out what amenities we want. Some offer 24/7 security, concierge, beautiful pools and very nice gyms, etc.

Some have a very large room that have a huge dining area, lounge area with a television, a bar, complete kitchen and bath. This room can be reserved by the residents to host holiday gatherings or parties.

I like the units with a balcony. I don’t want stairs in the unit. We want a unit that is move in ready in a great location.


A Chinese crested isn’t the most attractive dog but they are sweet. My friend had one. She was a good dog. They loved her. She died. They have a cat now. We miss our beloved fur babies when they die.

Oh my gosh, my daughter called a couple of hours ago panicking. She lives in Denver. She was walking her dog and he became extremely disoriented. She called her vet. They are closed on a Sunday, so she had to do an ER visit.

They tested him for drugs. The vet said that she has seen it before. They eat something in the street and they have ingested drugs. So, the vet said that all of the heavy narcotics, opioids, cocaine, etc. came back negative but he may have eaten gummies with marijuana. It is Colorado where it is legal. Anyway, they are going to treat his condition with fluids and activated charcoal.

It makes me wonder about dogs who accidentally eat a human’s pills that are dropped on the floor.

RIP my little doggy friend I sometimes walked (neighbour's) 😥.

Maybe when we downsize we will get our own..

I did a 'find your dog breed' quiz online for my DH - it choose a Chinese Crested. I had to google it... 🤣🤣🤣

PS I'm sure they are nice.. just not what I expected!

I am feeling more at ease since we buried mom’s ashes in our family plot. I feel like I can start to relax and plan for changes that I wish to make in my life.

We are meeting with a realtor this Saturday. I want to sell this large home and downsize. I want to travel again. I really want another dog but am resistant to getting one at this time. It breaks my heart into a million pieces when it comes time to put them down. Toying with the idea of fostering but knowing me, I would end up adopting the pooch! Maybe I should just volunteer at the shelter. I can take them on their walks.

Anche: You're very welcome. Good for your other trip.

Thank you so much! We did another trip today not far from home... My first idea was to go to Venice (only 30km from home) but we finally went to the prosecco hills and to a water mill dating from the XVIIth century.

Anche: You're very welcome. Glad that you were able to go on your trip! And had that delicious strudel.

Thank you Barb!

Anche, glad you had a good break!

Thank you Llama. We could go to our trip! We did only half of the trail but that's fine... We have a good excuse to go back!
We had lunch, I just abandoned my diet today and had a nice glass of white wine as well as a slice of apple strudel with whipped cream.
A big big treat for me! Feeling better!
... And elaborating strategies to take some of the burden off my shoulders and mind!

spiritu: You're very welcome.

llamalover: thanks for your response

Anche: Good for you!

spiritu: Thank you for your post. You may want to start your own separate thread with your question as some posters may not have seen your post here. Best of luck.

Hope we will have sunshine tomorrow! I have plan a trip to the mountains nearby! Hiking along a mountain trail with tunnels made during The first world war. The home aid is willing to stay here some extra hours and she will have a day off when she needs it. We agree and the agency who sent her here agrees as well!

OK, so I had been staying temporarily at my mom's house for caregiving purposes. My sister takes mom to appts. as I do not drive, I stay with mom and clean her episodes of incontinence, and cook for her, etc. sounds good? Well I just cannot deal with my sister anymore. She is power of attorney and she talks with doctor's, makes appts., etc. Well last week was pure hell with mom. She has advanced liver disease likely due to a malignancy. I've been staying with her in the hospital for the last couple of days after a harrowing week of pain and incontinence. Se has in home nursing care. After a full day of being in hospital with her till 8pm on Friday, my sister casually announces that my mom's three physicians have decided to discontinue care and discharge her to hospice. Ok, here's the thing I was in shock, and totally caught off guard. Went back to mom's house alone and just cried. Next day in hospital with mom, I talk to mom's cardiologist (who is my nephew). He stated that he never said that at all. He said talk to mom now, see if she wants to be frequently hospitalized and treated and discharged, and if down the road when she becomes really ill would she still want treatment or palliative care. Totally different. Turns out my sister doesn't know what hospice means. She doesn't even know what an emergency contact is and never lists me, and yet list our part time caregiver. She also turns her phone off at night so if the hospital tried calling her, they wouldn't be able to get through, and the part-time caregiver would be left with the awesome decision of making life and death decisions for mom. I have begged her over and over not to do this, and to list me as one of the emergency contacts. She doesn't. I tried to explain the implications of telling me and family members that she was going on hospice, but she just doesn't get it. She put us through hell for two days. If I try telling her on the phone, she bites my head off and dismisses me. I tried explaining it in the hospital, and she got up and put her back to me. I finally lost it, it all came out yesterday, and I let her have it. Felt really bad for my mom to see that (she can't hear, she's deaf), she knew I went off. My sister has always done that to me. provokes me till I lose it, then says I'm upsetting mom. I told her I was done with her disrespect, and I left mom's and came back to my own home in another state. We're not talking, and I feel horrible for mom. Don't know what to do, but can't go back until/unless she apologizes and takes responsibility and allows me to at least be legal medical guardian as I cannot trust her with accurately understanding and conveying medical information. Oh and BTW, my brother does nothing at all. I'm always painted as the overly-emotional crazy one. Am I wrong here? What should I do???

We received the same Potus letter, again.
It was a repeat duplicate letter announcing the check we had already received in March. Some people have not received it yet.
I do not think a 4th check is coming, but there is speculation online, I now see.

I speculated that it was sent as a political statement/gesture (at the taxpayer expense), to remind us who the president is.

I could be wrong. But it is the same letter, if you can get through reading it.

1st Stimulus was $1200
2nd Stimulus was $600
3rd Stimulus was $1400 rec'd in March

Glad, yes my MIL just received a letter yesterday (she's on Medicaid in LTC - Lord knows why she must be paid to lay in bed all day!) My own mother (age 92) just got a direct deposit into her bank account as well this week.

Moment of panic, audit? It was a letter from the IRS signed by POTUS that I will receive another stimulus check within seven days. Has anyone else received a notification? I thought that I was done with receiving checks.

In the U.S., the IRS tax filing deadline was extended to May 17th, 2021.

Taxes are ready to mail now, what a relief.

First thunder storm. Snow earlier this week.

Need: Wow - that's too bad, but it is your mother's passing. Not about him at all.

Llama and Beatty,

My cousin is a bit self centered!

Need: Big virtual hugs sent to you. What is wrong with your cousin? The cousin wanted to make it about himself, apparently. That would be bad for your brother. Tell the cousin that the extra persons CANNOT come. Prayers to you, dear NeedHelpWithMom.

NHWM, thinking of you for this weekend.

The Cousin! Sheesh!! What's so hard to understand about 'family only'? Whether told before or now.. no matter, HE decided to invite extra people - HE can UNinvite those extra people! If he feels a bit silly, oh well.

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