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Ahhh, Ali. Have you ever thought that the stress of the roomies causes you the stress that needs meds to treat? Wasn't the last couple of week been peaceful just working on school work in peace? I am so sorry, you need to take care of you and learn to listen to your gut. A sober addict is still an addict and is not cured by any means.

Thank you, Bridger. I really needed to vent about this.

I'm so glad you have good news to share! :-) Babies and marriages are the best parts of life, I'm convinced.

Ali, I’m so sorry you’re going thru all this. The sooner she’s out of your hair the better.

We had double good news this evening. Our oldest so and DIL are expecting another baby. They’ll have two really close in age.But that’s what they wanted. And bigger news our youngest son is getting married. Small wedding in April. She is very nice.

My roommate, N, came home from "rehab" today. I put that in quotes because... I don't know where she's been, but her behavior is even more chaotic than it was before.

After losing yet another set of keys in the few hours she was home (3rd set/time, and she moved in mid-January), and lighting cigarettes off the stove in the kitchen when she knows she isn't supposed to smoke in the place, I figured it was good to make sure I have documented and redocumented the 30 day notice I gave her on March 19th. I did it as kindly and gently as I could, by text. She blew up and ranted and yelled (at me but also at no one in particular) for the better part of an hour while going up and down community stairs, outside on front porch, and wouldn't let me do my homework in peace in the shared middle room. I'm sure my neighbors are concerned. She kept yelling at me to "go to your room," and yelling that I can't evict her and she won't leave.

Ok, so I did go to my room, and things have quieted down. But this is unlike anything I've faced in a long time, if ever. I took some video on my phone of her ranting around, and there is some more on the front Ring doorbell. I don't think any of this is actionable by police. I texted a CPD friend with questions.

I am beyond upset. I have a pysch appointment at 10am to try to get medication to balance things out but I'm feeling overwhelmed with the stress at times... like today... just a little bit ago... and I can't believe this woman has zero criminal history, but she did/does when I researched it. People are supposed to be coming tomorrow, and this week, to see the open bedroom and I just...

This is the 2nd roommate that I let move in here when there were emotional red flags for me and who proved to be a problem, but nothing on paper or during the interview/walkthrough to indicate there would be this level of issues. I feel like trusting my feelings and acting on them is such a hard area for me, and I think it directly relates to stress and my childhood.

I'm not in crisis. But I'm hurting a lot. I have to finish my homework somehow now but thankfully I got much of it done before she came home.


Go for it if you so desire!

I have a friend that told her three children after paying for their education in private universities that it was finally her turn to follow her dreams.

My friend had two great loves in life, one was literature, the other was art. She either had her head in a book or a paint brush in her hand!

When she was young she ended up getting her masters in library science because she felt that she would always find work. She was the head librarian for many years.

She never stopped painting, or doing her pottery. She is an incredible artist and exhibited many works but was always sad that she didn’t follow her first love and acquire her art degree.

When she finally got her art degree from Tulane she was over the moon happy. She was just past 60 years old. I was thrilled for her!

I finished my masters in Medical Practice Management when I was 46. I’ve thought about going back to school at 65 but just pull the trigger.

I finished my masters nine years ago at 55. My final class was done the first spring I was with mom. I had all A's until the capstone, wonder why. It is never too late.l, Ali. So proud of you.

Hey Barb, thank you so much for your tips and encouragement and sharing your experiences. Deviating from my study schedule was where I messed up this past week. I've been "over it" with school stuff but the class is not complete so I ended up pushing the week's worth of work into fewer days. It just means more stress for me in the end and I'm vowing to stick to the schedule from now on.

My university has my degree plan online and you bet it is encouraging to look at it and think that in just 13 months, I will complete my BS. Not only that but this current term is the only one where I have to take 3 classes and then the rest will be 2 - 10week classes at a time.

I want to do a few days of vacay, or staycay, during the week break when my class is over but I keep realizing how many small things have piled up. However, I am learning that if it's not critical stuff, then it's just got to wait. The cat is always grimey; his bath can wait another week or two. 😸 He otherwise seems fine but he's a dirty, dirty boy. And etc., and etc., and etc., with taxes, FAFSA, and roommate listings. Putting everything I need to get done outside of school stuff in a comprehensive list and prioritizing it could help keep me from stressing out about other life responsibilities.

Lists. Schedules. EXERCISE to burn off agitation and gain mental clarity.

These things could help me manage a lot better while I'm going to school full time and working.

I just remembered that there are popsicles in the freezer that I never eat. I'm going to treat myself a little early with one since I've been working so hard this term. Big (((((hugs))))), I so appreciate being talked back towards sanity lol. It's a tough time but I *will* get through it.

Ali, I went back to grad school at 35 with 3 kids. I wasn't working full time outside the home, just subbing, but what I learned was this:

Older students have a wider experience of the world and bring more nuanced views to classrooms.

Time can be found in strange places. I did a lot of reading at red lights. My kids still tease me about this, because they had to watch the lights for me.

My therapist had me make a list of my schedule and my kids' schedule. I discovered 2 free hours on Tuesday afternoons. That became sacrosanct library time.

Flexibility is the key to success. Sometimes you just need to get a paper done and not sweat the fact that it isnt perfect.

I made a copy of all the courses I needed for my degree (60 credits). I kept it in the front of my notebook. I crossed each one off (like a to-do list) and rewarded myself with a fancy Hagen Daas ice cream cone for every A grade I received.

I graduated at the age of 39 (soooo old) and went on to have a lovely 28 year career in my municipal school system. I gave those kids my best and know that my years in grad school laid the foundation.

I for one am not tired of your school tales! Keep at it!!

If any of you want a chuckle or just sick of watching the same old stuff on our television, please subscribe to BritBox. I love it!

My husband and I have really enjoyed it.

I am watching ‘Waiting For God.’ It’s set in a retirement home with hysterical seniors that are very clever! It’s really cute and funny. Stephanie Cole and Graham Crowden are the actors playing the lead roles.

All of the British comedies are great!

Happy Easter everyone! Unless you're Orthodox and then it will be May 2nd this year. ;-) I'm always aware of the difference, or sometimes it falls on same date, because my mother is part Greek; though she is a Protestant, much of the extended fam are Orthodox.

Are you guys tired of my school-related whining? I'm tired of it myself. And then... it just hit me so hard today that I am not done yet, not even close, as there are 2 big assignments this week. One has a template; whew, thank goodness, and that one shouldn't be as extremely difficult. But this other one!!! It's a multimedia presentation on my essay topic! The due date is literally one week (Tuesday night) from the 10 page paper I just turned in! It just doesn't seem like enough time to consider all the included stuff the assignment calls for. I need a break but it's not coming just yet. Fingers crossed that getting through the next few days of school-work grind will be mostly tolerable. I'm hitting my limits, though. I really think so. I want to head to bed soon (been at it since noon today already) even though it's only 8pm... and just try for a full day of school work tomorrow.

And my taxes are unfinished, my FAFSA is overdue, I need to update my online listings for new roommates... and all of it is going to have to wait at least until Wednesday because these assignments are going to take up all of the next couple days. It will all work out, but not before putting me through the mental wringer the next couple of days.

I wish I could keep pushing through for longer, and I used to do that "back when" with all kinds of life requirements. I could stay up late and work, or read, then work some more. But whatever resilience I once had was seriously lessened after caregiving.

Happy Easter everyone. 🐣 🐰🐇


I’ve never heard of lamb gelatin.

I still say that the Greeks make the best lamb dishes!

Love the Mediterranean flavors. I miss Greek Fest here in New Orleans held at the Greek Cathedral here.

So much fun and awesome food and pastries!

Happy Easter Sunday, need, and everyone! 🌼

Easter... dare I say meh? I'm having a hard time convincing myself to get out of my chair and doing something productive today.

Happy Easter to all!

Oh man, I looked up "lamb shaped gelatin salad" because I figured I'd find some pics of flops. I was not disappointed. lol Kudos to anyone who can pull off a pretty and recognizable mold salad or cake. Reminds me of a baking show I saw a few episodes of, don't remember which one it was, but the flops were the best part.

Dear Llamalover, now alias Nancy, yes I loved the ode, and I was really touched. So was my DH, Tony. I was waiting until Daughter, SIL and 6 year old Luke came up for Easter, to show it to them and send you their reaction too. Luke rotated around the globe, amazed that someone so far away knew all about Hector Protector. Jenny was very sad about Hector going, but everyone read and loved your poem. They’ve just left, the house is quiet, and I have time to write. Thanks again, and I hope that the love can help a little bit to make you feel better. Yours, Margaret

Margaret: How did you like the ode that you asked me to write for your late Hector?

I have to share a tidbit on Easter traditions.

My daughter, 32, is a sweet young woman, does many things well but sometimes DH and I share a slant eye on some of her creations.
Today she sent a photo, we assumed a photo of a part of her Easter menu. It was a gelatin salad, made in the form of a lamb. Same form that we have used for years to make a coconut cake for Easter. It had olives for eyes, a large whole pimento looking thing for a mouth, halved boiled eggs, English peas, pea pods, something white? Maybe cauliflower? Several different veggies associated with spring strewn through the clear gelatin. My husband said, Is it an embryo? we were in the kitchen at the time. I didn’t have my phone, so he texted back “I don’t know what to say”. She had posted a green faced scowling emoji under the photo like she was mad at how it had turned out. oh yes, it had chop stick looking things holding up the (assuming here) wobbly head.

She hadn’t answered his comment when I got to my phone later so I thought, ok she’s waiting for me to comment.

I wanted to say something encouraging, knowing how awful it is to work hard on a holiday surprise and have it flop or in this case look sort of strange.
So I texted, “well it looks very healthy. I’m sure it was a labor of love and was very hard to do.”
”In fact” , I said, “ I love it. It could be the centerpiece of any buffet”.

She texted back “I found it online. It reminded me of our cake form. LOL..”
I wrote back. “April fools on mom.”

Now I think I’ll try to make it. But not this Easter...

Happy Easter to all of you. I’m sharing mine with my recently retired 69 yr old whose letting his hair grow and his 94 yr old aunt who wants to know WHY?

Bridger. I’m so glad you are having your brother and niece and dear uncle.
Pam. I wish I had a slice of that coconut cake.
Needs, my DH 54 yr old nephew who died of a heart attack last October, always made his signature carrot cake for Easter. It will be sad for his family without him but Easter is our comfort.

Traditions are wonderful if only in memories.

We always had coconut cake,, I baked one yesterday, and am taking a piece to work tomorrow for my BF. we are both working so that co workers with children can have off,, I hope they have a wonderful day!


Do you make carrot cake? That’s one of my all time favorite cakes!

I haven’t made it in a long time but I remember using a recipe from Williams Sonoma. I wonder if I kept the recipe. My husband loves carrot cake.

It was spring time and they had samples of it in the store which I tried.

The recipe was fabulous but it made a large cake! I had to give half away to my neighbors.

Happy Easter! My favorite holiday. Today I’m baking everyone’s favorites. My brother and niece are coming for the weekend. I’m bringI got my dad’s younger brother to my house for dinner.

I hope everyone has a joyous day with family and friends. Don’t eat too many chocolate bunnies.

I went to bed very early last night because I was exhausted. I crashed at 8:30!

I slept all night but woke up at 5:00! I am on my second cup of coffee already.

I have a feeling that I will need a nap this afternoon due to waking up so early.


Congrats! I knew that your hard work would pay off.

It’s all worth it, in the end. Anything worth having is worth working for and you have been working your tail off!

I know that you will be so glad when you’re done with school! You’re absolutely correct in saying that great teachers make all the difference in the world.

We are pulling for you the whole way through this.

You’re going to make it. You may be exhausted and occasionally need a few drinks to get you through but as long as you haven’t gone overboard with your drinking, you will be okay.

It’s a stressful time right now for you. You have needed to take the edge off.

Congrats on your accomplishments! 🥂Cheers! ☕️Coffee to keep you going. 🍕🍔🌮 🌭 🥗 🥪🍦🍰 to snack on! Did you see the salad that I threw in there? Hahaha 🤣, so it’s somewhat healthy!

Talking about masks and social distancing... Well, I like the latter. I never could stand those people who just stay too close when you are queuing for instance. So glad for the 1 meter distance... And according to Matthew's law (husband's colleague) 3 meters if I don't like you 😜

Ali: great news! You did an amazing job! Congratulazioni!

Ali: You deserve a lot of credit! Great work.💚

EB: It was very sad. Thank you.

Anche: Thank you so much.

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