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Thanks, Llama. It is sad but it absolutely is the best place for her to be.

Need: Sorry your mom is in hospice.💙💜

Gershun: Thank you.

Need: Thank you.

Barb: Thank you.

Anche: Thank you.

Chris: Thank you.

EB: Thank you.

Bridger: Thank you.


So glad you are doing better. I was concerned about you.

I had you in my prayer list.

Hello everyone and thank you for the private messages from you - Beatty, Sendhelp, Paul, ITTR, Anche and 2 from you, GardenArtist. I appreciate you all. Pneumonia was unexpected since I had asked the hospital and my PC doctor several times over on a prior visit if "the little bit of fluid on my lungs" was of concern. "No, do not worry." As it turned out, a medication that my urologist had put me on had a rare side effect of pneumonia. I did the right thing in calling EMS as in under 40 minutes, I had a dx of pneumonia and was well taken care of at the hospital. Additionally, the pneumonia gave me an off-the-charts pain level migraines. The urologist scored a D- in my estimation.

Also, my husband's oldest sister passed away on March 20. She suffered from Alzheimer's and a caregiver gave her COVID. She was placed on morphine after being in the hospital for 2 weeks. I was able the view the live stream of her funeral since, understandably, I could not go.

Send: Thanks so much. I am still in catch up mode. That's what comes in the daily emails - The Daily Ask and Answer. Earlier today I changed my password and I plan to look at things further, but having pneumonia, I tire out.

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pam: Thanks, but not what I'm talking about. I am referring to the 4 daily emails that come in (3 on Saturday) with brand new questions. It's always been there except I never got the email yesterday, March 27 and thought it was just a glitch, but then today nada.

Llama, You can check the activities link under your profile pic to see what you responded to?

NeedHelpWithMom: It's the set of 4 daily emails that come in every day (except only 3 on Saturdays). I didn't think much of it (thought it was just a glitch) when it didn't arrive on Saturday, March 27, 2021. It's the only way that we are alerted to new questions and discussions. How do YOU know when you're answering a brand new question?


Was that a thread on this forum? I have never seen or heard of it. Or are you referring to something else?

Does anyone know what happened to the Daily Ask and Answer?


Anything worth having is worth fighting for.

This is your fight. It’s definitely a struggle. I know that you are exhausted!

Don’t lose sight of the prize at the end.

It will all be worth it in the end.

Pizza 🍕 is always a great comfort food! Hope you enjoyed your pizza.

I may make you a bit mad, Hahaha... I do like Chicago pizza but I like New York pizza better! 😊

I'm burnt out on school work. 🤷 I have a six-page minimum paper and a 10-slide Power Point due by Tuesday night. I'm eating pizza and procrastinating.

After this week, I'm almost done with this term. There's a big quiz in the psych class and another PP in professionalism class but this week/right now is the biggie, the most work. I hope I wake up with more motivation tomorrow. Today, I'm protesting by being lazy.


Hahaha. Yeah, not exactly Michelangelo, he was standing up.

He hated it. He always considered himself a sculptor rather than a painter.

I love his paintings and sculptures.

"the art works of Van Gogh will be projected digitally on the ceiling and walls instead of looking at his actual paintings."

Not exactly the actual painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, Lol.
Do you think that Michelangelo was standing or lying down when painting it?

How Governor Cuomo behavioral during and before the Pandemic as I have listed below.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has been embroiled in numerous controversies in recent weeks, and now a high-profile pharma company has been swept into the melee.

Regeneron’s president and chief scientific officer, George Yancopoulos, was among the people who snagged access to COVID-19 testing early in the pandemic when testing was limited, The New York Times reports. Aside from Yancopoulos, Cuomo allowed his relatives and other “influential people” access to testing, the NYT reports.  
Regeneron sought tests for Yancopoulos after a member of his household contracted COVID-19 in March 2020, a spokesperson said in a statement. Yancopoulos was an essential worker who "directly" Regeneron's work to develop its COVID-19 antibody cocktail, so the company asked for testing to ensure its teams would be safe, Regeneron's representative said.

"We are disturbed by the negative and false insinuations, which undermine the relentless efforts of the Regeneron people during an incredibly challenging time," Regeneron said in its statement.
Early in the pandemic, there was a “heavy emphasis on contact tracing," a spokesman for the governor told the Times. The administration was “absolutely going above and beyond to get people tested,” he added. Lawmakers, reporters and members of the general public were among those who were tested, he said. 
RELATED: Regeneron, Roche's COVID-19 antibody cocktail could snare $6B in sales next year: analyst
Meanwhile, the New York State Assembly’s judiciary committee has been looking into allegations of sexual harassment against the governor, and into allegations that his administration manipulated data on nursing home deaths during the pandemic. Investigators could now look into the early testing access, the committee's chair Charles D. Lavine told the Times. 
Regeneron has played an important role in the pandemic response by developing an antibody cocktail to an emergency use authorization from the FDA. Phase 3 data recently showed the combo lowered the risk of hospitalization or death in high-risk, non-hospitalized patients by 70% compared with placebo.

How Governor Cuomo behavioral during and before the Pandemic as I have listed below.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has been embroiled in numerous controversies in recent weeks, and now a high-profile pharma company has been swept into the melee.

Regeneron’s president and chief scientific officer, George Yancopoulos, was among the people who snagged access to COVID-19 testing early in the pandemic when testing was limited, The New York Times reports. Aside from Yancopoulos, Cuomo allowed his relatives and other “influential people” access to testing, the NYT reports.  
Regeneron sought tests for Yancopoulos after a member of his household contracted COVID-19 in March 2020, a spokesperson said in a statement. Yancopoulos was an essential worker who "directly" Regeneron's work to develop its COVID-19 antibody cocktail, so the company asked for testing to ensure its teams would be safe, Regeneron's representative said.

"We are disturbed by the negative and false insinuations, which undermine the relentless efforts of the Regeneron people during an incredibly challenging time," Regeneron said in its statement.
Early in the pandemic, there was a “heavy emphasis on contact tracing," a spokesman for the governor told the Times. The administration was “absolutely going above and beyond to get people tested,” he added. Lawmakers, reporters and members of the general public were among those who were tested, he said. 
RELATED: Regeneron, Roche's COVID-19 antibody cocktail could snare $6B in sales next year: analyst
Meanwhile, the New York State Assembly’s judiciary committee has been looking into allegations of sexual harassment against the governor, and into allegations that his administration manipulated data on nursing home deaths during the pandemic. Investigators could now look into the early testing access, the committee's chair Charles D. Lavine told the Times. 
Regeneron has played an important role in the pandemic response by developing an antibody cocktail to an emergency use authorization from the FDA. Phase 3 data recently showed the combo lowered the risk of hospitalization or death in high-risk, non-hospitalized patients by 70% compared with placebo.


Oh so true! Where would we be without our plastic credit and debit cards?

Remember traveler’s checks? Hahaha 🤣 Some things have faded away. Cash seems to be fading quickly too!

People have proved that some work can be finished just as effectively away from the office, I can't imagine those who have been able to work from home will ever give up that option completely.
And no contact payment has really pushed digital currency forward, hardly anyone I know even carries much cash any more.

I find it so interesting how creative ideas are coming forward due to the pandemic.

I just looked at the YouTube link that my daughter sent about the upcoming Van Gogh event that she will be attending in November.

Apparently, the art works of Van Gogh will be projected digitally on the ceiling and walls instead of looking at his actual paintings.

I am wondering which of these creative ideas will stick around and which ones will fade away like other trends.

Creative events are still coming forth since the pandemic.

My daughter just told me that she purchased tickets for Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience.

It started off in Paris. It’s been in several cities now. It will be in Denver in September, October and November. She says it’s selling out!

Anyway, it’s digital art. She had her name on a waitlist for the tickets.

The location of the event in Denver is a secret and will be disclosed later.

Hubs heard from our PC Dr today, they hope to have the vaccine available next week to start on their regular pts. Asked if he cared which one,, nope any will do.. is he available on a few hours notice,, yes indeed.. YAY!! This is a man who was not too happy I got mine,, but since DD got her first one this week,, he's come around!

NeedHelp, it is reassuring for you to have found a better relationship with your mum at this stage, and good that the meds are making her comfortable.

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