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Pam: No clue other than turning 74. Since all tests were negative, no new rx meds nor specialists were given or recommended. Thank you.💛

EB: That is precious. What a sweet mother you have.💚

Llama I am so sorry, and how scarey! And idea what it could be? Hope you feel better soon!


I hope you feel better soon. It’s no fun having to go to the ER.

I was in the ER two separate times on Wednesday, 3/10 for dizziness, elevated BP - second time, hubby had to carry me out of bed. Couldn't move a muscle. Had multiple blood works out of both arms, chest xray, head CT and COVID test (because second time I went I had 101° fever.) Little fluid on lungs - they said not concerning. I feel exhausted.

Bridger, I am so sorry to hear that your husband is a long hauler! (((((Hugs))))))

Bridger I am so sorry for you hubs, My prayers are with you all.


Yay!!! I am so very happy that you and hubby are getting your first Covid shots.

It is emotional. I know that I feel relieved that my husband and I got ours.


Your mom is a sweetheart. She really is.

My mother this morning called me a dear woman and smiled at me. How lovely to start the day and I am thankful.

Bridger, sorry to hear about your DH’s long covid. There is so much of this in the UK too, and various support groups have sprung up where sufferers can share stories and advice. I am hoping that as more research is done, there will be the right kind of help for sufferers. It sounds horribly debilitating. On a positive note, DH and I will get our first jabs on Sunday morning. It can’t come soon enough and I am quite emotional about it already!

Sending my thoughts and prayers, Bridge.

bridger I am so sorry about your hub. I have ME/CFS/FM which, apparently, long hauler Covid resembles but without lung issues. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. There is research into long-hauler and hopefully something useful will come from that soon and also treatments. Meanwhile, he needs lots of rest.

EB - glad it went well.


You’re very welcome. I am so glad you got it.

I hope the majority of people get it.

Hello NeedHelp, you were very supportive. I was nervous, but you made me feel better about getting the vaccine. Thank you!


Great news about the vaccine! Yay! 😊

So sorry, Bridger.

Same thing for my cousin in D.C.

He is seeing a pulmonologist now.

I feel for him. He lives alone. Never married.

My husband got diagnosed with long-hauler Covid. He can’t seem to get rid the symptoms. Worn out, low grade fever, aches and pains. Doesn’t completely have senses of taste and smell. Lots of congestion. Worrisome.

Son seems to have fully recuperated.

I got my first Covid vaccine yesterday, only side effect right now is a sore arm where the shot was given. Glad #1 vaccine is over. My mother is getting her second Covid vaccine today. She did well with the first and only side effect was tired the next day and some muscle tightness and pain but subsided within an hour and no other problems. Hope this one goes well.

We were giving my mom a bath today asked her why she was yelling, and she said it was on account of her buttocks. Where in the world did she get that word and how appropriate word for describing her bum pain, LOL.

It is not generally obtainable with ease. My son has been trying for months to obtain it from NY. It generally requires most of a day to spend on the phone and that can be more than one day a week. They have told him he is eligible but he has still not received any payments.

Is unemployment fraud rampant everywhere? Here definitely. I received a letter today from the state saying my claim had been received. Of course I have made no such claim.

Cali one of the waiters I worked with opted to over contribute on his payroll tax deductions as his savings plan, I guess he didn't have the self discipline to save any other way. Yeah refunds!

Hello worried,
I am happy for you. Hope you enjoy your new roof.

Finally some good news....we need a new roof and cannot put it off any longer. Got multiple estimates at the beginning of the week. I was starting to stress out thinking we were going to have deplete our savings to pay for the roof. My husband was talking about getting a home equity loan. We went and had our taxes done yesterday (to my surprise we didn’t have to drop off our paperwork this year!) and to our pleasant surprise, our state & federal refund is enough to pay for the new roof! What a relief! Also last year they changed the W-4 form and I think my husband filled it out wrong because way too much was deducted from his income every month (I’m talking over $1k too much!) but thank God his error worked out in our favor and not the other way around! Most people from what I have seen make the opposite mistake and the result is not enough taxes being held and then they are shocked when they owe at tax time! I am thanking my lucky stars that wasn’t us!

Need: Thanks so much. Not quite yet.

EB: Thanks so much.

We’re keeping our grandson for weekend. Son and DIL are away for their anniversary. So far so good. He went to bed at 7:30. He usually sleeps all night. Hope that holds true.


I understand. I was skeptical at first too. I was like many others.

I am not anti vaccine though. So, I got over my anxiety about it.

Plus, I have asthma and I think that helped persuade me to get the vaccine.

I didn’t always get the flu shot either, because I hardly ever got sick.

My doctor is pretty strict. She pushed for me to start getting the flu and pneumonia shots and I don’t get much of a reaction to vaccines.

I am not minimizing the fact that some people do get unpleasant reactions.

I feel badly for anyone
for that does get severe reactions.

Your mom is precious! She has a positive outlook on life.

I hope she won’t have any side effects. I will say a prayer for her that she doesn’t.

Thanks Need Help. good way to look at it a few side effects compared to Covid. I am going to get the vaccine, but I will be glad when it is over and done with.. My mother is on the waiting list to get her second shot next week and I do hope she does well without any side effects. She is a brave little woman, she wants it and is not at all afraid. I am somewhat of a wimp. I just started getting the flu shot a few years ago.

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