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We are all different. Hubby felt a little sluggish and achy with slight flu like symptoms after his second shot.

Hey, that is a small price to pay though, right?

What’s a few side effects compared to Covid?

Sure, some people don’t have much of a problem but other people have a difficult time if they get Covid.

The worst case scenario is death, so when taking everything into consideration, I truly feel that everyone should get vaccinated, and it doesn’t matter which one you get. They are all effective.

Llama, feel better soon.

NeedHelp, I am glad you did not have more side effects than a sore arm. You give me hope, I am a little apprehensive to say the least, but after reading your post feel better about it. Take care.

Hope you are feeling better today, Llama.

So far, nothing but a sore arm from my second Covid shot. 😊

Golden: Thank you so much.

((((Llama)))) Get well soon!

Shell: Thank you very much. I appreciate your prayers.

NeedHelp: Thank you so much.

Gershun: Thank you so much. Eating a nutritious dinner and resting on sofa.

Feel better Llama!

Feel better soon, Llama.

I hope you feel better soon. You'll be in my prayers!💜

EB: Thank you so much. DH is getting me straight cranberry juice. I am drained. Prayers for your mom.

LLama, Hope you feel better real soon and get some rest. It could be your last one. I never had one, but my mom has chronic urinary tract infections and sometimes very difficult to treat and makes her feel lousy. I am thankful she can still be treated with antibiotics and not so resistant now. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids especially water to flush out the infection. The best to you.

worriedinCali: Thank you. I had suspected that I may have had an infection. Specialist confirmed it. You're right that age does play a factor.

Sorry to hear that Llama, hope the infection clears soon. UTIs are no fun and I am learning that the older you get, the worse they are!

NeedHelp, I agree with you about upsetting her routine and she just woke up from a sound sleep. I think I startled her like you said.
Great you both got the second vaccine and are finished with them. I bet it is a load off your mind.

I have my first ever U.T.I. My mother had a lot of them. My urologist called with my results. Started medication. Last night was a rough one and almost fell asleep on commode.

Thanks so much, Unite.

I am thrilled that your parents will receive their second shot soon.

It is a good feeling. Especially since my husband just finished his prostate cancer treatments.

Well, he still has his hormone therapy left to do, but after that we are hoping for the best.

We are ready to have Covid and his cancer behind us and move forward in our lives.

It does feel wonderful to be finished with our vaccinations!


So glad you and your husband are taken care of with the shots. Nice friend you have. Good feeling huh. I feel good that my parents are getting their second one beginning of this month. And yes to the creator and essential workers. Happy for you! We all "unite" together and we will get past this :)

I got my second Covid vaccine this morning.

Yay! I feel so relieved and so very grateful that my husband and I are done with our vaccinations.

I am extremely grateful to our friend who is a pharmacist and gave the vaccine to us.

She is so wonderful! She stays up late every night making a schedule for the extra doses of the vaccine to go into arms so they won’t have to be discarded.

I am especially grateful to the scientists that created the vaccine, Dr. Fauci and all front line workers who are helping during this pandemic.

We are in the home stretch now. Stay safe, everyone.


That must have been upsetting to see your mom afraid.

Your mom is an angel and clearly she adores you.

Maybe you just startled her because it was out of the ordinary.

Perhaps she is used to a certain routine. Could that be it?

Many of us are creatures of habit.

My mother for the first time in my life was afraid of me this morning when I entered her room to say good morning. I had such a good night sleep for the first time in months, I am on new vitamins which is helping with increased energy. Well I stood there in front of my mom and flexed my muscles like Popeye and she told me she was afraid of me. I felt so bad. I asked her why and she said she was just afraid. Oh my goodness, well I will not do that again. Deep breath.

Ali: Great job! As NeedHelp said, you don't sound like someone who would abuse sleeping pills. You have to get proper rest. I know that I need it at my age.💚


Your hard work is going to pay off. Your grades reflect your ambitious goals.

Anything worth having is worth working for. Sadly, it usually does involve a few ‘sleepless nights’ on occasion.

Our minds and bodies will start to feel the impact of not sleeping if it’s continual.

You don’t sound like someone who would abuse sleeping pills.

In the end it will all be worth it.

Another school week in the can, whew! My unit/week ends on Tuesday at midnight. I'm feeling burnt out but I'll recover. I REALLY must start the writing assignments earlier. I've been thinking that a few days of reading/research and 2 days of writing it out is plenty for a week's worth of material but it's proving to be much more work than I anticipate and I keep feeling like I've just piled it on myself the last day in order to get things completed and turned in. I don't do stress well, a leftover from caregiving days maybe. I just don't have the threshold or tolerance I once did.

I asked about some prescription sleep aids at the PCP the other day. I don't know if that's the answer to the increased insomnia I've had the past few months but I'll try them. It's zolpidem, same as Ambien, I think. I've heard the horror stories so I'll be very careful. I just think side effects from 1/4 or 1/2 a dose can't be worse than squirming uncomfortably for an entire night and having to call off and cancel everything the next day. So... we'll see. Having a tool as last-resort for a miserable night seems like a good thing to me right now.

Aw, earlybird, that is very cute. I remember when my grandmother, through her dementia, would sometimes say really sweet things to me. That made any other work or effort on her behalf all worth it.

Very busy last few day and I guess mom was feeling it. I was sitting in the living room with her today when all of a sudden she said "give me a kiss". I usually give her hugs and kisses many times during the day. I had to chuckle.

Isthisreal, oh I've told him and told him and told him again. It usually ends with him pouting like an infant and me disappearing into the bedroom.

The problem is he thinks I'm in the wrong here. I just get tired of the sound of his voice in my ear all day long. I grew up in a household with six siblings. I never could just be alone. Maybe that's another factor. My alone time is very valuable to me.

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