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Going for my second Covid shot next week. Hope the shipment won’t be delayed due to the awful situation in Texas.

My husband’s company has not received any of their expected deliveries. All shipments are delayed.

Golden: Yay! Good for you.🧡

Booking for appointments opened up here today Yay! J got booked for my first and second vaccine shots. First one tomorrow and second one April 1st. The booking systems are overloaded so it took a few tries online, but, once I got in, it went smoothly. I usually don't get much reaction to flu shots so I hope this will be the same. Already planning things I need to do in April. 😊

Prayers for Tiger Woods tonight.💚

Ali: I hear you on being a perfectionist. I used to be a lot worse, but relaxed my expectations of myself as I've aged, thank goodness.🤔

Ali, happy birthday and well done!

Happy Birthday, Ali, and once again, congratulations on your excellent marks!!!

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! My bestie also sent me a super-modern kettle that I received today. I'm not sure what it does yet, but she says she loves hers so it's a fun new gift to try out and she made me feel so special. 💛 ...You guys, too... 💛

I don't think of myself as a perfectionist but... yeah. It's a pattern across different areas of my life to do things with high attention to detail, maybe rooted in some mild OCD? Not sure.

I'm off to crank out some more school assignments but the ones this week are less demanding than last week, whew. Thanks again!

Ali: Congratulations and happy birthday.💚

Fantastic news, ALI!

Happy birthday! 🎈🎂🎁🎊🎉

HAPPY BIRTHDAY,ALI. Hope you have a wonderful day!


Take it easy on yourself, Ali. Keep drinking that tea.

Ali, wonderful! Congrats! And happy birthday!

Countrymouse, exactly! Sometimes we are our own worst critics!

Chriscat, another clipping from that same website:

Therapist: Try not to set yourself unattainable standards.
Self: Yeah, be nicer to yourself you dumb b*tch!

I know for sure I'm not the only one here who regularly ends up telling my inner voice "leave me alone!!!" It's so much easier to fight off other people's gremlins :)

Well done Ali, stellar results! Give yourself a pat on the back for what you have achieved, and don't beat yourself up about everything else. As Countrymouse says, it sounds like you're a perfectionist, which is fine, but give yourself a break sometimes. I've had this chat with my son: his University workload is punishingly high, but he is used to doing everything to perfection. When there is just not enough time to do this, I've explained that sometimes you have to accept when something is "good enough". Believe me, I know how hard this is to do in reality, as I too am a perfectionist!

Congratulations, Ali! If I knew how to use my new laptop - sigh - I'd send you lots of icons of certificates and gold stars!

You appear to be suffering under the inner voice of the over-achiever - the one who insists you must get 100% for your therapy homework, "which it is both desirable to aspire to and possible to achieve" according to the joke my daughter sent me.

I don't know how you counter this voice. There is a long-running family theme that would ask, for example, "and what went wrong with the other 2%?" but this is as nothing to the poor little Chinese grade schoolers: when they succeed in getting full marks, they are urged to "try harder next time."

But it would be such a shame if anxiety stopped you *enjoying* both the course and your success. Rest on your laurels for at least one hour :)

I received my grades back on the two papers I turned in this week, 98 on one and 100 on the other. I wish I could avoid stressing myself out so bad at times with this school work. The only strategy I can think of is to start earlier and ask questions in advance about anything I'm not sure about. It had been a long time since I wrote essay papers like these and I'm relieved that the work was good. My school week units are only only that, one week each. It's a short time to take in a lot of new material and put it back out with enough original thought that shows you learned it. I'm not trying to get terrific grades, necessarily, though it's a great feeling. I don't know how else to do the work as it's assigned, other than follow the letter of the rules and such. My uni has grading rubrics for every assignment and I go over them repeatedly while doing the work, ticking all the boxes.

The stress out over school this past week really knocked me down temporarily. I had a sinus infection, too, and ended up taking off 2 days from work and just rested and slept. Today was my birthday and I spent the whole day working on school work at home, which is fine... just seems like so much work at times. How do people juggle demanding jobs and raising children at the same time they go to online college? My hats off to them.

*Oh! And a bestie sent me a turmeric tea set for my bday! Wonderful gift, and timely, since I've been reading about turmeric's proven help with stress and inflammation. I knew about it before, but it's one of those things I had good intentions for using and it didn't materialize. I still have a giant container of turmeric in the spice cabinet, hope it never expires. lol Her gift had me looking at the benefits of turmeric again, and it coincided with this week's assignment in my psychology class that examined biological basis for stress response. I may not be able to be less stressed by my school work at times, but I can drink turmeric tea while I stress out. haha

CW: Oh, okay. As I said, I was not too familiar with the videos.

LL: I know there is a lot of Teepa Snow stuff still available but IMO the newer posts are not nearly as helpful as the old ones where she (or someone) recorded some of her lectures. One I liked in particular was about understanding the difference between letting go and giving up at the end of the disease and included a story about how early on in her career she learned that lesson, another was about understanding the difference between depression and apathy. According to YouTube the account holder has deleted their account, therefore deleting all the videos they had posted.

cwillie: I don't know which Teepa Snow vid you were looking for, but I just searched "Teepa Snow videos" and some came up.

cwillie: Have you had a chance to attempt to find the Teepa Snow vids? I am not familiar with them.

Drat, CW! Any explanation? Drat drat drat - !

Many of the Teepa Snow videos I frequently recommend here on the forum are no longer available. I always knew this might happen, I still miss the wonderful presentation Gone From My Sight from Barbara Karnes that disappeared years ago 😥

Ali - not everyone puts the time and effort into assignments that you do (hence the great marks along with your very good mind, of course). I agree with glad You will do fine and enjoy the later classes more.

Time to make snow angels? 😇

Ali, hang in there. It was always those intro classes that were the most difficult for me. Lots of foundational information.

You will do good.

Would love to get some paczkis for Mardi Gras but I'm reading that some local bakeries had to close due to weather. It is what it is... Maybe by the time I get the car out, the bakeries will have figured things out, too.

Chicago area got another 18 inches of snow in the past 24 hours. I knew it would be a lot but that is just... A LOT... on top of the snow that's been sticking around for weeks. I'm sure someone out there is having fun with all this snow, maybe kids and some dogs like it.

I cancelled my plans for tomorrow and called off work, which they don't mind because it will be very slow due to weather. I'll dig out the car at some point and work on a paper for school that was due today, but professor kindly gave extra time and I had another paper due this week, too, and that took several entire days of work to finish up. The 3 classes I'm taking this term are all introductory or basic core classes, and the units are a week long. How are they demanding this much in-depth work assignments like thesis papers on a single week's worth of learning?? This is the second week of the term, we just started! lol I'm a bit frightened to think this pace could continue for 8 more weeks. The papers are only a few pages each but still, it takes a long time to research, write out, and format correctly. Ugh. I'm venting, very stressed about the school work load this week.

Cw, I'm glad you get good use out of your electric snowblower! I remember using the one I purchased down at my grandma's house. Much better than shoveling, that's for sure!

Now I have no snow blower and would love to hire someone to even just dig out my car. After I do about 30 minutes of shoveling my back is hurting badly and since I am prone to back sprains and spasms, I don't think it's a great idea for me to shovel this much snow. I figure I'll look at it tomorrow and make a plan.


Yes, it is best to go early to receive ashes.

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