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Happy Mardi Gras to you, NeedHelp. Glad to see your post today. I saw the news today that it was cancelled. Ash Wednesday tomorrow and we will go early to get ashes before everyone ese. We have such a nice Deacon and Pastor. They are both accommodating to my mother and our family and were willing to send home the ashes, but I feel like going to church on Ask Wednesday. We will go early before the service starts.

Happy Mardi Gras!

So, so, so, different this year! Our mayor had to shut down Mardi Gras due to Covid. Looking forward to next year!

It’s a weird vibe in New Orleans this year.

We will eat our last piece of king cake today. Bad juju to eat king cake after Mardi Gras!

Fat Tuesday is here. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday so I will begin fasting. No meat tomorrow. I am giving up all sweets for lent.

Normally for Mardi Gras we would be on St. Charles Ave. and Napoleon to view the Rex parade and marching bands.

No one knew about Covid in our city for last last year’s Mardi Gras celebrations and it developed into a nightmare scenario for us.

The last time Mardi Gras was canceled was due to a police strike in 1979!

It has been cold here! We would have had a freezing Mardi Gras today.

Our weather is so unpredictable!

We have had some Mardi Gras celebrations with cold temps and others where it was very mild.

I once did a doughnut on black ice on an overpass in town. I touched my brakes, spun slowly, and went on my way. There was, fortunately, no traffic around. 😱

Many moons ago you contributed to a conversation about whether or not an electric snow blower was a worthwhile purchase - I remember and thank you whenever I pull out my Snow Joe (like I did today)!

Ali: You're welcome. Winter driving can be challenging at best. And even the most skilled driver is no match for ice, especially black ice.

Thank you, Llamalover. I'm embarrassed to say I did something similar this time of year 2 years ago. I don't think I'm careless but driving and parking in the city during the winter is more difficult when there's snow piled up everywhere. I'll be extra-extra careful from now on when there's snow in parking spaces, and not try to force my car into spaces where there are piles of snow. I have such a small car and my tires, though relatively new, are slick. I've been thinking what I'm going to do. Maybe new tires, maybe add collision insurance (my damages aren't much more than a deductible anyway, though), maybe just don't ever try for a parking space that seems iffy...

Maybe all of it. ;-)

Ali: Sorry that you tore up your vehicle's bumper.☹

Snow Globe? Is that like having a crystal ball Gershun?

Okay Ali, I'll stop shaking the snow globe. My bad!😊

Wow, so many in the snow.
Spring is on it's way, soon, I hope!


I tore up my car's front bumper trying to get in a slippery parking space the other day, and roommate has had a couple minor car accidents in the past week or two. It's a mess on the roads. I was supposed to take my car for bumper repair tomorrow but there's so much new snow coming down, I'll wait a day or two. We'll see. Snow is pretty but there's just too much of it on the ground here and more coming down all night.

I read something that said Chicago had 30 inches of snowfall the past month, or this month, and none of it's melted due to cold temps. There will be at least six more inches during this snow that fell all day and is still going.

I feel like I'm in a snowglobe that's malfunctioned. lol I'm getting through it fine, just whining, and travel anywhere will have to wait a day or two at least until roads are cleared.

🥶️ We put some hand warmers in our emergency kit.

So cold!

glad - brrrrrrr! 🥶🥶🥶

FF thank you for sharing your experience. What you describe is exactly what my mom is experiencing. I’m glad to hear it’s normal. The burning pain does hit out of nowhere and it’s brief but still excruciating! These bulbs are a PITA. It’s easy to empty them and measure the fluid I rained but the left drain DID in fact come out. Well as of yesterday afternoon, it was still technically sewed in but the tube itself is totally out and there an opaque white tube coming out of her chest. I’ve got a phone call in to the “breast navigator” to see what can be done about that because she is leaking fluid. Today she is light headed.

there are a lot of things I wish we had done different. Hindsight is always 20/20. I am surprised they released a senior citizen with mobility issues home without arranging for a visiting nurse! Her follow up isn’t until 2/25. We don’t need any hands on care but having a nurse come out every few days to check the incisions and the tubes would have been a huge benefit. Now here we are on a holiday weekend with a tube that’s come out and ZERO support! The on-call dr said if the tube had come out, I could pull it out myself—well I can’t because it’s sewn in. And what do we do about the fluid leaking? Anyway....other than being light headed, she’s doing good today. Thank you all for the support. This would be much worse for us if this forum didn’t exist. It really would. There support and the knowledge all of you provide is priceless!

worriedinCali, what your Mom is going through is pretty much the norm. I remember having those issues myself ten years ago when I had a similar surgery.

First, I couldn't believe the insurance company would only pay for a hospital stay of less than 24 hours. I can understand why surgery patients are sent home so early, but sent home to a household whom are not health care providers, thus have no idea what is going on. HELLO insurers, this was major surgery.

My legs were like rubber, so it wasn't easy getting up to use the bathroom. I was also in a brain fog for a couple of months. Sleeping wasn't easy, had to surround myself with pillows so I wouldn't turn over on my side or stomach. Prescription pain pills took the edge off, but I didn't like the side effects, so I stopped taking them.

Oh those drain bulbs. Wish back then they would have a "class" on what to do and what to expect [they do now], as I was clueless about the drains. The surgeon probably told me, but one is usually a deer in headlights and terrified.

Burning pain, how I remember that. It's the cut nerve endings from the surgery. Your Mom will feel those for the next couple of years. It's like a quick bee sting when it happens. Even ten years later once in a blue moon I will still get one.

Will your Mom's doctor put her on pills that she should take for the next 5 years or more? If yes, I hope your Mom does ok with the pills. If there are side effects, your Mom is not alone, I had them.

Hope your Mom finds a good bra fitter who can help her choose the right bra that is comfortable and a light weight prostheses. Or skip the whole thing and go with an undershirt.

Coldest Valentine's record.

Overnight, tonight, forecast down to -40. And have to go to work tomorrow.😟

Hubs and I had an atypical Valentines day.. I am feeling much better than yesterday post COVID shot #2.. but we stayed home and he is cooking dinner. We did start on the taxes, switched out two mattresses ( moms to our bed and ours to hers,, hers was newer) and lots of laundry because of that. He watched sports and I watched several episodes of Outlander.. Yes indeed we are hopeless romantics! But it was still a great day. Called my Aunt and talked to her awhile, and DD is coming over tomorrow.

Bridger: I agree with your statement.

Shell, same! DH and I had a lovely day watching films, with pots of tea and plenty of chocolate. A perfect day for us!

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day! ❤🍾🥂🍫⚘🎈

I haven't had any of those problems. Mind you I haven't been posting much recently. My browser is much faster since I downloaded Norton and cleared out some junk files. We worth it.

On my mind - Happy Valentine's Day everyone. Treat yourself if there is no one around to treat you. 🎈🌹🎈 💕💞💖

Hi gladimhere,
I thought it was my new computer but it seems it is just this site. I typed a message and it disappeared and retyped it and the original message appeared. Very strange. I reported it to AC.

Llama, I personally believe that his plans have never been to help senior healthcare or seniors in general.

Bridger: I believe that POTUS has plans for that, sadly.☹

Just received a call from a friend in a senior group to which I belong. I don’t know how accurate the info, but they are encouraging everyone to contact representatives to vote against the stimulus bill because it is going to result in large cuts to Medicare and farm programs. I live in a farm area and cuts would be bad for farmers. Medicare is definitely important to senior health.

glad: You're welcome.

Thanks llama

EB: God bless you and your sweet mom. That's precious. You are blessed.💚

glad: Sometimes the news feed is super slow to load. Other than that, I've not had a problem like you mentioned.

What the heck? Is something up with AC site? Or my kindle again? I can on l y see half of the page.😕

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