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Thanks EB, yes my mom is on blood thinners. Looks like surgery isn’t necessary! If it was, I was going to push for twilight sedation. She is being released today. I am at the surgery center and starting to get mad! Discharge is always the worst isn’t it? We’ve been waiting over an hour now! Over an hour ago my mom buzzed the nurse and told them I was here. I was told to come down so they could teach me to empty the drains on each breast. So we have been waiting over an hour. I just went to the nurses station and said my mom is ready to go home and has been waiting over an over! They acted like I’m being unreasonable here! They are all just sitting around.....someone could have at least popped in and gave us an ETA!

Anyway I’m glad to hear your mom has no side effects from the vaccine! Seems like most are reacting to the 2nd shot. My dad was told he can’t get the vaccine because he is on blood thinners. Mom got the first one but is not going to get the 2nd.

worriedinCali, I am so glad your mom is doing better. My mom had twilight sleep for a procedure in the past and did fine. Did they put her on any blood thinners?
My mother is doing fine today and no side effects so far. Hoping the second one is good also and thank you very much for asking. I know a few people that were quite sick after the first one and worse after the second. I am glad your husband is doing ok and only side effect was a sore arm. Thank you for updating us. Your mom is in very good hands. She will do ok.


We insured the package. We tracked it. My daughter filed the claim for it. Then the package shows up! Crazy, right?

Overall, the mail is incredibly successful in delivering packages.

Every now and then, something gets lost.

I suppose you and I are fortunate that our packages were recovered. Some never are!

My daughters like North Face jackets too.

worriedinCali: More prayers for you and your mom tonight. That sure was a rollercoaster ride. Hope you can get some rest. Pain meds CAN have effects.💜

Thank you all for the prayers and support. This is definitely like a rollercoaster ride :(
Mom is being kept another night at the surgery center. She is shaken after the episode last night but feeling much better today. She was in pain all afternoon because the dr doesn’t want her taking the pain killers because her blood pressure is low and the pain meds make it even lower. They finally gave her something for pain late this afternoon. I was able to go see her and she looks good. She’s just feeling down because we didn’t anticipate complications and she really doesn’t want another surgery. She told the dr she does not want surgery so they put an ice pack where the blood clot is and the swelling went down a bit. Tomorrow we are going to ask the dr about removing the blood clot without putting her under.

EarlyBird I’m glad your mom got the vaccine, I hope she doesn’t have any side affects. My husband got the second yesterday & said his arm was a bit sore but no other symptoms. A nurse friend had had 24hrs of fever, body aches and feeling terrible after the second jab.

NHWM just had a similar experience with the mail! I bought my daughter a fleece North Face pullover in early December and had it shipped to my parents house. I got a tracking number but after a week, it appeared the package wasn’t actually shipped, there was no “accepted” scan from the post office. I ended up getting a refund. Then 2 weeks ago my mom called and said I got a package delivered to her house!!! I had her open it because I haven’t ordered anything in weeks.....turns out out it was North Face pullover I ordered in December! Took over a month to get here.

Cali, the changes in your mom’s condition sound like a nerve racking roller coaster. Keep thinking positive thoughts. Everything will turn out fine. Keep us posted

Will pray for your mom and family, Cali.

Oh my gosh! I mailed a package to Denver awhile back to my daughter.

It was lost. Well, today it showed up in her mail! It was her dog’s bandannas that I made and more masks that she wanted.

She has a boy dog. I wish that she had a girl dog to sew for!

I have some adorable fabric that would work for girl dog bandannas.

worriedinCali, sorry to hear about your mom. I am glad she stabilized and is doing better. Will continue to pray for her.

The Senior Center in our town called yesterday and told me my mother could get the Covid vaccine today a few towns over. She had it in the afternoon today and is doing well. No reaction after the vaccine. I feel relieved she was able to get it sooner. Second vaccine will be in four weeks.

worriedinCali: So sorry for the setback. Praying that the hematoma resolves and that she is able to get back on the road to recovery.💜

Cali, many healing prayers for mom, and prayers for you for strength!

Thank you all so much ❤️

We have a minor setback. They got mom up to walk around last night and her vital signs crashed. Her blood pressure dropped, her oxygen went down to 40 and she felt very nauseated. She was terrier and thought she was going to die!! They got her back in bed and she started feeling better. The dr says she has a hematoma on the right side, which was the healthy breast. He may have to do another surgery. She Really doesn’t want them to put her under again :(
they have ice on the hematoma and it seems to be going away but it’s a waiting game now. Please pray she doesn’t need more surgery. Thank you!!

Great news, Cali, that's such a relief. Now, strength to you, mom and dad while she recovers, and any undergoes treatment from here on in!

worriedinCalif, thinking of your dear mom and you this morning. Hope you had a good nights sleep. Your mother is an amazing woman and has very strong constitution. I bet you were so overjoyed when you walked in her room and saw her sitting up and eating her dinner. How is your dad holding up? You both are so supportive to your mom. It is nice to see such a loving family. Have a good day with your mom. Prayers and hugs sent to all of you.

My daughter just texted me saying that she wasn’t looking forward to her morning walk with her pooch because it was very chilly in Denver this morning!

She says that the temperature is dropping!


It’s wonderful to hear that your mom is doing well after her surgery. What a relief!

Cali I am so happy that things went so well with your mom!! What a relief, and you also did great keeping your cool and being so supportive! That's amazing she was up having dinner! And the BEST part is no more cancer! Such great news for your mom and family.

It sounds like she is going to have a speedy recovery :) Keep us posted and enjoy relaxing with your mom ❤

Cali, So great that your Mom is doing well after her surgery. Hope her recovery goes well.

Nighty night Golden. Stay warm. It was cold here that last couple of days and for the next week or so. High was 16 today, 22 tomorrow, by Saturday down to 10. We always get at least one serious cold spell that will last a week to ten days like this. If I had the cold you do, I would definitely just stay in.

Smart kitties not wanting to go out. It you cold a dry or humid cold? My folks left Minnesota partly their mom's drove them nuts and the humid cold that will cut through the body, to the bone. At least mom described it that way. UFFDA!

glad - I hear you!!! I am a half decent tech, but problems can get to you. I fixed one laptop and the other one is waiting for a trip to someone who can do hardware. You can only deal with so much at a time.

Have a good sleep.

worriedinCali: Thank goodness that your mother got through the surgery. I hope that you can put your mind at ease to be able to sleep.💜

worriedinCalif, I am so happy for your mom and you. Your positive post about your mom made my night. I am so glad she is doing so well. Wonderful you got to see your mom. Get some rest and have a good night sleep.

Thank you all so much!!!! My mom’s surgery went off without a hitch!! They did not ask her about a DNR though! Very strange huh? I remember when my husband had back surgery, they had him fill out an advanced directive. My mom wasn’t given one to sign though. I was able to stay calm and ask her what she wanted us to do, if God forbid her heart stopped. She said no tubes and no life saving measures unless the drs though she would live and not be a vegetable. Which is what she has always told me. She also planned ahead, after I confirmed with her what she wanted as far as a DNR goes, she pulled out the durable POA and gave it to the nurse. The nurse asked if the gal at the front desk made a copy. She didn’t even ask about it or mention an advanced directive. The anxiety though...she was anxious herself and as time went on and they put in the finally felt real! Like it this is really happening. I have never felt an anxiety like that before. This is all so new to me. My main concern was being too emotional and making my mom upset. It’s hard to find the right balance between strong and emotional.

Anyway surgery went well, no complications. We initially thought she couldn’t have visitors because of COVID. I got to stay with her until they took her back to the anesthesiologist which I am thankful for. I went back to the house since they said they would call when she was out of surgery. She had surgery around 1. At 3:30 the nurse called and said she could have visitors from 3-6! So I took my dad up to the surgery center and he got to see her and then I got to go in. She was sitting up in a chair eating dinner when I walked in! She looks GREAT! She isn’t in any pain. She ate dinner. Her breathing is good. I really expected worse. I thought she would be in bed and kind of out of it! It was such a relief seeing her sitting there eating! She looked so GOOD! Her color was great, she sounded great! Now I know she will be ok when I bring her home. The hard part will be the drive home. I imagine every bump in the road will hurt!

So now we about 3 days the pathology report on the cancer should be in and the dr will decide if she needs chemo or radiation where they took out the lymph node.

EaelyBird, the anxiety we feel for our moms is really something isn’t it? And I was thinking the same thing about the surgeon—he wouldn’t have recommended surgery if he didn’t think it was safe for her! That is what I wish I had reminded myself today. If it wasn’t safe and he didn’t think she would do well, he would not have done the surgery! Thank for lighting a candle. Really means a lot!

Well tomorrow morning I should be able to bring her home. it is weird being here at the house, in her “office” which is really a den...without her being in here with me!


Devices can be a pain in the butt!

Fantastic when working well, but a nuisance when they aren’t!

Sleep well.

Glad: Device problems ARE frustrating. Sleep well.💜💛

I hate, hate, hate device problems. So stressful, chatting online to get something fixed. But one kindle now working as it should, too stressed to work with #2 tonight. Maybe tomorrow.

Had to reset to factory settings, then remember all my passwords to setup my faves. Just whipped, should sleep good, though.

NeedHelpWithMom: Yes, I did see that you flew into Logan.

worriedinCali: Sending prayers virtually ((( ))) for your momma today.🧡💜

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