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I think gun control is another hot political issue that we should not discuss and fight over in this forum.

"Guns don't kill people, people kill people."

Unfortunately, Guns always seem to get into the wrong hands.

Glad, that is just makes me wonder "what is happening to our nation and our world as a whole?"😢


Many Americans admit that there is a problem.

Let’s hope for change in this nation and the entire world.

Glad, what a horrific story. 😞

And yet people still insist that America doesn't have a gun problem.

95 year old man, a resident in assisted living, shoots and kills employee of the facility.😢😢😢

No mention of dementia yet. Guns are not allowed there.

Bridger: I so understand the cleaning out of bank books and the like. What a blessed story.🌺🌺

WorriedInCA - it does pour. Your dad, now your mom, and the poor cat. I can feel the stress just reading your post. I hope your mom will have a successful surgery and a quick recovery. And for you to keep sane.


Tons of memories in that little bank book 😊.

It’s the sweet story of your life.


Wishing you all the best with your family and your kitty.


Sending prayers and blessing!!


I know how hard it is to sift through someone else's life!

It's like eating an elephant, one bite at a time!!

God bless!

We’ve been cleaning out our home office. Thirty five years of paper. A real collectors item. Our first savings book - 1984, along with all the subsequent stmts. Our bank has been sold three different times to bigger banks. Little notes about withdrawals - sons college fees, a cruise for out 25th wedding anniversary, etc

Worried, Good thoughts for you and your family as you go thru these difficult times. I hoe your parents have complete recoveries. Kidney problems are so bad for cats

Worried: I am praying for you and your mother and father. That's difficult. I pray that you can get through it. And so sorry, too, for your daughter's cat's illness. Big virtual hugs.

When it rains, it pours. This week my dad has his last chemo treatment. This coming Tuesday my mom is undergoing a double mastectomy. I’ll be driving up there to be there for the surgery and take care of her for at least 1-2 weeks. I was going to drive up Sunday morning, instead of Monday because if we leave Monday, we have to leave later because the kids have school & I am not willing to drive highway 50 (Two lane mountain highway over the snowy sierras) in the dark. but then I realized it’s super bowl Sunday and my son really wants to watch the game and have our own little super bowl party. I felt guilty, like I was putting my parents first so I decided we have our super bowl party here on Sunday and we will drive to Nevada in Monday and the kids can miss their zoom meeting that morning so we can leave early.
So I was patting myself on the back for establishing a small boundary & putting my family first. But now my daughters cat (whom I like to call my cat, since mine died and Frankie is our only cat now) is sick, I suspect it’s his kidneys. The soonest the vet can see him is Friday morning. So now I have to leave town and leave behind our sick cat!! If he needs medication, my husband will not be able to give it to him, the cat does not like him. Won’t go near him. Every time we go to my parents house, Frankie hides under my daughters bed until we get home). If he has to go back to the vet next week, I really can’t see my husband being able to coax him out from hiding AND getting him in to the carrier. I really cannot believe this! What timing! How do you people do it? I feel like I am running in 2 different directions. Like I am being pulled in 2 different directions. I feel horribly guilty leaving the cat knowing something is very wrong and if my suspicions are right, he cannot wait until I get home. He will decline too fast and the damage will be done! My DD will stay home with him if necessary but I feel guilty leaving her here. I know my mom is going to feel sad not seeing my DD especially during this difficult time, the cancer diagnosis has left my mother shaken and upset obviously. But I also know she will understand why my DD stayed home. Yet I still feel guilt. Maybe guilt is the wrong word. It just feels wrong. Like no matter what, it’s wrong. Wrong to leave my DD here to take care of the cat herself and wrong to take her with me and leave the cat behind knowing he’s sick!! I really don’t know how you caregivers manage to stay sane. I feel like I have to keep everyone happy and be in 2 places at once.

Jodi: I am so sorry that your aunt didn't recall receiving your wonderful package. The same thing would happen with my mother. I would send her nice packages, which she claimed weren't received. When I arrived there to be her live-in caregiver, I located the items in one of her drawers. You're not alone. ♥️

I sent a care package to my Aunt via FedEx. It consisted of lipstick, eyebrow pencils, a box of chocolates, a Valentine's day card and her new debit card.

I was finally able to get her on the phone today. She told me that she hadn't received anything. Of course I was panicked about the bank card! Fedex tracking said it had been delivered. So I called my Aunts facility. After hours of waiting for a call back, I learned that my Aunt had in fact received the package. She just doesn't remember!!

I completely understand that it's not her fault! However, I'm not gonna lie, it stings to know that she has no comprehension of the things that I am doing for her.

I know so much of what we do as caregivers goes unnoticed and unappreciated, so I wanted to send my heart out to all of you!!
Even if only here, you are appreciated!!!


Thanks, EB. It’s a relief to have the first one down. One to go!

I got Moderna which requires two doses.

I wonder when the new J and J vaccine is going to be ready. That one is only one shot!

Sendhelp, you make me smile.

NeedHelp, It is great you got your Covid injection today. Hope everything goes well for you.

I just got my first COVID-19 shot! I have to wait for 15 minutes before leaving the pharmacy.

Next shot scheduled for next month.

I am very fortunate to have a friend that is a pharmacist to make this happen.

I am so grateful!

Our state is only vaccinating ages 70 and up at the moment but it’s kind of unorganized like everywhere else right now!

People are placing themselves on several lists, then don’t take their name off of the other lists.

My friend takes quite awhile awhile figuring out the schedule for vaccines and when she has extra she calls friends to get them. She refuses to throw them away.

🎼🎵🎶 "Life is worth the living
If you just smile 🎶🎵🎶

Did anyone see Tony Bennett’s wife speaking about her husband’s Alzheimer’s disease?

Really interesting. He knows his memory is going. His mind is perfectly normal as soon as he hears the music!

It’s absolutely amazing how music effects the brain!

I looked up the power of music on the brain with dementia and Parkinson’s disease. I saw several amazing YouTube videos on the topic.

I already told my husband if I go into a facility that I want my favorite music playing every single day!

If you get a chance look at the YouTube from Australia on this topic! I cried because it was so beautiful!

Yes! Yes! Yes!

I just got the call from my friend who is a pharmacist.

I have an appointment this afternoon for my COVID-19 vaccine.

This woman spends every single night coordinating these vaccines. She works at an independent pharmacy. She grew tired of the large chains.

Anyway, she works all evening when she gets off coordinating the vaccines. People here place their names on several lists. If their names come up on another list first she has extra doses. She will not throw them away.

I’ve got the next one! I am so happy! Have to get ready for appointment.

Prayers requested for no reactions. 🙏 Thanks!

I've often had the impression that one branch of healthcare doesn't have a clue what the other is doing and since the pandemic it has only gotten worse. I had a telephone appointment to discuss genetic testing and was sent a script for blood work in the mail and told to go to my local lab. The only labs available in my small town are in doctor's offices and my office (associated with the local hospital) doesn't know what to do with the blood they've drawn, they send it to a lab but apparently it needs to go to the regional hospital's genetics lab.
nurse: "Can't you have this done at their lab?"
me: "Uhm, no, covid restrictions"
nurse: "I'd hate for it to get lost"
me in my head (oh for FFF sake, can't somebody make some phone calls?)

cwillie: Too funny. Perhaps the author of horoscopes needs a reset for COVID-19.

I was feeling bored so I checked my horoscope for today on MSN

"Sometimes you can get a bit too isolated, so it will do you good to be out and about right now. Welcome neighbors over for lunch or spend time with friends you haven't seen in a while"

I guess that means it's fine to ignore the pandemic and stay at home orders?

Here is words for all of us who have a LO that just can send you right down the rabbit hole to never be found again. Whether it is someone who has dementia or a mental illness or whatever. If you feel like I do on my worst day then this might me for you!

I don't care

I try to make it
through my life, in my way there's you

I try to make
It through these lies, that's all I do.

Just don't deny it
don't try to fight this
and deal with it
that's part of it

If you were dead or still
alive, I don't care, I don't care

Just go and leave this all
behind, cuz I swear,
(I swear) I don't care

I try to make you see my side, I always try to stay in line,
but your eyes see right through,
that's all they do.

I'm getting buried in this place, I got no room your in my face,
don't say anything just go away

If you were dead or still alive, I don't care, I don't care.
Just go and leave this all behind, cuz I swear I don't care

I'm changing everything cuz you won't be there for me,
I'm changing everything cuz you won't be there for me.


If you were dead or still alive, I don't care, I don't care.
Just go and leave this all behind, cuz I swear,
(I swear)
I don't care.

If you were dead or still alive, I don't care (I don't care).
Just go and leave this all behind, I don't care (I swear) I don't care. at all.


This Sunday PBS will broadcast, ‘Inside the Mind of Agatha Christie.’

I have watched the earlier episodes of this series on Agatha Christie. It’s very good.

I’m sorry cwille. It’s frustrating to be sure. Hopefully, things will turn around in your area.

I will say an extra prayer.

NHWM - you hear but I'm not sure you get it. Canada has zero domestic supply of vaccines or the special syringes which can coax more from the BioNtech vials, as of now vaccinations in my region have pretty much ground to a halt, anything we have is being given priority to try to complete 2nd doses in long term care.

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