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Sleeplessness is difficult! If I have it, I try to at least stay in the bed to rest my body. Doesn't always work. To those who suffer from it, hope you can get some rest.

You are in my thoughts and prayers, Send.

My knuckles are turning white.
I am not afraid.
I am not afraid.

The wind is bad.
3 fires have started within an hour.
Electricity is out at the market that was getting ready to deliver my groceries.

The sun is shining.
Our electricity is still on.
Freezer is full of ice.
We have lots of food and water.
The paperwhite Narcissus are blooming since Saturday.
The fires are far away (over 10 miles.)
The car was paid for in December, is full of gas, and runs.

Nothing bad is happening to us right now.
Praying for others.

We just need to be vigilant. Keeping an eye out.

Being grateful.

NHWM - It is sad for your friend's family. And I agree we should try to stay safe.

I debated in my head whether I should comment further due to not wanting to turn this into a debate about COVID with anyone.

But I want to put things in perspective, so here goes.

Every DAY in the US, there are approximately 7,500 deaths. Each of these death is terrible for his/her family. I read that there are more deaths in 2020 compared to 2019. No doubt, COVID contributes to the increase, but also no doubt there were more deaths resulted due to delay in treatments as people were fearful of COVID and not seeking treatments on time.

Although it is sad when someone dies of COVID, it's sad when someone dies of other causes, too. I for one don't want to highlight deaths. The more we highlight COVID deaths, the more it just puts undue stress and cripples us with fear. We should be careful, not fearful. The media has done too much of that already.

I am glad vaccines are here. And eventually most of us will be vaccinated. Let's be glad for that.

Oh gosh, the sadness never ends regarding Covid.

I just got a call from a friend of mine that just lost her husband to Covid.

He died after a week in the hospital. He worked in the medical field for 35 years. He was 70 years old.

His funeral arrangements have been made and will follow Covid protocols. They will also have a Zoom service.

It feels like a bad dream and I am waiting to wake up.

How do we even begin to comfort the loved ones that are losing their beloved partners?

He was a father to two children who live out of state. They have three grandchildren.

What a horrible time this is for their family. I pray that this nightmare will end as soon as it possibly can.

Please get vaccinated when you are eligible. Stay safe, everyone.

Whenever I can't sleep, I will turn on "Forensic Files" crime mystery, half hour shows, the ones narrated by Peter Thomas. The shows run all night here. Peter has such a nice voice that after the 1st or the 2nd show, I am asleep :)


I was wide awake at 4am but I wouldn't allow myself to move in the hope that I could will myself back to sleep😖. After a half hour of that I gave in and finished my book then got up for the day, so I've finished all my usual morning routines and it's only 7:45. It's gonna be a loooong day.

Windy here. Insomnia.
Doesn't help when paramedics run through the speed bump, waking me at 1:30 a.m.
Very windy.

Insomnia. At least the coyotes are making plenty of noise tonight.

Thanks everyone. It is a relief to be in the home stretch of his treatment.

NHWM: That's great that your husband's last treatment is tomorrow. Have been praying for him.♥️

Bridge, I am so glad you are enjoying yourself. Good for you being so pampered. You deserve it. Have a great time. Hope hubby is enjoying himself. Thank you for taking the time to update your friends here on the Forum.

Great news, NeedHelp. Praying for a healing. Hugs to you.

Tomorrow is my husband’s last radiation treatment for his prostate cancer! Yay!!!

Three hormone treatments afterwards, every six months and hopefully he is cured!

Say prayers please! Thank you 🙏.

Has anyone that uses a kindle to access this site developed problems with losing response in the Silk browser? I start reading look at a couple of pages then the touch screen, just in the top tab area will not respond. The remainder of the screen still works fine. This has been in the last week or so. Very frustrating.

Bridger: Good for you - that's great that you were able to get away! Enjoy!♥️

Great dinner and service. Walk on the beach was a little windy, but relaxing. We’ve already ordered breakfast delivered to our room tomorrow.


Glad to hear you're getting some much needed pampering in during your stay - sounds like a beautiful place too.

Enjoy your dinner - it will be nice to be waited on!

Made it south to The Cloisters at Sea Island Georgia. Beautiful hotel. Waiting on my husband to get ready for dinner. I made an all day spa and beauty shop appointment for tomorrow. Trip down was nice after we got out of OH snow.

Hi, good news that my temporsry work appt. recently got extended. However, I am very patiently waiting to get that COVID vaccine at age 66 which appears to be months away in CA, similar to a scary lottery list. Yes, I work in an essential job in the postal service plant where social distancing is at a minimum and want my health protection to safely earn necessary income.

I pray for those who must show up at their essential workplaces every shift to work, because these jobs cannot be done from home, placing ourselves at great risk just to survive.


Car is packed and we’re ready to roll. Youngest son came and packed up leftovers. He asked too go on the trip with us. Husband told him no unless he wanted us to go on dates/trips he planned for himself.

Alva - your post made me laugh. I would have loved that vest too. Once on a shopping trip together with dd she bought what she called her "airport landing strip" sweater. - sequins, beads, embroidery... We loved it. She never bought things like that when she was on her own, she was too frugal, but once in a while we let loose.

Yes you knew what you were doing!!! And you still do!

Golden, I loved your post, ALL of your post. We deal with mental challenges in my family as well. And the other thing I just am so enamored of is the way the young find the stuff we have hidden in the closet thinking it is "oh my, a bit embarrassing" and here they come to say it is GREAT, just like we once knew it was. I had a beaded and sequined flowered vest from the 60s that my grandkids nearly came to blows over. What a lovely thing! And you know, they are right. It is a MUSEUM PIECE. No question about it. I knew what I was doing even back when I didn't know what I was doing.

Had a wonderful 3 generation women moment of two this afternoon standing in the driveway/garage with dd and dgd. They came over for a few errands including picking up 3 large bags of my clothing cast offs to be put into he appropriate bin. Em (granddaughter) started rummaging through the bags while her mum and I were chatting and she pulled out my old hand knitted grey spring/fall coat which was a boutique item in its day. I loved it and apparently she does too. Then she rummaged more and I suggested she take them home so she can try stuff on. I think some would fit her. She'll have fun anyway lol. We all compared nails and hairdos and talked about mystery books. She will find some cold cases on the web that you can participate in solving and send them to me. Sounds like fun. She is a powerhouse, that girl. She recently got a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder, like my mother, but is cooperating with treatment which has made a big difference for her and all of us. Nonetheless she achieved hons marks in English and Math this past term. Her mom, my dd, has worked very hard to help her with her problems. She is a powerhouse too in a different way. Em decided she comes from a line of great women! It blesses my mother's and grandmother's heart to see their successes.

Enjoy your trip, Bridger!

Watching the ice skating on television.

I have always loved watching ice skating. They are dancing on ice! It’s artistic and athletic at the same time.

I wasn’t a kid that had an opportunity to ice skate because I live in the south.

I have only tried ice skating once in my life at a mall. I was horrible at it!

I did roller skate occasionally as a kid but I preferred skateboarding.

I have always enjoyed watching the winter Olympic Games over the summer games.

I suppose seeing the snow skiing and ice skating were exciting for me to watch as a kid because we don’t get to experience those here.

Watching the skating on television now looks so weird with cardboard cutouts of people in the seats! Are the cutouts for us the viewing audience or for the skaters to have an audience? 😂 LOL

My daughters like the summer Olympics better because they did gymnastics and volleyball. I like those too, also the swimming and diving.

Now that my daughter is in a cold climate she wants to go snowboarding. It does look fun.

My daughter, teacher, 59, got first shot today. Says she has never been more grateful to get a non FDA approved drug in all her life! Our appointments are for the 28th. But I am so grateful she is somewhat protected now from those 14 kids who ALWAYS have running noses!!


I'm so glad you and your husband will be taking a much "deserved" trip tomorrow - it's been a long time in the making I'm sure.

May it be a great time for you two to put aside some of the heavy things you've all been through, enjoy each other and the ride down there in your husband's new mustang!

Have a very safe trip -

I hope you have a wonderful and enjoyable trip.

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