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For example,
One injection. the nurse was shaking a whole lot, as was the needle.

Another started depressing the plunger as the needle was still entering the patient's arm.

Maybe all this was injecting normal saline for the camera, who knows.
But they can stop filming now.

NHWM, the New York Times Sunday edition, the front pages had a long long article about taste and Covid.Many having problems who had it in March. They cannot get taste back, or worse, they are getting it back and things taste like "poop" or "gasoline" or other noxious things. They are having great weight loss with no appetite drive at all. Those who ignore Covid do so at their peril, because some of the lasting effects are bad, including they now think a greater tendency to strokes and other clotting problems.

Your husband's doctors will be constantly monitoring his ability to continue treatments. It is not unusual to have to change the treatment schedule, according to the patient's needs and progress.

Stand by him, and take care of yourself at the same time.

Thinking of you, praying too.

Great news, Need help. Only seven more treatment for your husband. I will continue to pray. Hope you have a good day and you are taking good care of yourself.


With a loss of taste and smell for that many more months to come, I shudder to think if he loses any more weight.

Being thin already makes losing 30 lbs seem like 50 lbs. It is very hard to eat when you can't taste or smell anything. We all rely on those senses to "enjoy" eating.

That's why I say elderly people don't eat very much - they have lost those keen senses and they just don't like to eat just for nourishment. We've been conditioned to "love" what we eat along with the experience of eating. All we have to do is look back at all the family gatherings (pre-COVID) at the holidays.
"Eat, drink and be MERRY!"

I hope the Ensure will be enough for him - he may need it breakfast, lunch and dinner to get any protein/calories. I gave my mom ice cream too to help.

Now you've had me wasting time googling vaccination techniques Send 🤣

Meh, the sun has come out and I'm going for a walk.


Excessive coughing is miserable! Sorry that you experience this with your bronchitis. Apparently, it can be awful with COVID-19 too.

He was told that his sense of taste and smell may not come back for months. I know a few people that it took quite awhile for them to taste and smell again.

They told him to drink Ensure. He’s not large, so a 30 pound weight loss is quite a bit. I bet he looks like he did when he had colon cancer. He was so very thin then.


I have not heard that. How were the injections given wrong?


Thanks and please keep praying. I hate to see my cousin suffering. He’s been through so much in his life.

He is a survivor and I am counting on his faith and strength to pull him through this too.

On a brighter note, my sweet husband came home after his radiation treatment today and announced, “Only seven more treatments!” He is in the homestretch. Yay!

Then he will have more hormone injections and another MRI. The oncologist says, “So far, so good.”

Hopefully, he will be cured after he is finished with his treatments.


I hadn't heard that yet so that is definitely troubling to say the least and bothers me too!


I'm so glad to hear that his coughing is subsiding some and that you were able to talk with him for a longer period of time. I know exactly what it is like to have such a severe cough (from Bronchitis) that you literally can't talk for maybe more than a couple minutes.

That is definitely albeit one step in the right direction and you have to take what you can get!

On watching the news (or advertisements to get the covid vaccine),
almost every injection was administered incorrectly! This bothers me.

NeedHelpWithMom, I think about you often and pray for both your husband and cousin. I feel sad you are going through so much stress. Sending my thoughts and prayers. Big hug to you.

Thank you for caring, NGI. I appreciate it so much 💗.

His cough is subsiding some. He called me last night and he was able to speak longer on the phone than the conversations before that.


You’re exactly correct! The shortage of workers in hospitals makes it harder for everyone.

The hospital staff is overwhelmed. The patients need more care.

It’s truly sad. Thanks for understanding.

I'm sorry NHWM, IMO the reports of overwhelmed hospital workers are not getting enough coverage. Everyone who has to work in healthcare or access it is feeling the tension here and we have nowhere near the numbers that seem to be endemic in the US. We Canadians tend to use comparisons to America as the yardstick in which we measure ourselves, right now I think that believing that we are doing better is giving too many of us the false sense that there is no need to buckle down.


It's good to see an update on your cousin as I've been wondering how he's doing. It's just too bad that he is going through so much physically and to add to that all the surrounding chaos.

What a terrible thing to go through by himself.

May God's protection and healing be upon him.

My cousin was receiving breathing treatments every four hours in the hospital.

Doctors and nurses are so short staffed that they had a video monitor in his room to check on him instead of making rounds.

They were calling on the phone instead of going into patients rooms. He said it’s crazy in hospitals now.

He has lost 30 pounds. He says that he doesn’t have an appetite and can’t smell or taste anything.

He is still running a fever but it is now a low grade fever.

The hospital sent him home with a nebulizer because they said they can only keep beds for the people who need it the most.

The last time they sent him home he became worse and had to return. He drove himself instead of taking and ambulance and collapsed in the ER. He realized that it was a mistake not to call for an ambulance.

As I mentioned before, he lives in a D.C. suburb.

He is absolutely horrified by the recent events that occurred in the capital building.

He’s lived and worked (investment banker) in D.C. for many years and has been a victim of crimes in D.C. and has been hospitalized for violent attacks in muggings which is hard but he said to witness the chaos that occurred with this latest incident was horrifying and an insane act!

We have enough heartache with this pandemic.

We don’t need this sort of mayhem in the capital building of our nation.

I certainly hope that the inauguration will be safe for everyone.

I don’t think any D.C. resident feels secure right now. They are all asking themselves, ‘How did this happen and why wasn’t D.C. prepared?’

What a horrible way to start of 2021! I hope and pray that our country will heal.

My cousin owns property all over, here in the United States and in Europe. I am wondering if he will select another place to live. He has to get well first from COVID.

Let’s hope more vaccinations will become available and we can achieve herd immunity.

I feel horribly for my cousin. D.C. is an area where COVID has been prevalent and hospitals are full.

Finally got my chimney and fireplace inspected and cleaned and all is well. The guy comes from out of town and doesn't come exactly when arranged, but it's done. Had a nice fire in it tonight. So relaxing!!!

jodi - good for you. The plan for people my age here is February.

Doctor: "Now insert speculum"
Patient: "What is a speculum?"

Not happening, at least virtually.

You are both very hilarious.

Yes Willie, I can't imagine that.............actually I can and the picture it brings to mind are disgusting. Can you imagine?

Doctor: Now insert speculum

Patient: How far?

Doctor: You're doing great, just a bit further. Now don't forget to send specimen to lab.


I got my vaccine today!!!

It's actually a really good feeling!!

It doesn't hurt. Kinda like getting your Flu shot!

Praying all of you get yours soon!

Gershun, I guess I'm just old fashioned but try as I may I still can't envision how they do the virtual pap smear....🤔😉😝

Willie, I agree with you about these phone call visits. Mind you, mine are not cancer related but still. Most of the time the doc is on speaker phone and I have to ask him to repeat himself and then I hear him clicking on his computer when I ask a question. I'm almost tempted to ask him to just tell me what website he is on and I'll look myself.

Another phone call from "anonymous" - I knew enough to pick up this time 🙄 This is all about my one year check up at the cancer centre, the first call changed my scheduled appointment to a phone call and now they need to change the date of that, good thing I've got nothing better to do than wait for phone calls these days...
I'm having a hard time understanding the point of a phone call appointment at all, I imagine something like this -
Dr: "how are you feeling, any symptoms or concerns?"
Me: "uhm, no, as far as I can tell everything seems fine?"
Dr: "great, goodbye"

(and no, I haven't had any other follow up since last year)

Bridger: I am so sorry for the loss of your father. I send you deepest condolences.😪♥️

I just saw your post. I am sorry. The stress of the times is truly taking a toll on all. I wish you rest and peace and precious memories. I’m so glad you have retired and your DH is home. Take care.

Bridger, I am so sorry about the loss of your dad.

Thanks everyone. Today has been sad. Dad passed quickly. He had had a long full life and was loved by his family, friends and patients. Yesterday he had visited a family - three generations. He had delivered the mother and grandmother of the new baby. He was looking forward to his own first great grandchild - this child will not have the privilege of knowing him. Again, thanks.

Bridger, I am so very sorry for you and your family.

I am very sorry for your loss. May God give you comfort in your time of need🙏💗


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