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There is a hysterical episode of "Sex in the City " where Samantha discovers gray hair in her nether region. She says your quote about pluck one and 3 more take its place. So she decides to dye her her nether region hair and it turns bright orange!! I don't think I have ever laughed so hard in my life!!

It makes me laugh as I write this!!


Yep, I got into trouble over buying lip gloss in 6th grade. LOL

Send ,

Hinshaws!! I remember one in Pasadena!!

Did you live in Ca?


In 7th grade I totally used my Moms mascara the day of school pictures! Lol.
Boy did I get in trouble for that!!


I have heard about pulling out those gray hairs and bringing 3 friends - I just don't want to look like "Alfalfa" with that stubborn silver, wiry hair standing straight up! :)

Pancakes belong on a plate with lots of butter and syrup and clowns belong in the circus!!

Now in photos, there's the "facetuning" - gee where will it all end??? Actually, it's sad - to not be comfortable in ones own skin. I actually liked when "Dove" came out with their ads using women just as they are naturally.


Now, you'll save a small fortune having your natural highlights!

As for the fake eyelashes, I wore a pair when I was 10 - for my Halloween costume! When I went to Ulta prior to COVID, the clerk had the super long and thick kind on more like what someone dressed in drag would wear. I'll just live with my short, straight eyelashes and put mascara on!

Quit highlighting my hair about ten years ago. Now the gray/white coming in has the same effect. Have never worn much makeup, mascara, blush. What I do not get is all of the fake eyelashes women are wearing. How can that even be comfortable? Maybe it isn't.

LOL about your mom wearing makeup for eye surgery.
Yes, it is funny how fashion repeats itself. It is more funny when the young girls think they are the first to wear crop-top sweater or a chain down one leg (from the 80's). Oh well, people will be people! Makeup should glow and not show!!😄

Cwilly, I forgot about that episode of Ross with his white teeth. Just think in the 90's we made fun of people with super white teeth and now it is the 'IN THING.' I wonder will these same people have any teeth when they get old?🤔

Did you ever hear the saying, "if you pull out one grey hair it will come back with 3 friends!" I never pull a grey hair out...I am afraid it will bring more grey hairs (friends). LOL

In truth, all we can do is be the best of ourselves that we can be. That was my point, makeup should enhance how we look. I would be upset if someone didn't recognize me with makeup on or off.

I always hated that pancake look in less, they're a pancake or a clown!!!! LOL 😆


What is the old expression? Makeup should glow, not show.

It is interesting how styles get recycled.

I remember thinking that I was ‘hot stuff’ with my first pair of platform shoes.

I couldn’t wait to show my mother what I bought. To my surprise she said she wore platform shoes when young too.

They also had peasant tops like we had.

One thing was different. I had a bikini bathing suit. Mom did have a two piece suit though.

That era did dress beautifully. The 40’s clothing was gorgeous!

Their figures had to be perfect to wear those styles! The hats were spectacular!

Even during the depression they did not have bare legs!

No silk stockings anymore but they wore leg makeup.

Mom said it was a mess if they got caught in the rain because the makeup would run down their legs! LOL

My daughters got a kick out of the resurgence of tie-dye during COVID. They know that I did tie-dying and batiking when I was a teenager. They even made tie-dye masks! LOL

My mom wore makeup to have cataract surgery done!!!

This is years ago before she lived in my home. I drove to her house to pick her up and take her to her appointment for her surgery.

Mom is such a diva! She is always dressed beautifully, hair done with her makeup and jewelry on to go out.

I took one look at her and giggled. I told her that she could NOT wear makeup for surgery.

She pouts and says she is not going without her makeup!

I knew better than to argue with her because we would have been late for her appointment so I got her into my car and off we went.

The doctor sees her with makeup and looks at me and says, “Your mother is wearing makeup for surgery. Why does she have makeup on?”

I said, “I told her to remove her makeup and she refused. You tell her to remove it.”

So the doctor turns to mom and says, “Go wash your face.”

My mom says to her ophthalmologist, “I’m being filmed and I don’t want to appear without my makeup on!”

The doctor cracked up and told her that she wasn’t a movie star and that only her eyes would be seen by the family members in the viewing room. She wasn’t happy but she did go wash her face.

I am telling you the women of that Hollywood era were so vain! LOL

It was the ‘glamour’ era. They wore makeup and jewelry to get the morning newspaper and the mail!

My daughters would tell me that my mom was more stylish than I was!


I remember sitting at the makeup counters too. I never do that anymore because I never liked what they did!

I did go to modeling school in my early 20's to learn about poise and posture as well as makeup/hair/clothing. If I remember correctly, they did do portfolios and I did get a call once. I never wanted to be a model though. If anything, I wanted to be a hand model but, I had read an article on it and thought NO WAY am I living like that - lol! Too many restrictions.

To sum it up one day prior to COVID, I was at a lunch place waiting for my friend to finish paying her bill. The lady sitting next to me in the waiting area who was probably a little older than myself, complimented me. I told her thank you and said I do it because I know one day in the near future, I'll never be able to do it anymore. Apparently, she liked that answer and said she was going to start dressing up more often. You never know who you will inspire or when.

When I see some people I think of that episode of Friends when everybody made fun of Ross because he accidentally made his teeth overly white 😂


You are so right - makeup is supposed to enhance one's natural appearance not change them to the point you don't even recognize them when or if they take it off. There are some beauty YouTubers who when I saw them without their makeup, I honestly couldn't believe it was the same person.

I'm with you too - I don't want to look like someone else and since all the restaurants and grocery stores around us knew my husband and I, I really got upset when they said I looked like another person. I've been compared to two actresses and two local news reporters. I remember once in 7th grade, my best friend who lived behind us, met me at the corner to walk to school. She was wearing the exact same white platform shoes AND the same dress in the same color. I felt ridiculous. I wanted to be me and for her to be her.

The whitest teeth I've ever seen was the receptionist at a dental specialist's office. It's all I could focus on and really had to make an effort to not look at them. My teeth are too sensitive for all that stuff.

"GardenArtist" - Did you know there's a technique called "baking" in applying makeup? That's where they can get that thick as a "pancake" look.

Hopefully, you won't hold it against me that I wear makeup - lol! I do it for myself and my husband appreciates when I look nice. He loves me without makeup so it isn't even that. I look like me and I don't do all the contouring, highlighting, bronzing etc. - I don't have the time or patience for all that. As you age, they say "less is more." I just want to age gracefully. My hair is still 95% dark with gray and silver near the temple area. Sometimes I do pull the silver, wiry ones but if I keep doing that, I'll eventually be bald!

I dress for myself. I look nice and neat, but I am comfortable. I have very comfortable high heels (shoes & boots), I also have very comfortable combat boots...depending on what kind of look I am going for. I still dye my hair and wear a touch of makeup; however, my hair style is super easy. Those days of spending hours in front of the mirror before going out went out the window years ago. I do dress up a bit more if I have business to take care of, but in truth...who cares what people think! If people notice me then ok and if they don't, thats ok too! I'll do me just the way I want and that really is all that matters.

Be you and what you like. Send is right in the fact that you do feel better when you look nicer and sad to say, people do treat you better too!!!!

Alva, I bought essential oils last fricken week. I was trying to buy the same set. Big red letters that it can't come here, they are hazardous materials. Went to 4 other websites for oils, they cannot ship here. So I sent the link to people I know elsewhere, they can get it. According to Amazon, effective Jan 1st, I cannot get them shipped to Michigan. She signed a law. She is inconsistent and nuts.

Gov. Newsom just banned chewing tobacco apparently. But we can still smoke cigarettes (I neither smoke or chew but still. This doesn’t make sense). I think he should be more worried about rouge D.As who refuse to file charges or perhaps focus on the COVID vaccine & making sure everyone who wants it gets but I shall sleep well tonight knowing the country hillbillies can no longer chew tobacco!

I hear you GA!! I have thought the same thing when it comes to makeup. Makeup is suppose to make you look a little better, not to change how you look overall!!!! Everybody wants to look like everyone else. I have always liked looking different than anybody else. Like you said, "let people just be who they want, not clones."

The other thing I have notice is the blinding white teeth! What is with having bright white teeth that doesn't even look real. I am not saying to have yellow teeth, but no one's teeth are that white naturally!! 😳

Inquiring minds want to know, Stacy. What's this about essential oils and Gov. W.?

F*ck my govenor. Last week, I bought essential oils online. I went to buy the same as a gift....they are now "hazardous materials" and cannot be sent to Michigan. What the hell is her problem?


Same with coloring my hair! I am silver now! Although I still have some pepper mixed in with the salt 😊.

GardenArtist, yes, I think the look you say is predominating today amongst younger women is "plastic".

CWillie, "old" for me is looking in a mirror!

Christat, I think you've experienced some of the liberation of deciding to live as you want, and to use make-up or not.   I gradually quit using it over the years, then down to just lipstick until I read about the lead in it.    I haven't using anything since then, and feel healthier, even if it's only in my mind.

I also feel more liberated; I've always hated the anticipation that women are going to try to look pretty or beautiful.   Nuts to that.   I want to be smart, not lovely or beautiful. 

Although I know that younger men are paying more attention to their appearances,  I think, and hope, that eventually they'll accept themselves for what they are.

It seems to me that cultivating a personality that's appealing is more important that looking like a fashion model.

One of the looks that's become predominant over the last several years seems to be enough makeup to make a face look like a pancake - too much coloring on the face, with a drastic change below the chin, obviously artificial and huge eyebrows, similar hairstyle... let people just be who they want, not clones.

Yes, growing up we had classes @ Hinshaw's Dept. Store, on etiquette, modeling, how to walk/posture etc., but we were too young for make-up.
I have sat at many a cosmetics counter having my face done by Estee Lauder, Clinique, and Clarins. Years ago now.

Still remember my therapist teaching how it is important to keep ourselves up during our lives. Whether one is formal or very casual. Take it from an older lady over 65+, he was right. He said, quoting someone: "You can never be too rich, or too dressed up." [Note: He never covered that you can be too old.]

One reason, is that dressing well, looking nice, people treat you better.
Another is, that your countenance is lifted if you dress acceptable at least to yourself. People are attracted to a confident person.
Leaving the house hoping that you don't see anyone you know is not a good plan, imo.

I am going to try to look better, more often this year. If I get a chance to go out safely, I am taking it!

I understand women who have rejected their harsh mother's teachings, rebelled, and even brag about how sloppy they can look. They did not need to do this once they were independent and adult. Each woman can design their own comfortable dress and makeup. But if you want to be treated well, dress up, be clean when you leave the house this day. Or not. ⏳

Yes, relaxing my standards has been liberating. But cannot wait to be looking better. I am embarrassed to go out just now.

Another tradition I want to continue is my husband and I eating together at the table daily.

The last 10 months have been strange for me. Since our first lockdown, followed by mandatory mask wearing and pretty much staying at home, I haven't worn make up and have let my hair highlights grow out. It has been strangely liberating. I do think there might be a fine line to tread though, between me becoming a complete slob or just stepping back a little from what society/the media generally expects. I am looking forward to dressing up and making up for a nice evening out when that is allowed again, but will have a new found gratitude for that freedom, and less angst about the hair and make up being "perfect"!


My mom used to say, “A little powder and a little paint, makes a girl what she ain’t.”

I don’t know where that original quote came from.

I do know some people go to bed with cosmetics on, which is horribly bad for our skin.

I have gone through different phases with makeup.

When I was around 12 I was fascinated by it. I guess I looked at it as part of wanting to be older than I was.

I asked mom if I could buy lip gloss because my friends were wearing it. She said no so I saved up my allowance to buy some.

I put it on, my father saw it and told me to wash my face. I was crushed!

I had to wait awhile before my parents allowed me to wear it.

That wasn’t as bad as when I wanted to shave my legs.

I remember telling my mom that I looked like a gorilla! LOL

She wouldn’t let me shave. I went into the bathroom and took daddy’s razor, not knowing that I needed shaving cream or soap and water and I attempted to shave my legs.

Oh my gosh! I cut my leg from my ankle to my knee!!!

I had blood all over. My mom got really upset with me. Then she said, “Well, you better let me show you the proper way to shave your legs.”

Being 12 was hard! LOL

At that age we were all exploring and looking for our independence.

I did that ‘Color Me Beautiful’ class at a fancy uptown salon in my 20’s. It was fun!

Do you remember that era? We found out what colors looked best on us and what shades of makeup to wear.

I think most women spend a fortune on skin care when they are younger.

I tended to wear less makeup later on, opting for a more natural look.

Yes, you know you are old when you need to spray paint your face.
Another mystery: threading your eyebrows.


There are devices that lightly spray liquid foundation onto your face. I've even seen them at Walgreens.


I would love to think that it was a compliment! And I could be hypersensitive. Mom never compliments me.
My daughter was sitting off to the side when Mom made her comment and I almost burst out laughing at the look on her face. Her mouth literally fell open! Lol

Airbrush makeup is a "thing" GA, maybe a topic for the "you know you're old when.." thread!

Send, decades ago I met a woman who had started her own business, doing face painting for seasonal, party, and special occasions.   It might have been called air brushing, but I believe that term applies more to painting and trades work.  I'm not sure what it means today though; language use changes, and sometimes the tech set or the younger folks create their own meanings.

Xray, it sounds like a compliment to me. It seems you have a very nice complexion.
Sometimes we can read into things and take it the wrong way amd I've done that.
I saw the airbrush commercial on TV but have not tried it.

Wait up!
There is airbrushing for one's face?
What did I miss?
Never heard of it.

Has anyone tried it?

Xray, interesting comment...

I'd file it where I filed my SIL's observation: that "I looked *different* with my hair all pulled back, so, um, neatly".


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