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My oldest brother (now deceased) once asked me if I saw or felt the spirit of animals? I told him no. He said that he had.

I have heard other people say they felt or saw dogs or cats before. I never have.


You solved Gershun’s mystery! Yay!

I apologize for monopolizing this thread with my real or imagined ghost picture.

Carry on. As you were.


The Myrtles Plantation in Louisiana plays up hauntings in their ads.

They have photos of Ghosts in the home.

Many visitors take pictures and capture the ghosts on film.

I have been. Didn’t see any ghosts.

Oak Alley in Louisiana has ghost because of the accidental murders on the property. I have been. I haven’t seen the ghosts. The slave poisoned them. She only meant to make them sick.

I have been to many of the plantations. I’ve stayed the weekend and never experienced any hauntings. Some of my friends have though.

Oh, the house that Nicholas Cage bought in the French Quarter here in New Orleans is super haunted! The mistress of the home tortured her slaves there.

Your cat is adorable!

Thx Polarbear. So I'm not imagining it then. Good, thought I was losing it there for a sec.

Gershun - I copied and pasted your avatar onto a MS Word doc, then enlarged it I could see a translucent image of a person in a dark suit and white tie from the chest down. Can't really see clearly above it. I think you really did capture an image of a spirit.

I'm going to check myself into the funny farm now.🤯

That was a fun topic Gershun!

Ah well, I'll remove it now. Sigh....

I tried that already. It never showed up in my other pics.

I stood in the exact same spot with the same lighting. Never moved anything. ?????

Just artifacts, reflections in the glass, picked up by the camera.

That was so interesting, thanks for sharing Gershun!

You do know, that if you want to turn it into a scientific pursuit, you could reproduce or take another photo.

Yes Llama, we are talking of cats.

I have noticed that there are many more cats and dogs getting lost, running loose in our area. One could have a hobby talking about all the lost kitties.

It is so rewarding to read: "REUNITED" when the cats are found by our community, and brought home.

Okay I did. Look at the image just below baby me in the portrait. It looks like a man in a dark suit with a white shirt and tie.

I thought of doing that NHWM but the space for our avatar pics is so tiny it wouldn't show.


Make it your avatar. Then we can see.


I know someone that has spirits in her home. She said one is an old woman, the other is a man.

She got scared and told her husband that she saw a man in her hallway.

She says that she puts her slippers in the same place everyday. The next day they have been moved.

Her husband asked if she bumped into the man. She said, “No, he is a spirit! He isn’t a solid image.”

Her husband does not believe her.

Lol Send. I knew I should have kept this to myself.

Maybe it was my brother. Maybe my Dad? ......maybe I'm losing my mind?

I wish I could show you all the pic so you know what I'm talking about.

Yeah but, Gershun....
Who was that man?
Was he wearing a mask?

Well if nothing else came of my experience today it got us talking about God which is never bad.

Well said Golden. Here is the quote:

1 John 4:4
“Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”
King James Version (KJV).

It is not easy being green.

Since we're on the topic of cats, we once had a Siamese cat who talked "Let me in the room - Meow, meow." No, I haven't gone off the rails. LOL.

You are so funny. I bet you could take any situation and make it into a story! LOL😸


When I was a child one of my favorite cartoons was, Casper, the Friendly Ghost.

It was cute!

Friendly or not? It’s not something most of us see everyday.

I believe God protects against evil spirits, angels do too.

My favorite angel is the archangel, Michael.

My hubs first comment was it could be my brother. But as I said the face was in blurry.

Yeah, a friendly spirit just came by to look at old photos and aghast, this strange lady got her camera out for no reason and I've been nailed he'll say to his spirit friends. LOL. Hey I don't mind if friendly ghosts want to come over and play with my cats. No evil would ever enter my place cause they know this is a Godly home and they are not allowed.

I shouldn't have said I was freaked out. I'm not scared and if it happens again I'll leave out some cookies and milk and pretend Santa got confused and just came early. :)

Can you imagine how freaked out any 'spirit' might be feeling, seeing you have two cats, AND a camera? Caught on film, at a time it just wanted a brief visit, just passing by, a little rest from time traveling, and now he has been caught on some I-Phone! Just looking at family photos, then b e c o m e s part of the photo? And a thousand spiritual warfare prayers go up within the hour, to Jesus, the Christ....

And all that is left is to flee your home, never to return, but having to explain to all his 'spirit' friends, "Sorry, I did not mean to be seen, gee, the lady seemed so nice, but she has very powerful friends, in very high places....never going back! "

The end.

Or at least it will be when you "delete" the photo.

I would be sleeping with my cats!


I like Dickens too. My kids tease me and call me Scrooge because I don’t decorate like I did when they were younger.


Does hubs think it looks like your brother?

Gershun, I am freaked out on your behalf.

I'm not freaked out...........well maybe a tad. My first thought is that it looks like my late brother but the face is blurred. It's directly transposed I guess you might say on a family portrait we have in the cabinet and where his face would be is right on me as a baby in the portrait.

Weird, I sent the pic to hubs actually cause I wanted him to see our cat on the cabinet and then I really looked at it and said What?! My hubs sees it too.


I believe you. New Orleans is very haunted.

That would freak me out too. Any idea who it is? Animals are super sensitive to the paranormal.

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