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I have been watching the series on the wives of King Henry. It’s awesome.

He was a horrible king!

I've never watched Downtown Abbey. I've had it recommended to me but never felt an inclination to start watching it. I've seen little clips of it now and then but it didn't appeal to me plus watching the actors on it accept their awards on the oscars.........I don't know.......they all seemed pretentious and irritating.

I could never get into Downtown Abbey.

Downton Abbey has become available for free streaming so I've been watching every now and then, I'm into Season 2 and I'm not sure I can stomach any more of it. I can remember everyone obsessing over it - OMG why??

His photo was on a birthday card, sent by an insurance company to me.

RIP Mr. Alex Trabek

Yes, I was saddened to hear about Alex Trebek. A true classy gentleman and a fellow Canadian. I'll miss him. Watching Jeopardy is such a nice, normal thing to do. Now what? Who could replace him? :(

Rest in peace, Alex Trebek.

NPR did a lovely short thing on Alex this a.m. What a run he had. Considered himself a lucky and happy man, and said he even learned more through his illness. What a positive spirit. Made it to 80, and I say good on him. Hail the traveler. Brought a lot of joy to a lot of people. Nurses used to vie to have breaks when he was on!

Another fan of Alex here. Rest In Peace, Alex.

I love Jeopardy. It sucks Alex Trebek died and it is overshadowed by other events. He was an icon.

RIP Alex Trebek

Send, sunset is now about 7pm here after what felt like the longest darkest winter.

Soon enough it will be 40 C degrees for days on end & I will be dreaming of a hot chocolate & cozy evenings on the couch under a blanket.

Enjoy the hygge ☺️

Sunset used to be 8 p.m. in July.
Even with the hour time change, sunset is now 4:55 p.m.

That is too too early to lose the sun! I object!

That was so very cute, good message, imo.

We had two purebred Ocicats. Cleocatra lived to age 12 and Ozzie lived to age 20, 5 months and 5 days

Loved that Glad. Thanks for sharing.

This is so cute, had to share!


They do pick us! My friend’s cat had kittens. He knew that I loved cats. He asked if I wanted one and he would let me have the first pick of the litter.

I went to his house after I got off work and honestly all of the kittens were adorable.

A cute little tiger striped one reached out her tiny paw to play with me. She was feisty! I looked at my friend and said, “I want her!”

She lived in five different places with me. I had cats all of my life and I loved them all but she was my absolute favorite.

My husband was a dog person and told me he didn’t want a cat. I told him, “Love me, Love my cat! We are a package deal.” He must have loved me because he accepted the cat. The cat won him over.

I did stay with my cat and our little schnauzer until the end but I just couldn’t with my grey. My husband stayed with our grey.

Haha Pam my mom says when she’s out in public with the fancy red rollator, that other seniors always say “OH! You have a Cadillac!”. Truth be told my husband ordered it for his mom off Amazon when her IPF got bad, she asked for red and then refused to use it. My mom would have picked purple but she sure does use the heck out of this red Cadillac! And the cat seems like to it too!

NHWM. Your vet was right, when it’s time to send our pets over the rainbow bridge, we are returning the favor. I truly believe in their ability to heal and provide emotional support. Their make our lives better so when they get old and/or sick, we return the favor by sending them peacefully over the bridge instead of letting them suffer! My cat died at almost 16 years old so I know that pain well. But unlike you I wasn’t strong enough to be there when she crossed the bridge, my husband had to do it. I got her my junior year of high school, October or November 1997. My dad worked for the parks department and I think she must have been sent to me because my dad went to work and it was coincidently the time of year when he had to go in at like 4am and he was at the park down the street from our house working in the dark when she brushed against his leg. She scared the crap out of him and for some reason he scooped her up, drove down the street to our house and handed her off to my mom who was NOT happy. We named her Kayla. She chose me to be her human. I truly believe she was sent to me, we had such a bond. All she wanted was to be with me!


You have the rollater but do your animals get rides all over with it? Hahaha, her cat 🐈 has it made! It’s like she’s on her throne riding in the Queen’s float!

My mom also had two rollaters. The one I bought her (the Bentley) and a second one from insurance too.

I couldn’t have given my dog a ride. I had a rescued greyhound! A little to big, right? LOL

I could have given my daughter’s toy poodle a ride! He thought he was a king or at least a prince or duke!

We spoil our animals, don’t we? I miss my grey. The poodle died and if he hadn’t he would be living in Denver with my daughter now.

One time my daughter borrowed one of my mom’s rollaters when she blew her knee out. She was using the seat to hold her snacks to watch movies in her room! Hahaha

One time I borrowed it after I fell in my kitchen and was sore for a week. I took it to Mass and boy did I get the special treatment!

The usher ordered others to let me sit at the end of the pew. The communion server brought communion to me so I wouldn’t have to walk to the alter.

I told my mom that I was going to borrow one of her rollaters each week for Mass. hahaha

Worried my Mom also has a fancy red rollator! The el cheapo her insurance paid for is in her rec rom for rolling about that level, but Cadillac (as she calls it) is on the main level and the one we take out. She loves that red thing. My FIL liked it so much he had BIL buy him one!! Red must be the color!


You should videotape your cat. That would make an adorable video. So funny that your cat loves taking a ride on your mom’s rollater.

You know what people say about cats. We live with a cat. They don’t live with us. So true, right?

My cat lived to be 16. I cried and cried when she died. My vet gave me the entire box of tissues in his office.

Then my vet said something that really struck me. He said, “She has been a wonderful pet and loved you for giving her a good home. Now it’s time for you to return the favor by letting her go.”

I asked my vet if I could hold her until the end and he said, “Of course, you can.”

I cherish holding her in my arms until her last breath. She was my last kitty. She died 30 years ago. I am allergic to cats. My allergist told me after she was gone not to get another one. I had dogs after she died.

My cat was funny, smart and I just loved her with my whole heart. Our animals are part of the family.

What is the most mischievous thing that your cat has done?

I have a couple of stories. She jumped into my Christmas tree and shook all of the ornaments off! It gets worse! LOL, back then satin balls were popular.

I got up to get ready to go to work and went downstairs to make my usual pot of coffee.

There was my kitty lying on her back and shredding the satin balls between her paws!

My living room was completely covered in red satin thread!

My cat was really good about not jumping on the table or counters. I trained her not to do that.

Well, one evening she decided to jump on the table when my back was turned and she started eating a bowl of meatballs that I placed there for dinner. My husband is Italian!

She got into one of his favorite dinners. I was a bit nervous but fortunately I married a very chill, laid back guy who said to me, “Honey, where would you like to eat out for dinner?”

Thanks NHWM!
My mom stays in the den all day, it has double doors and she parks the rollator at the door and Callie her cat lays on it. When mom gets up, Callie stays on the rollator and takes a ride! She was laying on it last night so I pushed her all over the house, my parents have a big open floor plan so there is plenty of room, I just pushed from room to room. She laid on the seat the whole time!

Alva I have seen those videos and love them! Our cat, actually he is really my daughters cat, is afraid of the robot vacuum plus he’s big & fat so I don’t think he will ever ride it hehe! It would be quite a sight to see! I am a cat person, I could have 10 cats and no human contact and be quite happy hehe! My daughters cat is part Siamese too but no idea how much. He really looked it when he was a kitten but now, not so much. He just looked like a regular black & white cat with blue eyes.

Cali, leave it to a cat. They honestly are the most fun perverse creatures. Have you seen any of the videos where they ride those rhumba vacuums arond the house (or whatever they are called?). They delight in sitting on whatever thing you are trying to work with, read, etc. I love all animals, and have had lots of cats. My cat Allie was 99 44/100ths Siamese, and such a piece of work. Thought she was human. Enjoy your visit with your folks.

Sorry for the loss of your good friend. 💞💐💞


Hahaha, kind of a cat stroller. That’s funny. How does the cat enjoy her ride?

Happy Anniversary to your parents!

Enjoy your visit with your family.

Visiting my parents for the week, tomorrow is their 43rd wedding anniversary. My mother has the fancy red rollator we gave her after my MIL refused to use it. Anyway my mother’s cat loves to sit on the rollator and be pushed all over the house! It’s really quite cute but when I gave my mother the walker, I never imagined I would push a cat around on it! Between her and my mom, I guess we got our money’s worth out of it hehe! It wasn’t cheap.

Shell: You're very welcome.💞

Thank you so much Llama. 💖

Dear Shell: I am so sorry to read of the loss of your dear friend. Big virtual hugs, prayers and deep condolences coming to you.

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