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I wasn’t assuming that he overdosed or committed suicide.

Sorry, I wasn’t as clear as I should have been. I have lost people close to me in that manner, along with other drug related deaths.

As most people know, I lost my brother to hepatitisC. No cure back then. Now there is treatment for HepC.

Your friend was too young to die.


Thank you. He didn't overdose and didn't do suicide. He had been clean for 2 yrs maybe longer. He had all these plans for his new life. I would love for you to pray for him. Please pray that he is at peace which I don't think he had in this life.

Thank you so much.
I sent you a pm.

So sorry, Shell

Have lost a few friends myself, along with relatives. The sting of death certainly hurts. It really does. Overdoses, deaths related to using and suicides are extremely hard to deal with.

Wishing you peace in the midst of your pain. Mega hugs and prayers sent to you. If you don’t mind, I will say a prayer for your friend’s soul to be at peace as well.

I pray for all addicts daily. It’s something that I do daily for myself and as a way to especially honor my brother that I lost.

He was a lost and tortured soul that had a heart of gold underneath his pain and confusion.

During the rare times that he wasn’t using he was a special man. While using he was unrecognizable. It’s terribly sad.

Thank you Alva! I still can't believe he is gone!

Shell38314, I am so sorry for your loss. Some of the sweetest souls, gentlest people, most sensitive, have trouble with real life, and just self-medicate out of it. I am so sorry for the loss of someone so decent at this young age. This is indeed a tough, tough year.

Unfortantly tomorrow, I have to go and say goodbye to an old friend. He went to bed Oct 30th and passed away sometime in the night. He was only 57 yrs old. He always greeted me with a smile and some smart-azz comment that would make me laugh. He fought hard to get clean and get his life back on track and he made his way through it. He was making plans and I was cheering for him. No matter where life took me, no matter what was going on in my life he was always didn't matter if a few days gone by or a few years he would talk to me like he just saw me yesterday. He was loud & rough around the edges, but he was true to himself. I never got to tell him that he was a good friend to me. He will be greatly miss by all that knew him.

RIP my friend. It's been a sad week!😢


I love Sunday evening PBS shows too. Thanks for suggestions.

Fargo is good! I saw that awhile back.

What missions do you visit? I did Carmel years ago. They are beautiful to visit. Carmel is a beautiful area.


Hi, just saw your post. Didn't realize the Mission had that on Halloween. Sorry to hear about your brother. I bet his spirit was with you. Yes, different Halloween this year. I turned the big "60" on Halloween. I'm going up a different hill now. Lol
Take care,


NeedHelp, I got through all of Better Call Saul on Netflix, and have one episode left of the very dark Breaking Bad. I love the perverse and bizarre, and amazed I missed them for so long. My daughter says that Fargo must be next for me on Hulu. Other than that it is pretty much PBS Sunday night programs such as Masterpiece Theater, Mystery. Old Morse (the Detective) is another love of mine (the intelligent older woman's sex symbol I call the late Mr. Thaw, who played him in the 80s.)

Need, I should switch over to Netflix or something but I am glued to the US election..

Has anyone seen any good programs on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon or HBOMax that they recommend?

Hubby and I watched Blow the Man Down and Late Show on Amazon.

I liked Blow the Man Down. Late Show wasn’t bad but wasn’t great either.

I love Halloween! So quiet this year. No trick or treaters. I miss it.

I wouldn't count on people reading your post either Send 🙄

I hope that I will be forgiven for posting Elaine's updates so that people will read them if the updates are more recent.

And your suggestion is a good one! I hope the AC Admins read your post!

I'm not sure how AgingCare selects which posts get featured in their weekly emails but including elaine1962's about finding her mother on the floor is generating a lot of comments, unfortunately these people almost never read previous posts and this has got to be difficult in light of her updates. We really need to be able to pin/highlight updates or allow the OP to add them to the original question, or lock threads without waiting for 6 months.

Halloween. My favorite Holiday (wouldn't you know it) along with Dia de los Muertos. Usually I can go into the Mission in San Francisco and see the altars people make to their loved ones who are gone. This would have been the first time I could "celebrate" my brother. But with Covid-19 I am down to a bunch of Marigolds.
Our neighborhood has always had closed streets and big celebrations for this day, lots of little ones come from all over. Missing that today.
I love everything about Autumn, and especially its holidays.

My mother would have been 101 years of age tomorrow, October 31.

My mother.

Whatever Happened to Baby Jane was a sad, dark movie mostly about sibling jealousy I always thought.

Funny thing whenever I've watched that I kept thinking about the movie Mommy Dearest which was supposed to be a true account of Joan Crawford. If it's anything close to being true it's even more of a horror story.


Geeeeeez, just heard power is down all over the city! Glad we evacuated.


The bird scene broke my heart. It totally grossed me out. I was a kid when I watched that movie with my mom. I was born in the 50’s. I think that movie came out in the 60’s.

Oh, I think I have seen every Bette Davis movie out there. I adore her. She was an incredible actress.

So, I am guessing that you weren’t a Hitchcock fan if you aren’t a big horror fan. I love Hitchcock too!

No worries NHWM. Don't give it a second thought. 🐦

Never saw the entire movie. Cannot watch horror movies.
However, researching the trailers and some scenes, I am having a hard time trying to figure out who was abusing whom?

The "BIRD" scene! Looked it up. Kinda perverse NHWM. Thanks for that, not.
You have known about my Tweety-bird. 😩

Getting too close to the Full Moon?


Don’t you remember? The police found her dancing on the beach eating ice cream.

Now I want to watch it again!

What did happen, to baby jane? Listed as a horror film.
Betty Davis, Joan Crawford.
Sister caring for sister.

Looked it up, final scene:
"you mean, all this time, we could have been friends?"

She snapped! Cracked up.

Goes to show, if you are burnt out, get help.

Loved “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane”. Great movie. Send. It was a caregiver nightmare.


Bette Davis and Joan Crawford are legends! Great movie! The scene with the bird is etched in my mind. You’re so right in your description of it being a nightmare film!

If you get the chance watch, ‘Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte.’ It was filmed at Houmas House plantation here in Louisiana. I have been there. The staircase is beautiful in that home.

Bette Davis bought silver candle operas for their dining room table as a parting gift.

Movie: "Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?"

A sibling caregiver nightmare.....

We are in Baton Rouge now. Going to eat a late lunch/early dinner at a cafe’.

The hotel has a very cute display of decorated pumpkins! I wish that I could send pics from my phone to the forum. They are very creative!

So glad you and your family are going for safety.
Safety is way high up on the heirarchy of basic needs.

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