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Rain, rain go away...

Hubby is driving while the rain is dumping on the city.

Leaving the city now. Another evacuation, par for the course for us when we don’t feel like dealing with power outages. Will be so glad when hurricane season is over.

On my mind?
Two of them for certain, and likely a third smart enough to stay hidden.
Troublemakers are on my mind.
Stepping clear or them.
I find that the troublemakers of our world, left to their own devices, almost always shoot their own feet out from under themselves!

I care about the elderly, and about the caregivers and families that care for the elderly. And thanks for this caregiver's forum, that teaches us to care for ourselves more, and how that is done.


Thanks for running a wonderful facility that cares for the elderly.

Thank God for the snow in Colorado to help with the wildfires!

Enjoyed reading your rant, Cwille, about something that matters, and about something that needs change. Maybe about something we could do something about.

There is a growing dialogue in my country that asserts that the government must take over all nursing homes but IMO whether they are run by not for profits, corporations, municipalities or families there are the good, the bad and the ugly - from my observation extra gov't oversight has meant that staff spends time filling out paperwork rather than providing care. The CBC recently reported that in my province the same facilities are cited over and over again and nothing ever changes because there are no real consequences (something I already knew). Most facilities are so short staffed that they will hire just about anyone who has the proper qualifications so bad employees who are incompetent or abusive just get bounced to the next facility, that goes for RNs too (seems we've forgotten Elizabeth Wettlauffer already). The core problem lies in the fact that we don't really value the elderly and/or disabled and therefore we don't value the people who care for them either, we warehouse the former and underpay the latter.
(rant over)

My dear dH just informed me that it was a plateau,not a valley, so that's why tornadoes have gone around us.AND he said 226 people died in the Joplin tornado too.Sorry about that~I goofed up.

Thanks for checking in Luckylu! Glad you are ok.
I do think the news is inaccurate, especially now that they leave most dates/yrs off their newslines.

Send...Thanks for the prayers.
No tornadoes came and got us- thankfully.
My Dad always said we lived in a valley and that's why we lucked out from getting hit,but there was a horrible one in Joplin ,60 miles away ,years ago and it did Alot of damage and was way too close for comfort and that one was super scary.
Anyway,we're ok and thanks~

I'm so sorry about that, Bridger. Some folks don't realize that there is a difference between family run and corporate run facilities.

I read a lot of comments on here about nursing homes. Everyone has their story and I know from many I’ve heard , many are true. I always encourage people to report their problems. No one deserves to be neglected, mistreated or left unattended. I wouldn’t want that for anyone or myself.

I was personally attacked by a poster today and one of her remarks was that I was running a business with big fat profit margins. I don’t know the margins of other facilities, but in ours that is totally untrue. Our margin, as owners is so low that neither myself, my husband or father draw a salary. We never have. We put our profits back into our facility - new equipment, extra staff, etc.

Did Luckylu have a tornado in Missouri on the 21st? 🌪
Prayers Luckylu!

I wish this Covid mess was over. My husband is still in Wisconsin working at a hospital. I worry that he’ll catch it and bring it home. He’ll be finished on Wednesday and then he has to quarantine for two weeks. Dad’s going to stay at the Assisted Living during that time. Our sons and pregnant DIL will have to stay away. Sons do not like being separated from their dad. I guess I’ll be playing gatekeeper. I truly hope this is the last time my husband accepts one of these assignments.

Will more Covid's work from home spare some air quality? Good question!

CA's overpopulation with crowded roads due to lack of affordable housing has forced employees to travel longer commutes to pollute the air with vehicle exhausts that pushes rain cloud belt far, farther north. The results are prolonged Bay Area droughts, now about year-round. It never rains 24 hours anymore. The last real morning rain I experienced was on March 16, 2020, and I forgot my nice umbrella at work the day I got sent home because of Covid, never to return to that job again. With such unnaturally dry brush and dead trees, high winds in elevations start firestorms. CA is turning into a desert. Spare-the-air AQI is now the new normal with our Covid. PG&E now threatens to turn power off from dangerous conditions, so I now keep a packed suitcase and filled auto fuel tank handy in case evacuation is necessary, except for lucky SF pea soup fog region where I Iive. But my summers are warmer too.

Yeah, you guys have fires too right. We have them here to in California. Like you said, bring on the rain and cold now!

The fires in Colorado are terrible. Snow and cold need to come sooner rather than later.

Fires are terrible here this year. Never seen anything like it. Three times the largest wildfire in the state, in history. Two may possible merge, if they do, more than 380,000 acres. Pleas for help to evacuate livestock. I am sure many of you have been to either Grand Lake, Granby or Estes Park, Rocky Mountain National Park. All three have been under mandatory evacuation orders. Smoke has been in my area for two months. Ash as big as golf balls falling 80 miles from the fires. Ash covering cars 100 miles away.

Keep Colorado in your thoughts, please. It is so depressing brings tears to my eyes so hard on those people and animals directly impacted.😞

Come on colder weather and tons and tons of snow! Got some overnight but not in the most needed areas. Time to get out winter sweaters. High to be in the 20's through the weekend and into next week.

cwillie: I've noticed for a while that there is a lag/delay.

7.5 in Sand Point, Alaska.

Yes, Cwillie, there is a lag. And I cannot explain what it is, but my computer is just not right.

Our electricity at home was out this morning when we woke up, it is back on.

Then really active earthquakes in Alaska, and even though we did not feel them, it is disconcerting to hear of so many, so large, and at first a possible Tsunami warning on the coast, which was cancelled.

I think the one thing that bothered me the most was a sickening post 😳🤮🙈😩😫😱on social media, causing me to 'hide' post, see less; snooze person for 30 days; then unfriend; next, go Block that family member!

All I can think of right now is to put on my jammies and go to bed early.

Hoping everyone here tonight gets some good sleep, a restful sleep, with a new start on Tuesday morning. (or whatever morning it is for you all over the world).

Hope you get your News Feed working CW.

Good night everyone! I have to make masks deliveries! Selling them for $10 -$20. Sold bunches of them. Whew!

Will start working on Christmas orders tomorrow.

Take care!

Is anyone else having trouble loading their news feed? Everything else seems fine but the lag there keeps getting longer and longer for me

Big EQ in Sand, Alaska, followed by more. 10/19/2020

Anche71: Eleven years is a long time! God bless you.

I just wanted to let you know that I am feeling better... Could go to a day spa yesterday.
I realize mine is not such a bad situation but it has been going on for more than 10 years... With ups and downs but I was feeling hard to carry the responsability of my mom's health on my shoulders for so long.
I read something which explains perfectly what I mean:
A psychology teacher showed a glass to the class. Everybody thought it was again the half full/half empty glass story. Instead the teacher asked how much it weighted. Every body tried to answer... The teacher explained its weight depended on how long you hold it.
Well, my glass is not so heavy but I have been holding it for nearly 11 years!
I am now allowing myself to take a little time to rest.

Can't you just bookmark the thread on your browser Polarbear?

Good idea, Polar. It would be easier than doing a search on everything that we like.

I wish there was a way I could save threads that I want to read or refer back later on in some separate category other than "Following" which right now has close to 1400 threads.

For example, I want to save the "How to care for myself while aging (late 70s)?" There are so many good ideas, suggestions, and advice that I want to refer back later when I need. But how can I find it easily, or even remember that it's there? A few months from now, it will be buried in the jungle of threads under the "Following" category.

Wish there can be another category called "Saved" so you can save just the threads you want.

Agingcare admin, how about that?

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