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Dear "Bridger46164,"

It saddens me that your dad is not doing well. I'm sure the funeral/burial took it's toll on everyone especially with extended family in town. What a shame that none of them pitched in to "help" you out.

No disrespect intended but, I did get a chuckle out of your dad telling you when he passes away not to tell them.

I'm glad it's behind you and you're getting your household back on track. You all must be exhausted from this past week.

Continued thoughts and prayers -

We're captive on the carousel of time.....
(Joni Mitchell)

Got thru Mom’s funeral/burial. Dad is not doing well at all. I had every vacant inch of my house filled with my mom’s family from out of town. I never realized what a rude crowd they are. They never made a bed, washed a dish or helped with a meal. I felt like a hotel manager fielding complaints. I finally have things cleaned up and back together. My dad says when he passes to not inform them. I agree.


It will be wonderful when we don’t have to wear masks any longer. For now we have to do what is best.

I have made so many masks! I do all sorts of styles and fabric patterns.

I like to sew but never in a million years would I have thought I would be sewing masks.

One thing that I found odd was when checking out Pinterest there were crocheted mask. I’m assuming they must be lined or they wouldn’t be effective! I don’t get the sequined mask either! LOL

I have given tons of masks to hospital workers, my children, friends and neighbors.

My mask observation wasn't meant to call out all those people, it just strikes me as looking both impractical and uncomfortable. And when I see public figures doing it, those who have close access to health authorities and who aught to be able to afford to buy as many different styles as they want to find what works best for them it is baffling.

Anche71: Thank you so much! I consumed salad and nothing but (except iced tea) for far too long. Unfortunately, it caught up with my g.i. tract.
So you got better news from your mother's radiologist? One time the Hospitalist for my mom told me just quite casually - "Oh, your mother has two spine fractures." Say what? We never knew.

NeedHelpWithMom: Thank you! It's going to take some time to get back to normal.😀

Send: Wow - that was scary for you when you ate the peach. I did not eat raw veggies in moderation at all! Just had chicken breast and mashed potatoes and I haven't had that in 6 years! Thank you.😀

I've seen people wearing double masks, a face shield then gloves, hat, and a jacket. Hmm. A bit over kill. But then again, those tend to be older people who are at higher risk.

I prefer clean fresh air. I wear my mask under my nose unless I go near or pass by someone then I pull up my mask to protect them.

I admit I pull my mask down so it's barely covering my nose. Reason being my glasses fog up so bad I can barely see and believe it or not if you are even mildly claustrophobic wearing a mask is difficult and I'm very claustrophobic. I can't even pull a sweater over my head without feeling off.

But I wear the mask as best I can.

So true. I see masks below the nose all of the time. What about the people who wear them hanging on one ear? LOL, I see that too!

Thanks for that NHWM! Good information and I am aware of the symptoms of anaphylactic shock and appreciate you posted your concerns so that others may know too.
Family was shopping in Costco together, and my daughter-in-law just passed by the open fresh lobsters. I was the only one who thought her reaction was urgent, and got her some Benadryl.

My own issues are food sensitivity related to g.e.r.d. and g.i. sensitivity. In just 10-20 minutes after I eat most foods, there is one welt on my upper right back that itches. Not comfortable to say the least. But barbqued turkey would not cause it, if I ate just a little. Lol. (Not discounting that some treatment might be necessary for myself). Thanks NHWM!

Everywhere I look in real life and on the web I see people who wear their masks barely over the tip of the nose, it's no wonder they constantly slide down when they talk, yawn.... breathe. And some (a lot) of them are people who really should know better🤔


Have you had allergy tests done? Be careful. Systematic reactions are dangerous. Please have an allergy test done. You have to know what to avoid. You also have to be careful eating in restaurants.

Many years ago I almost died from a systematic reaction to my allergy shots. I ended up in the ER. They gave me steroids in an IV.

The symptoms were weird, itching inside my ears, a rash all over and my throat started to close up. I had a hard time breathing. The itching inside my ears was really an odd feeling.

My neighbor has a shellfish allergy and almost died eating seafood. If you started swelling, you must be allergic to it.

I feel the same about salads....everything in moderation.
Actually, both fruits and salads do not like me. Last time I ate a peach, my mouth swelled up.

Feel better soon!

Dear "Anche71,"

That's great news! But, gee they sure gave you a reason to be concerned by asking you to come in today instead of Monday - making it sound so urgent would upset anyone.

What a relief for the both of you and I hope the specialist is able to come up with something to strengthen her bones as well as relieve the pain.

Now, I hope the rest of your day you'll be able to breathe a little easier - you need to do something nice for yourself after that experience!

Take care - hugs to you!

Llama thank you for your prayers and hugs! And what about you? I hope you will be better soon!

I have rather good news: there are 2 vertebral fractures in my mom's spine... But they are old. Probably the doctor making the x-rays thought they were recent. I told him before he started that the reason we were there was to check the situation since 4 years ago my mom had spine fractures... We will now see a specialist for a cure to strengthen the bones and relieve the pain.


Hope you feel better soon 😊

Anche71: I will be praying for you and your mother. Hugs from the mid Atlantic region of Maryland.💞

Send: Thank you, but no. Herein lies the problem: my system could not process far too many salads, that left my system. Complete diet change needed.

Will you be needing reminders? To hydrate?

There is a product (do not know much), but it is maybe called 'liquid IV".

Had to go to the hospital last night for severe dehydration. My diet failed and must be amended. Much better after IV fluids. Raw veggies are out for me.


Please do!

"Un abbraccio" to you too and I hope you are able to get some rest tonight.

Thank you! I will let you know.
Un abbraccio (a hug in Italian).


I hear you - I don't get used to it either. When we love and care about someone, it will ALWAYS be painful when we have to see them suffer or lose them - and that we know is inevitable.

I will be thinking of you and your mom tomorrow!

Dear Nobodygetsit,
Thank you for answering me.
I have been there several times before... But I just can't get used to it. Some years ago, doctors thought she had a lung cancer and luckily it was not. Then with a suspected bowel infarction.
I shall not put a bandage on my head before breaking it as we say in Italy... But it is hard...

Dear "Anche71,"

I'm sorry that the doctor has told you something is wrong in regards to your mom's back x-rays wanting to see you in the morning instead of Monday. I know you're scared to find out what's wrong - I've been there too with my dad.

I'll pray that God will give you peace and strength to face tomorrow and whatever news the doctor has to tell you.

"Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you" 1 Peter 5:7


Been thinking of you and your dad/family today. It always seems like after sleeping the first night (even if it's only sleeping for a short time) when the morning comes, it's a strange feeling.

Continued prayers -

I am really worried. I took my mum to have x-ray done to her back. She had vertebral fractures cause by very severe osteoporosis. First they told me to go and pick the results on Monday. But the doctor told me there was something wrong and asked me to go tomorrow morning... He then told my mom to move very carefully. I am so scared

I, too, am so sorry for your loss and the difficulties your dad and you are experiencing.

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