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Bridger: So sorry for your loss and send you condolences.


That was heartbreaking about your dad aging "20 years in less than a day" - extra, extra prayers being sent your way!

(((Bridger))) I pray that God gives you and your loved ones peace at this difficult time.

Thank you for all the kind words. I think my Dad’s aged 20 years in less than a day.

My most sincere condolences Bridger.

Deepest condolences and big ((((((hugs))))) Bridger,

I am so sorry for your loss. I am thankful for you all that she passed peacefully. May God bless you all and wrap you in HIS loving kindness to heal your hurt and comfort you.

I am sorry for your loss Bridger.

Dear "Bridger46164,"

Please accept my heartfelt condolences to you and your family with your mom passing away this morning. I'm glad you had time to sit with her yesterday. I pray for God's peace to be with all of you as you begin the grieving process.

"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds" Psalm 147:3

I'm so sorry for your loss, Bridger. Be comforted by those wonderful memories. Hugs to you and to your dad as well.

Mom passed peacefully at 7:30 this morning. She was a great mom and an exceptionally kind person.

(((((Hugs)))))) Bridger.

Sending you lots of love, Bridger 💓

Your are in my thoughts and prayers..
May you and your family find the strength to face this sorrowful moment.

Bridger: Virtual hugs coming to you. I know that it's difficult.💞💞

Bridger, great big warm hug!

May God give your mom and family comfort and peace during this difficult time.

I think that you are blessed to have an understanding of what is going on, it is sad, scary, overwhelming and a thousand other emotions, so having an idea of what to expect is one less thing to deal with.

Dear "Bridger46164,"

May God give you comfort during this very difficult time as you wonder if your mom will make it through the night.

I'll be thinking of you and praying for your whole family!!

Went to sit with Mom. She fussed at me to go home. She’s fading fast. I wonder if she will last the night.

My Mom is in Hospice care. They are excellent and have been very good with her. It’s difficult knowing that her time is so short. She’s been a great mother and grandmother. She and my dad have been married 60+ years. It’s sad watching him with her. My dad and my husband are both doctors. I’ve been around medical stuff my whole life. It’s hard knowing what’s going on. Maybe it would be easier not knowing anything.


No, you were right using "freaking out" - that's what it means. I just had said I knew it was upsetting and then just requoted how it made "you" feel.

That's excellent that you are getting a lot out of your fitkarate classes. It helps you to get out all the negative feelings and yet you're finding relaxation through it at the same time. I've always said if someone is going to do any form of exercise that works or you can be consistent with, it has to be something you enjoy and can do otherwise as you figured out with pilates it didn't work and you won't stick with it!

Keep it up! You need it to help yourself and if you add that day trip on a Sunday that will help you all the more.

I have learnt the expression freak out watching Netflix series in English... Maybe I got it wrong: I thought it meant something like scared me a lot.

I do think going back to fitkarate classes is helping me a lot. Punching and kicking the bag is somehow really relaxing for me. I tried pilates but it didn't work so well.

I don't have a favorite place but I am lucky : I live only 35km far from Venice.
About meals, maybe lasagne? But I am a "good fork" as we say in Italian : I enjoy good food! Italian, Swiss, Indian, Japanese etc. Etc
What is your Italian favorite meal?


Glad you are doing better.

Do you have a favorite place in Italy? What’s your favorite meal? Italian food is the best!

"Anche71 - Anna,"

Then you must have a "family forest" instead of a "family tree!" :)

Glad your situation with your mum isn't as bad but, perfectly normal to feel stressed out when they do "strange" things. It's upsetting I know or as you put it "freaking you out."

Take care of yourself and your family!

Needhelpwithmum and nobodygetsit,
My parents as well left Italy for Switzerland. I was born in Geneva. They decided to come back to Northern Italy a couple of months before my 11th birthday. My mum is from Sardinia, my dad was from the little village we live in. He was ill and died only 3 weeks after arriving here.
My name is Anna.
I have got relatives all over the world... From Canada to Australia ;-) who knows we could be relatives somehow :-)
I am feeling much better now, my mum situation is not that bad but I was freaking out when she began doing strange things!
Thank you so much for your support. It means a lot for me!


I started our family tree. My husband is Italian and I am a wanna be Italian! LOL.

I absolutely love the beautiful Italian names! It has been so fun reading the names of my husband’s family.


I just read your profile - my grandparents immigrated to the states from Sicily way back so I'm half Italian. They passed away in the late 50's and early 60's.

Anyway, I'm glad you have decided to go up to the mountains on some Sundays to get away with or without your husband. My husband and I try to do something on Sundays as a break for me from being a caregiver even if my mom is now in a memory care unit with hospice care.

We've been taking short day trips on Sundays usually finding a new coffee shop with a drive-thru getting a special coffee for me and a smoothie for him. It's a nice getaway! You deserve a break before you get to the point of no return with caregiver burnout!

I have made up my mind. This year I will go to the mountains some Sundays. My son who plays soccer will play on Saturday and non longer on Sunday. I will find somebody to come and stay with my mum for lunch and I will treat myself with some day trip. I told that to my husband... And I told him I would go even without him...

HOA in an uproar. President run amok! He wanted to build A TV trails in the Nature Preserve (about 200 acres), install US banned cameras to monitor the entrance to the subdivision and install culvert and bridge in designated wetland for ATV's to cross, allow discharge of firearms, etc, etc.... Ballots were to be in last Friday. All items failed! Hooray!

The president is a condescending, arrogant jerk (to put it mildly). Because of COVID decided, all by himself to hold yearly meeting visit FB chat room. How absurd is that. Trying to take advantage of the pandemic thinking neighbors wouldn't talk? Disbanded HOA of elected officers and appointed three, his dad, a very good friend and the realtor selling the remaining lots!

He has not posted to the FB group the results which were to be returned to hmm, another questionable action on his part. If anything had passed, you better believe he would have posted that result immediately.

I asked many questions about the procedure of how this "meeting" and ballot were even approved. He told me there were many things I was confused about and should call him. I responded, I think everyone would be interested in the answers. No I did not call him. He then said he was not going to answer my questions, and didn't.

Just venting.

cwille: Wow - what a nightmare for your parents.

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