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We have had so many fires here this year. So much smoke and ash from one about 100 miles away. Sun almost completely blocked. The color is so strange. Freeze and snow coming overnight. Must get boots out and wash jackets for a very cold few days. Maybe it will settle the fires down.

I tend to skim through long posts looking for the salient points so I might skip some important detail and my answers are a total miss.

gladimhere: I give the long posts a go until my eyes cross. I'm in need of cataract surgery.
Sendhelp: Agreed!

Agree, 100%!!!! As a rule, I have stopped reading long posts. The storyline is often too long and convoluted to follow. I try to keep my responses short and to the point without a lot of cajoling or just chat not necessary to get my point across. Some may even think I am abrupt.😘

I enjoy still reading this thread that you started by saying:
"I can't remember what the maximum character count was before, can anyone else? But anyway it wasn't very many so let's keep to that."

As posts on other threads get longer and longer, this thread stays short and readable. That's nice.

However, as temperatures rise to 114 degrees fahrenheit today,
so does my irritability. Sorry.

There was rain 8/27?
We did not get any, but I am happy that you did!

That little strip on your credit card or debit card carries ALL the information about you! I was told this by my bank just yesterday.

Name, dob, address, phone, soc sec number, and maybe more?

No, Barb, no information taken, but I do use my debit card there every week. This is a very rogue county, they are across the country, some wear masks, many do not. This shop keeper, though was always wearing mask and gloves and changing gloves often.

Glad, DH and I went to a brewery with outdoor seating yesterday. The server took my first name and phkne number to be abke to contact trace our party. Was any ifo taken down at the coffee shop when you visited?

Lost my post! Hasn't happened for a long time.

Coffee shop shut down until further notice. My favorite and enjoyable socialization opp for the week. Rumor has it, covid. Probably shop owner since the shut down is indefinite. I have not been contacted by the health department. How does contact tracing work, anyway? Do they rely on memory of the person that has it?

Praying for Colorado rain!

And health/safety for the firefighters.

Praying for rain to Colorado too! There are five wildfires here, the worst near Grand Junction, 125,000+ acres. It has been scooo hot and dry. Fires here destroy our beautiful mountains, then the mud flows caused by rains and the loss of vegetation.

Send, please send any cali rain this way.

Send: Praying for rain.

In all of the fire areas, especially in California.

I think it worked for Golden years ago, it escaped me to pray for my area.

Thank you everyone for your prayers so far! I have been calm.

golden: You're very welcome.

Due to the fires in my area, I started up my humidifier (just distilled water) and found I can breathe better today. It is much more comfortable, even in this extreme heat.

The two hepa filters in the bedroom are the best way to clean the indoor air. Sheltering in place may work this year.

There is no where to go due to Covid concerns.

Beautiful sunsets lately, but at a cost. Four wildfires in the state burning out of control. Very hazy all day long. Haven't smelled smoke, but sure can tell it is there. Closest one is probably 150 miles away.

Race night at the speedway, kinda noisy through the entire valley. What is it that some find the races so fun? The noise would drive me nuts. No desire to go at all!

Thank you, Llama. I appreciate that.

golden: Praying still for your LOs.

I'm happy to report that dd and sil are resting and recuperating. They are taking OTC pain killers for bumps and bruises but are OK otherwise. Sil took a week off work. Now it R who is on iv antibiotics for an infected cut. It got really out of hand so that his whole forearm swelled up. It would have been better if he had gone for treatment sooner but he was away trail riding. He arrived at the ER with a fever so right away they put him in isolation for covid. Panic! Panic! They haven't had many cases in that town. They didn't recognize what the problem was so finally he told them firmly he needed antibiotics and they acquiesced. He's getting better he says. I told him he has to rest to give help him heal. Fat chance of that on the farm.

golden: You're welcome. I know black ice, hailing from New England.

Thanks llama and others for support. They are home safely now and I am much relieved.

This was the second roll over accident in the family. About 25 years ago my middle son who was with a friend rolled his Dodge Camero on black ice. Neither were harmed at all. Second son D got the car roof replaced and it kept going for a while. I hope there isn't a third, My oldest son doesn't drive.

I guess all's well that ends well.

golden: Oh, my! I am so glad that your dd and her hubby are okay. Wow ~ rollover. That was scary. My auto has struck while I was waiting for food at Panera Bread. I wasn't injured, but woman didn't know she'd struck my auto. Then hubs got a new-to-him truck and someone did a hit and run ~ he was uninjured. Thankful that your loved ones are okay 💞

Very much on my mind - my dd and her hub were in an auto accident -1 1/2 roll over yesterday on their way home from a holiday. Thankfully they both are ok, just a little sore, The car was totaled. They are waiting for a rental which should be available tomorrow. She will drive home as his glasses were lost, She seems OK with that and so am I. It's a 6 + hr drive with stops. I will breathe normally once they are safely home. Thankfully the nearest town and the surrounding area has 0 cases of active Covid and has had very few cases altogether. They were thoroughly checked at the hospital and no injuries found. For that I am very thankful.

Zuckerberg *may* edit. Just sayin'.

Just read a post on Facebook, a mom to a group and mostly to her son, telling him that grandma is dying, visiting is up to him. Geez! I cannot believe the things that people will post on FB. Talk about manipulative, and hoping to guilt son from coming from out of state.

It's a Canadian thing Send, I suppose I should have capitalized Premier. Or maybe just said Doug Ford, but then nobody would have known who that was either. After listening to him talk every day nobody can ever accuse him of being an elitist snob...

🤔 Took me this long to get it. A premier in Hollywood is the first opening of a movie. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Then, the earth almost slipped off it's cracker this morning with a 4.2 EQ in Pacoima at 4:39 a.m., with 17 EQ's to follow in the same area. 🙃

Tweety was scared. Cage is on my bed now. 🐦

Today will be 103 degrees. 🥵️

Good Morning everyone! ❤️️

A comment from our premier after fielding questions about big parties last weekend - "you'd think the cheese slipped off the cracker with these people" 🤣

What's with all the people who post here thinking AgingCare is some kind of service provider? How can you be savvy enough to find your way here, sign up and post yet still not have a clue?

Any even more mind boggling are all the people who seem tho think they are able to apply for work through the site, and I don't mean independent workers trying to reach forum members but people who think they are communicating with a facility/agency. It sure doesn't recommend them for any position that requires brain power.

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