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It has been along few days. On my does a parent play their kids against one another? I have talk to my brother for the last two days and we are comparing notes and it isn't looking good. Come to find out my mother was telling him bs about me and telling me bs about him. She, I believe was telling him so much negative lies about me sense he was a kid that it program him to hate me! And to come find out she lied to him on why he could not have his own truck in his name to him and me. Lies lies and more lies that is all she did. My brother and I will never have that sibling relationship because I just can't, but I have forgiven him for all he has done to me and he has forgiven me. Maybe I am a fool, but I am going to help him get his truck back! I just feel in my spirit that would be the right thing to do. No good deed goes unpunished! Right! But I want and need to do the right thing. Him and I will never will have the relationship that we sould of, but maybe now we can heal from this. And that is what I want. I will never trust him because I can't, but I can learn from this and do better. He is heartbroken and how can he not be. My mother is the one who took out a loan on his truck and blamed my dad. My mother stoled so much from us! I have no words for what she has done. She was telling him that I hated him and I did for a long time, but I didn't when I was 7, 8, or even 12 yrs of age but because he is slow he believed her and why wouldn't he she was his mom? Just as I believe her. She told me lies about him. My dad has always wanted us to come together, but my mother did what she does best--destroy everything in her path! May God have mercy on her soul.

I do refuse to let her take away the rest of my life. Whether it would be because of her disease or because of her hateful negative spirit. I will have peace, joy, love, and success. I break the chains that bind me in the name of Jesus. Who tells us who He sets free is free indeed. Amen Glory to the Lord.

Someone just posted their child's photo (she looks about 6) and DNA profile summary (identifies what percentage of her ancestors came from which continents or regions) on a pubic facebook forum. That makes me uncomfortable. I feel like its violating the child's privacy just like posting a photo of a child bathing would be.

Gymnast Simone Biles, Kansas City, MO, amazing, trending now...go team USA!

Pamzimmrrt, daddy's assistant helps daddy manage his money, some paper work, keeps an eye on daddy's businesses, hire someone to drive daddy around if daddy doesn't want to drive, he is daddy's right hand. They're friends too. Oh he always help daddy with his schedule.

Bellator, if your daddy has an assistant,, what is he doing?

How did that go for you? Did you get hung up on any shredding?
Hope it was done, and you are relieved.

Dear Mother, What kind of an answer is that to my questions?
Que sera sera?

Thank you everybody for making me feel welcome.

Well today daddy decided to play golf which would have been ok if he wasn't in my living room. He broke a lamp and then looked at me and told me it was my fault. I asked him how is it my fault and he said that I got in his way. I told him well if you were on a golf course I would not have been in the way. He got so mad and stormed off. My husband took daddy's clubs and hid them.

I don't know how to do this. Daddy's assistant says we should bring someone into the home to help daddy but he is fine most days and he doesn't want anyone else in the home. I just don't know what to do. That is what's on my mind. Thank you for listening.

Bellator, welcome aboard. There are a ton of forums that you can view. Go to the green/blue bar at the top of the page and click on FORUM. There are two sections, one for QUESTIONS and one for DISCUSSIONS.

At the bottom of the QUESTIONS you will see "More Questions" click on that, then page 2, 3, 4, etc. Same with DISCUSSIONS. Dive into any thread :)

Welcome to the forum Bellator!

Thank you Mikkimball for your sweet words.

Thank you Gershun for the welcoming.

It’s Official. I’m doing this.

I have brought 2 drawers worth of files from my filing cabinet and 2 big plastic bins into my family room. There is a baseball game coming on that I want to watch so, here I go...

This is paperwork belonging to my deceased loved ones. It’s time for it to be gone. I am taking it to town tomorrow to be shredded.

I have all Drivers Liscense, Social Security Cards, Birth and Death Certificates in my Safe.

I know I need to glance over most of this stuff but is there anything that I should destroy myself and not send to the pay by the pound shredding place?

Oh and by the way. I think everyone needs to lighten up a bit. I know it's hot and things are chaotic out there but ........................anywho.

Bellator, join the club. I'm a bit bewildered myself these days.

But rest assured, this is just one thread. There are many more.

I am new here. And I find all of this confusing. How.many people are on here? Not really looking for an answer. Just this seems like a world of its own. I feel overwhelmed. Is this real?

"The LORD shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming"

(Psalm 37:13 KJV)

An encouragement...
"Keep about your work. Do not flinch because the lion roars. Do not stop to stone the devil’s dogs. Do not fool around your time chasing the devil’s rabbits. Do your work; let liars lie; let sectarians quarrel; let editors publish; let the devil do his worst. But see to it that nothing hinders you from fulfilling the work God has given you. He had not sent you to make money; He has not commanded you to get rich. He has never bidden you to defend your character nor has He bidden you to contradict falsehoods about yourself which satan and his servants may start to peddle. If you do these things you will do nothing else; you will be at work for yourself and not for the Lord. Keep about your work. Let your aim be as steady as a star. Let the world brawl and bubble. You may be assaulted, wronged, insulted, slandered, wounded, and rejected. You may be chased by foes, abused by them, forsaken by friend, despised and rejected of men, but see to it that with steadfast determination and with unfaltering zeal you pursue that great purpose of your life and the object of your being until at last you can say; “I have finished the work which you, dear God, have given me to do?”

Well GrannieAnnie have a safe and wonderful trip.😀

😃  Packing for well-earned trip to Pittsburgh for time with younger son and his wife.  There IS life after caregiving!  🚌  ✈️

I hope/believe the extreme risk protection order or red flag law allowing LEOs to remove firearms from individuals they believe are at risk of harming themselves or others would facilitate LEOs removing firearms from elderly dementia sufferers like the mother that shot her son last year. The police responded to a prior call to the residence but were unable to remove the firearms or force a mental evaluation. Under the proposal supported by the NRA, LEOs could take weapons (not just firearms) and the individual would need to appear before a judge to regain the weapons. The judge could just return the weapons or require the person to clear a non-custodial interview mental evaluation before being able to regain possession of their weapons. If the individual chooses not to be interviewed, they would lose the weapons confiscated and any concealed carry permits as well as being placed on the FBI's NCIS list so they couldn't legally purchase replacements.

FYI: From an article by Steve Hilton

...And a specific thing I just want to highlight is this red flag policy. There's something very interesting I want to share with you. This was from last year on March 12 from the White House. President Trump got behind the idea of red flag orders that can take guns out of the hands of those people who shouldn't have them. 

Let's just be really clear about what the president was supporting here, calling on every state to adopt extreme risk protection orders, directing the Department of Justice to provide technical assistance to states on establishing and implementing them, allowing law enforcement to remove firearms from individuals who demonstrate a threat to themselves or others. And then, very importantly, doing all of this in a way that ensures the due process rights of law-abiding citizens.

This seems to me a very, very promising area for us to pursue, because actually the governor of Arizona, Doug Ducey, is trying to implement a version of this law that actually has the support of the NRA. And I think this could be exactly the kind of practical thing that we ought to focus on.

Received a great thank you gift from friend in CA who visited earlier. A big bag of See’s Toffeettes. She introduced me to See’s about 15 years ago. Yum!

$30 an hour is on the high side but then not all agencies are alike
it is difficult to find one offering 2hour minimum as most are 4 hours

family owned agencies tend to be cheaper but maybe don't have a large enough pool to tap if regular caregiver doesn't show up

expect a range of $25 an hour with a 4 hour min

Can hiring a bodyguard be more fun than hiring a caregiver?
"Inexpensive guards typically work for an "observe and report" agency, which contracts security guards who are not trained to act in high-risk situations, but report events to the police. An unarmed security guard typically costs $12-$20 per hour, while an armed security guard costs typically costs $18-$25 per hour."

Or, how about a chauffeur, or driver?

My Dad would have been 84 on August 10 this year. Mom will be 80 September 2

What is that word I am looking for?


Friends on here can share things, they do not have to be Stoic, because they have us.

My father would have been 133 on his birthday, July 18th. Still remember, and if I don't, my brother sends out an email to remind sister and I.

It feels weird, not so sad because I wouldn't want to have lived that long. But a reminder, he has passed.

Thank you Polarbear, Send and Pam-
I took all your thoughts in consideration. And came to an agreement that I believe is fair. I truly appreciate all your input.
And Pam wow 2000 a month in groceries, all their food must be sprinkled with gold.
Thank you all again. Very much.
I can let this one go from my mind.🤗

Smeshque, my very tiny mom lives with us, and she really doesn't eat much,, but she is addicted to a certain doughnut brand, and sometimes wants something she just wants.. but she really does not eat much at all. However, she normally pays for almost all our groceries, she just wants to and feels like its her contribution to the household. We spend maybe $400 or so a month , use Costco and I shop meat sales. There are things at Costco she wants that we don't use, so she pays that bill too ( cheeses, soups, Etc) We do buy some (maybe 1/3), but she lives with us and pays only 2 bills, and hubs is her caregiver. On the other hand, my BIL and SIS live with my FIL, he pays ALL the bills but the groceries, they claim they spend $2000. a month, for 3 people one of whom is 96 YO. I don; know what the heck they are eating... So I guess my point is "whatever works"

The shooting in Dayton Ohio 9 dead and 27 injured.😢

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