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~ I want to comment on your Mother's saying, she's in so much pain. I too have issues with pain. Night time, and getting up in the mornings are VERY difficult. Sometimes in the mornings it takes a while to get the basic creaks out of the joints, at this age. But when you have severe pain added to that, it's not easy to get going in the mornings.
Night time can also be a challenge. Laying there, in pain, watching the clock makes it seem like the night will last forever, and makes the pain seem worse.
Please be patient with her ... I know it's not easy, but she is your mother. I lost mine when I was 17 .... What I wouldn't give to be able to take care of her right now.
Just something to think about . . .

Mom needs to go to a pain clinic to be assessed and the proper medication prescribed. if she needs narcotics so be it. It really does not matter about addictions if she is genuinely in pain. is she does not reliably take medications she can be prescribed a Fentynal patch which only needs to be changed every 72 hours. She would also be given another pain medication if the Fentynal wore off before the time to put a new patch on came around. The dose of the patch can be adjusted up or down depending on the relief she is getting. Just present it to her as information not a suggestion it is entirely up to her if she does or does not want to experience less pain. Pain is very difficult to assess because everyone experiences and tolerates it differently, but no one should have to endure unecessary pain

~ "Veronica91" has a point. I currently wear a Fentynal patch, using Motrin for break through pain. It took a long time, of trying to find the right doctor and the right medication.

I've been using this combination for years. It's wonderful ... I don't get all droopy or tired, like other pain medications do, because the medication is worn and distributed gradually. It works very well ... They can start her on a 25 mcg dose, and work from there.

I would try to speak to your mother's doctor about this. Good Luck!

Mom does not want her problems solved, she wants attention. That's why she rejects every possible solution. She also sounds like a die hard cheapskate. You can't fix much of this, so congratulate yourself on every and any little thing you do accomplish here. See if the times you can go over there involve something you can actually enjoy with her - pizza - a movie - reminiscing - whatever.

I haven't read all the comments so if I am going over old ground please forgive me. We have a key safe on the side of the house. The safe has a 4 digit number lock that I change monthly (sometimes every 8 weeks). I let the agencies and the emergency services know the number so that in the event they are not heard they can actually access the house. That means your Mum doesn't have to get up to answer the door they can knock the door or ring the bell then let themselves in and shout hallo as they do so.

I think you might call them key cards and you can buy them on Amazon

sorry key guards

wouldn't PT have to go through her doctor anyway?

PT has to be prescribed by Mom's primary Dr and approved by medicare or whatever supplementary insurance she may have. A certain number of sessions are authorized and there is usually a co-pay which I feel is too expensive. The PT will assess the patient regularly and decide when they feel enough progress has been made that is possible. PT can be done in the home or at a facility.

This is ridiculous.

Get her a cellphone and set it to ring & vibrate. Tell her to keep it handy at all times so the therapists can reach her and you won't have to play all this receptionist nonsense. She might be hearing impaired, but when the phone lights up at least she'll know someone's calling.

I'm pretty sure your lounge lizard bro has a cell too. Give his # to the therapist(s). The least he can do is relay a message.

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