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Wonderful news, so happy it's working out well for you and your family. Is your uncle doing OK with his mom now living somewhere else?

Thank you everyone! I just got back from visiting her and she looks fabulous! Wow, she never looked so good in my care. She is in the right place and it shows. No doubt in my mind whatsoever that this was the right decision for everyone involved. She even has a new friend there!

Aisha, that is absolutely wonderful, and I am hoping it keeps going in a positive direction.

I am really sorry things were so difficult for you and it sounds best that she leaves your home, however, since you stated your grandmother has dementia I really hope you continue to love and care for her (out of your home). This is not her fault and can happen to anyone. Teaching your children about love, compassion, understanding dementia and other disabilities is a great thing. You could have dementia one day and although you would not want your kids to endure daily stress taking care of you, you would not want them to cut you out of your life for things you can't control. If not for her sake, for your children' your grandmother. She has done nothing purposely or viscously wrong. Dementia is a horrible horrible disease.

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