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Just sitting back, doing nothing really, my car was paid off in full!
Thanks to automatic payments.

Something to consider is that in politics, there hopefully will never be another year like 2020.

I was thinking about things my parents told me they had to do to survive the Great Depression.   Then I thought about what we've done to survive the pandemic.   Whoever would have thought that we would be washing and sanitizing mail?  I still remember spraying the envelopes, then separating them from the mail.

I work in a public school and take care of determining the students who are the most in need for local businesses and organizations to help at Christmas. We live in a small rural community hit hard by covid and the resulting joblessness due to business closings. I was afraid that our students wouldn’t receive much help this year.

Our largest source of aid for students is a local factory where employees make a small bit more than minimum wage. I was so glad when the rep told me they could shop for as many students as last year. A week later, I almost teared up when she told me that so many factory workers wanted to make purchases for our students that she needed size lists for two more students. These kind factory employees were even more generous this year!


What a fantastic story! There are lots of kindhearted people in this world.

Thank you for the good work that you are doing! Happy New Year!


It has truly been a bizarre year!


Yay! No more car payments!

Happy New Year 🎆🎈🎊!!!

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