My name is Adaria and I am the owner of Home Helpers & Direct Link of North Jersey. Having spent most of my life battling my own health issues, and helping to care for those around me when they have needed care, becoming a part of the Home Healthcare field just seemed natural. In 2007 my need to do something with my life that I could relate to, while also giving back to those around me, led me to enter into this field.
When people ask what exactly it is that we "do", I smile and think...what don't we do? Our family at Home Helpers provides Home Care and assistance to Seniors, New/Expecting Moms and Families and Working Parents, and those requiring recuperative or continuing care due to illness, injury or special need. From companion care, to errands, to doctor's appointments and transportation services, to providing assistance with all personal care needs and activities of daily living (ADL's), or simply providing a hand to hold, there is very little we don't do.
Being that I have been in the shoes of my patients, past, present, and future, I understand how nerve-wracking the care process can be, especially when it comes to allowing a stranger to come into their homes and the homes of their loved ones. When bringing Caregivers into our family, they have to be individuals that I would not only trust to take care of my loved ones, but also, are people that I would want caring for me.
It is my goal to not only make the care process easier for our families, but also, to serve as a resource to our clients, past, present and future, as well as my community. Whether it is answering questions, giving advice, or just being that support that is needed and so often lacking during trying times...we are here.
Whether you are looking for care today, or just need information and guidance on the care process...give us a call today!
All my Best,
"Dare to reach out your hand into the darkness to pull another hand into the light."[Norman B. Rice]