My father, who is in his 70's and frail, moved to be near my brother so he could see his grandkids and be taken care of by my brother and his family who are very well off in money and time. My father then asked me to move to be near them. I did about 3 months ago at significant expense. When I arrived, my brother asked if I would assume the finances for a partcular service provider for my father that my brother has been paying. I said at the time I would look into it and if I could afford it I would. I looked into to the service provider but it was too much a stretch for me financialy. I told my brother, who apparently has no trouble paying it himself, that I would get back to him on it in a few months.
I have been visiting my father every other day and typically bring him takeout food and do chores around his place. Recently my brother says cheerfully "Hey, I went to (service provider) and they would like to sit down with you, explain everything and sign the contract this week." I was kind of stunned. I already contacted the service provider and I know all about it, the cost and my brother knows that I did this already. It feels to me like he's trying to control me into signing a contract for the services for his benefit (so he no longer has to pay), not for my father's. I don't like my brother's tactics. He should've just asked me if it's now something I can do. He told me this at a family event and I told him that I would get back to him. Now I feel like telling him off. Am I right about my brother?
Or might it be that brother simply wants your input into what exactly the care contact entails? That’d be including you, right?
Honestly, if this is how you two communicate -- with you asking perfect strangers whether you're "right" about your brother -- then the two of you are going to have a very unhappy few years taking care of Dad. Someone needs to be captain of this ship, and since your brother's been doing it for a long time already, I suggest you follow his lead.
My brother wants me to sign a contract and pay the entire amount! As I noted below unknown to me he told me he made tenative plans with the service provider for me to actually go to the office and sign a contract. He wanted me to agree to go right then and there!
My brother wants control, not only of how my father will be taken care of; he wants control on what my duties will be and what I will contribute financially. That's clear.
The reason I asked perfect strangers is that right now friends that I could ask are going through personal, health and family issues far worse and it wouldn't be right for me to bring up my problems, which are trival to what they are dealing with. Plus this IS the forum to get the right kind of advice of this partcular matter.
Good luck!
But thank you again for confirming what I felt - that my brother should have come to me first before telling the service provider that he would get me (or try to get me) to come to the office to sign a contract.
Last but not least, thank you for recommending the high road. I would love to cooperate for the best of my father and for my family but this incident, and some others, tell me that our values as adults are vastly different.
if the answe is no, then tell brother you have no objection but just can’t pay for it.