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Marilyn; I'm so sorry that the NP doesn't think that meds will help.  {{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}
Helpful Answer (3)
Marylin Feb 2019
Thanks so much. The compassion everyone exhibits here is a great comfort to me.
Dear Marilyn, this is a suggestion to consider that might save your own situation but not make you feel you have abandoned your mother. See her once a month, like you did before. There is a good chance that you will have calmed down from the last lot of problems, and that she will have forgotten them. And follow all the advice about phone calls etc.
Helpful Answer (5)
Marylin Jan 2019
Thank you. A great idea!
Fortunately in the care for my friend, Beth, for whom I was her POA for health and finances, her behavior was never an issue for me. She would not let staff clean her up after she soiled herself in her memory care apartment. The head nurse there told me I should take her to a geri-psych ward at a hospital to find an anti-psychotic drug that would calm her down without doping her up. It took three calls to three different hospitals before I found an opening and brought her and her husband there. I was wondering how we would get them separated because as soon as Beth wasn't with her husband, she was looking for him. When it was time for her to be admitted, a whole group of staff members came into the waiting room and started talking with Beth, distracting her, so the husband and I could slip out. It then took 3 1/2 weeks to find the right medication and right dosage that worked for Beth. From then on she was agreeable and compliant until she passed away and never doped up. I had never heard of such medications or wards before, so it was the staff nurse that was helping me understand what was happening to her. I relied on her great advice to get me through this. Her husband continues to live in the same memory care apartment I had found for them. He is quite sane, but can't remember things. He is mostly agreeable, sees a doctor there once a month to check his blood pressure, etc. and the staff pays attention to his needs. I can't think of what more I would want. And they explained that after 18 months of regular payment, if we ran out of money, they would accept whatever public financing is available, so he never has to leave. They provide the care until they die, with hospice helping at the end. We are way past the 18 months, so I don't have to worry about moving my friend. And we have at least another 12 months of money before we get to the point of applying for his veteran's benefits. He should be down to his last $100,000 before we start the process, I was told. So--the geri-psych ward and anti-psychotic meds might be an answer for you. Good luck on all your efforts. I admire your patience, love and fortitude. These are "tests" for us where a loving heart and great faith can help us along. My friend still misses his wife of 47 years, but we both understand it is only a matter of time before they are together again forever. She's in a much better place now, so wishing her back is not a good thing. And, we can pray for her soul to be moving closer to God, so there is something we can do for our passed loved one. This couple and I have been friends for 40 some years and their having no children or close relatives, I was the one they turned to when her frontal temporal dementia got worse and his memory issues prevented him from grasping what was happening or that anything was happening at all. I am so grateful for the guidance I have been given in taking this on. It seems like the "plan" to have me do this had been in the works for a long time. And with this has come all the answers I have needed to guide me. My prayers are filled with much feelings of thankfulness. I hope you have such support, too!
Helpful Answer (9)
Marylin Jan 2019
Wow, my tears almost didn't allow me to finish your story. Your heart & soul must be full knowing you were/are using your God-given talents to help them finish their time on Earth. I'll pray for you as you continue as caregiver to your friend.
Thanks so much.
Marilyn, contact your local office of aging in your county. They can give you some advice about social workers and attorneys who can assist you. They can suggest AL facilities that are affordable. Ask to meet with a counselor with their office to guide you toward some peace in your life. Good luck.
Helpful Answer (3)
Marylin Jan 2019
Office of Aging?
I will look.
First know that rising to the occasion and putting on her best act when others go to visit is very normal. Many of us do this in fact whether we realize it or not, I know I spruce up myself and the house more when I'm expecting company, it's the people we feel most comfortable with and are closest to that we let our hair down with are "real" with. Your mom along with many elders differences are just far more extreme, I'm not convinced it's any more conscious for them than it is for us. She isn't deciding to be horrible and mean to you on purpose and nice as pie to them, well not exactly...she is behaving normally (for her at this time) with you and putting on the same airs or show for visitors she doesn't see often the way she would have 50 years ago when you were growing up, yes on purpose because she wants them to see her at her best and maybe even be sure they see she is just fine but it's all part of that same process. It's like going to a job interview, we are on our best behavior. If those cousins really are concerned or questioning great they can help you out, maybe you are too close to things and overly cautious (we know this isn't true) and it would be so helpful to you if someone else could step in be a bit more involved on a regular basis, this means going to see her more regularly and maybe at medication time for instance. Of course it may also just be that they think they are being supportive and encouraging with no real idea how it sounds to you and affects you or supports your mothers abuse.

Still while you should try to remember that she is hardest on you the fact is even if she isn't aware of it or doing it on purpose and it is mainly a function of her disease there is no reason for you to put yourself in a position to be treated that way on a regular basis. There is also only so much you can do to get her to take medications or treat her care attendants properly. As long as you have made sure everything is being checked (UTI or cognitive issues that can be treated to some degree) and she isn't in pain for some reason and you keep in touch with her caregivers making sure things are taken care of behind the scenes there is no reason you should fault yourself or any one else should fault you for staying away. She may or may not mean what she says when telling you to stay away but obviously at least at the moment having you around physically isn't doing either of you any good, just rallying her up and making you miserable so stay away. Visit once a week if you want to, if you choose to but she is in a facility so that she will be safe and has people looking after her, you are already doing your part by arranging that, you are caring for her as best you can. If she get's herself thrown out of that facility or moved into another section (not sure what their set up is) it will only be because that's what she needs not because you did anything wrong or didn't do something. If (and probably when) that happens don't bend over backwards trying to make things better, my guess is it could be hard getting her placed based on her behavior and it doesn't all have to be your problem. Depending on the contract with this facility you may even be able to force their hand a bit in finding a placement for her and the truth is it's probably better a move to some place that is more prepared to care for patients with your mothers emotional tendencies now while she can still private pay (more and better options I think) so she is settled in when her money runs out and you have to file for Medicaid, make sure wherever she goes next will convert to Medicaid when she needs it. This also gives you the chance to go through the application process ahead of time, at the right time and not under the gun like so many do.

Stop exposing yourself to her abuse so much, pull back physically while maintaining close contact with her care givers, maybe a respite will reset the way she treats you, maybe it's a stage, maybe not but you care for you 2
Helpful Answer (6)
MargaretMcKen Jan 2019
Yes we all do it. I remember my teenage daughter saying 'Mum, the visitors are coming for dinner, not to have a bath!'. I did feel I should clean the bath, though.
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She is presenting "showtiming" for others. But sadly, oftentimes the elder will be pugnacious to their loved ones. Suggest a visit to her neurologist. I had people say to me "your mother looks fine." Unfortunately, my mother was showtiming and was far from fine.
Helpful Answer (4)
Marylin Jan 2019
This is true of my mom.....never shows anyone that she needs help. Independent to a fault.
Just stop going. She won’t change even if the NP thinks she will. Why? Because she isnt rational in her decision making. So staying away will not "teach her a lesson". Anyone who mentioned that doesn’t understand dementia... you really do not owe a person who treats you like that anything.... regardless of who they are.
Helpful Answer (5)
Isthisrealyreal Jan 2019
This is lifelong behaviours.

You are right, but if the dementia is not far advanced, they can get it. Probably won't change anything but they can understand and modulate their treatment, I experienced it 1st hand with my dad.
Marylin: Oh, do I know "the independent to a fault" mindset! My mother was ever the actress, "showtiming" to those friends who deemed "nothing is wrong with your mother." Come again?! Not so much.
Helpful Answer (4)
Marylin Feb 2019
Thank you. It helps to know it has happened in others' lives. Sad, too.
My mom went through a period where she was verbally abusive to me. She'd threaten me, threaten to hit me, throw me out of the house and complain to my brother about me. While she was in the nursing home she was hateful and rude to staff and they put her on seraquel. She still gets mad about stuff sometimes but not like she was before.
Helpful Answer (5)
Marylin Feb 2019
Thx Teresa.
Right now, mom refuses any more depression meds than her low dosage of Xanax. She is still aware of every pill they give her & knows she has the right to refuse.
NAELA - National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys

NELF - National Elder Law Foundation

CELA - Certified Elder Law Attorney

I just saw your question about the terms for elder law attorneys.

NELF is the website I would look for an attorney, they are certified attorneys and have special education and educational requirements to have the certification.

It was started by NAELA Board members as a way to get attorneys specialized and certified. I think they all have the same goal, attorneys that understand and can execute the special needs of seniors and people with special needs. Some go the extra step to become certified, some don't. I personally figure if I have to use a specialist, might as well use one that has done all they can to be the best. (Just my personality) can give you a list of attorneys in your state that have this certification. (NAELA gives you elder law attorney lists as well, I don't believe they are the CELA, maybe.) I am sure someone will chime in to clarify)

My husband and I used one of these CELA attorneys and I found their prices to be quite modest in comparison to other estate attorneys. Legal fees are very much based on the area, what is cheap to one is a fortune to another.

If I just added to your questions I do apologize, I hope I helped though.

How is your respite doing? Is mom burning up the phone line? Are you and hubs enjoying each other with out mom spoiling your time?
Helpful Answer (6)
Marylin Feb 2019
Thx again!
I have so much research to do.
Praying I find someone affordable.
Seems I spent so much time/energy getting "stuff" of hers in line to make this mom job easier on the business/financial side to have to bow out because of her personality. But, if it can settle some of the dust, it'll be worth it.
For now, I'm thinking of me, getting nails/toes did, and bought books recommended by DesertGrl53. Thank you for being so helpful and kind. You are a Godsend!
My god, girl.....your mother sounds like a mean monster. And from what I read above, she was like this for most of her life. So here is my question. Why on earth are YOU concerned about HER if her behavior is so obnoxious and ugly and how she treats you. Once someone acts like that, and I don't care if it is God or the devil, that is it.....I WALK AWAY AND NEVER LOOK BACK. You don't owe someone like this anything at all. It seems you have done your part to help in the past. Now let the professionals handle he. You are not going to change her or make her better - she will only get worse. GET AWAY FROM HER BEFORE SHE DESTROYS Y O U. YOU DO N O T DESERVE THAT.
Helpful Answer (6)
Marylin Feb 2019
Thank you, Riley.
I had a mean mthr who abused me & my dogs when I was growing up. Once hubby and I consented to the docs trying antidepressants and other wonderful psych drugs on her when we moved her to memory care, she became a nicer person. It did not take much to make her nicer- but not visiting but every few months helped tremendously.

Please report the next suicide threat as a serious possibility which will get her admitted for 3 days on an involuntary psych hold (and then more to come). If anyone sees her raging at you when she sees the EMTs arrive, they will know there's something seriously wrong. The MDs will find something to make her happier. Mthr was so much better when she was not fighting the world.

The psych diagnosis may help her be proven incompetent, too. You don't have to find an atty to take over if she's incompetent: you can talk to social workers at adult protective services or office of aging and find out about public guardians. They take a fee and report the finances to the court and do what's needed. You are the daughter w no responsibility and no ability to do anything to "help."
Helpful Answer (3)
Marylin Feb 2019
AL had a nurse visit her a few times.
They didn't tell me about her or the results, but they obviously had the conversation with my mom about why she says, "I just need to put a gun to my head". Apparently, they don't think she is a threat to herself. They feel she's striking back when things do not go her way. She thought I was responsible for her visits & became very anger at me.

At this time, she is resentful that her family put her in AL. She cannot reason so it's futile to try to explain why. Staying away but dropping off her requested items & taking her to scheduled appointments is all I can do. Hopefully, she will go to her cardio appointment next month. If she refuses & her meds cannot be filled, this will be her choice.

In the future, I see a psych evaluation. Maybe, someday she'll agree to take meds to help herself.

Thank you!
Since your mother is in assisted living her basic needs are being provided so I should think you could resign POA, but you might want to consult a lawyer to avoid any possible charges of abuse/neglect and to follow correct procedure. If she is competent she chooses her POA - your father's preferences do not control this. So if she wants to see a lawyer, by all means let her. If incompetent, Adult Protective Services can step in and get a state guardian. Either way, you cannot be forced to be hands-on responsible.  You can resign, block your phone, get new unlisted number etc. If she refuses to follow medical advice, then unless she is declared incompetent, she can make these bad choices. Don't blame yourself.  Sound like she has had personality problems for a long time and you cannot fix that.
Helpful Answer (6)
Marylin Feb 2019
Thank you!
I sound like a broken record. I get the feeling this woman was always abusive, controlling, manipulative, nasty and offensive. I don't care if she is God or the devil. If this is how she was and is, she is slowly destroying you with guilt and heartache and problems. WHY ON EARTH ARE YOU ALLOWING THIS? YOU ARE WORTH SO MUCH MORE THAN YOU REALIZE. Do NOT allow her to treat you this way. If you have memories of good times and better days, think on those NOT allow yourself to be subjected to torment by her. Start thinking of YOU and what is best for YOU. Walk away. Let the professionals handle her - they are getting paid to do that. Don't let her destroy you. Find new outlets and take part in them and be happy - AWAY FROM SUCH A MISERABLE PERSON. You do not deserve to be tossed into the trash. No one, no matter who they are, has the right to be abusive and mean and horrible to those around them. If it can't be stopped, get away from them - now.
Helpful Answer (3)

I just thought of something else I did not say before. I know for a fact, because it happened to me when I became disabled and could not walk, it is not pleasant to be in a health care facility be it assisted living or nursing home. Some people do adjust very well but for those who have always been very capable, intelligent and independent, it can be horrible. And the sad fact is that in many cases it is very true (although no one is supposed to believe the residents) that there is insufficient help, needs are not always tended to, the food is awful, and the list goes on. Face it - residents are at the mercy of the staff and of the rules and regulations of the facility - not always the nicest or the best. So she may have some valid points which the outsider will truly never fully understand or know about. Given that fact, accept the fact that this is often the way it is and there is nothing that can be done about it. However, if she personally is and has been abusive and is making your life miserable, you can do something about it. REMOVE YOURSELF FROM HER AT ONCE AND START TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF AND DOING THINGS THAT MAKE YOU HAPPY. Some people have very negative behaviors and personalities and there is absolutely no reason on this earth, regardless of who they are, that would justify you being involved with them and letting them destroy you. Walk away. Make sure her affairs on in order to the best degree you can. Seek help from an attorney and other appropriate people but stay away from this toxic person. She will poison you and you do not deserve that.
Helpful Answer (4)
Marylin Feb 2019
Thank you.
I appreciate your time, experience, and your genuine concern.
Last night at 10, she called me because the AL attendant couldn't give her Xanax because nurse had written discontinued for it (by mistake). She was livid, falling apart, & finding fault. Her goal is to get out & live on her own. Impossible. Dr says no way. By the way, she's been wanting to go off Xanax anyway so one night until nurse is back Monday.
I let AL nurse explain it to her & have not called her back. That's a refreshing milestone for me! I'm getting there eventually.
Thanks again!
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Marylin: You're welcome.
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