Mom is in a Rehab / LTC facility. She tested positive for coronavirus, not once, but twice, over a 3-week period. Is currently quarantined. She is almost 90 years old, and has a history of serious stroke, pacemaker, hypertension and pneumonia. Chest x-rays are clear. I'm so grateful she is asymptomatic.
Could there be two false positives, or is she very lucky?
Does anybody else have an elderly loved one with similar conditions that tested positive, never developed symptoms, and completely got over the coronavirus?
It is almost a mystery, yes!
There are some bloggers who have tested positive for over 60+ days! The doctors did, at first say he was 'shedding' the virus.
Then, found it to be a false positive due to a pre-existing chronic illness, called Guilliane-Barre. His wife never got the virus.
So yes, there have been false positives. This man is alive and well.
One cannot have pneumonia AND a clear chest x-ray. So if your Mom has a clear chest x-ray, that is a very good sign.
Later, there are blood tests available to discover if she has an immunity to Covid. Or, you can get an independent test done by sending it to a CDC lab.
Once she is out of quarantine, will that look much different except that you can visit her? I mean to say, does she get out of her room much when not quarantined?
Hoping she will soon be okay from Covid worries.
When Mom is out of quarantine (hopefully soon!) I still won't be able to give her a long-overdue hug, as the nursing home will be locked to visitors. She's paralyzed on her right side, but will be able to get out of her room in a wheelchair if someone helps her. I'm sure that will do quite a bit to lift her spirits. Thank you for your wishes and reply.
She had recovered by the end of March, and has tested positive ever since. She is considered completely recovered, and is just as feisty as before she was sick.
Not exactly like your mom, but hopefully the same good outcome.
The physician who sees her in her AL says she is “shedding” the virus.